Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1789: The dark hall is here!

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine chapters are here!

Originally, Mu Wei and other ten secret guards were also counting on Yunmeng to rescue them. After all, Awakening and the others had a low level of self-cultivation. They were captured because of the many cards and the help of spell master Li Yixiao.

Although Li Yixiao's "Prosperity Rune" is powerful, it is a one-time consumable. When it is consumed, Suwa and others are equivalent to tigers with their claws removed, not to be afraid.

Unexpectedly, another beast master Xiao Du appeared.

Moreover, the monster beasts controlled by Xiao Du are too powerful. There are not only two prehistoric alien species, dragon tiger beast, black bat beast, and more than a thousand other beasts, more than half of them have the cultivation of the gods.

This force is terrifying.

As a result, Mu Wei and other secret guards lost confidence in Yunmeng.

This is not to say that Xiao Du alone can be an enemy of the Yun League, but that the Yun League will not come out at all.

In addition, this is an unknown place in the Diyou Riverbed. This large lake isolates the penetration of souls and is an excellent place to hide and ambush.

Before, those monsters were hidden under the big lake, and everyone didn't feel it at all.

It can be said that awakening a group of people has already occupied the best place.

"Senior Brother Xiao, are there no other monsters in this area of ​​water?" Su Xing asked.

"I have driven away." Xiao Du nodded.

"Well, you take the other people to hide, and we are here to greet Yunmeng." Awakening's gaze was like a knife, as if refracting faint light.

"Wake up, are you doing this to immortalize with Yunmeng?" Mu Wei said sternly.

"From the moment you assassinated me, it has been an endless situation."

Su Xing coldly stared at Mu Wei and the others, and said: "I think what you should consider is whether the secrets you know about Yunmeng can change your life."

Mu Wei's expression changed, he felt a strong killing intent from his awakened body.

He originally thought that Su Xing was very jealous of Yun Meng in his heart and would not kill them, but at this moment, he obviously thought too much, and Sudden had no scruples at all.

In this case, their lives are not guaranteed.

Now that they wake up and don't kill them, it is because they don't want to prematurely attack the snakes. When the Yunmeng brigade arrives and the killing begins, these ten guards will not be far away.

Soon, everyone disappeared in the big lake.

Among them, Li Yixiao was busy, portraying spells, after all, he was about to collide with Yunmeng. One more hole card would give one more guarantee.

In the void, wake up and stand silently.

While waiting, adjust your own state.

Although it has gone through some layout this time, how effective it can be depends on the battle that follows.

Time slowly passed, and the awakening breath became more and more calm.

But this calm is more like a sign of an impending storm.

At a certain moment, his eyes slowly opened.

In front of the cliff, black shadows descended in an orderly manner, like an army of ghosts coming to claim their lives, exuding an unusually cold breath.

The two are headed by them, both wearing dark red masks with the words "left and right" engraved on them.

They are the two deputy directors of the dark hall.

The sub-master of the dark hall is separated from the left and right, the left is the left sub-master, and the right is the right sub-master.

Behind the left and right deputy hall masters are elite guards with the serial number nine, and then hundreds of ordinary guards, but even ordinary guards are good at assassinations.

"It seems that those people on the 9th have been in your ambush." ​​The deputy hall master left, his voice hoarse, and after a disguise, he saw that he was awakening and waiting here, and he knew that things were going to the worst that Wu Bin expected. One side has developed.

Otherwise, Awakening can't have time to wait here.

"Now it's your turn." Awakening cannot be denied. Since he is waiting here, he is not afraid that the other party will find an ambush, because Xiao Du's card was unknown before that.

"My dark hall is exhausted this time, do you want to kill our dark hall?" the right deputy hall master said, even if his voice is disguised, he can still hear the thick irony.

The dark hall came out of the nest this time, so where would you care about ambush?

Under the crush of absolute power, any conspiracy and tricks will be vulnerable.

"Wu Bing's caution, but gave me a big gift in disguise. He thought it would hurt the dark hall at most, but I didn't expect to catch it all in one go." Su Xing said flatly.

"Aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue when you say such big things?" The left deputy hall master gave a cold smile.

"Try it, don't you know?" Su Xing's mouth twitched, and the figure continued to fall and landed on the lake. This look was like telling everyone in the dark hall that there was an ambush in the big lake.

In fact, this place is empty, and the Great Lake is the only and best place to ambush. I can’t hide it at all, so I don’t bother to hide it when I wake up.

What is desperate for now is the strength of both sides.

The advantage of Awakening is that Antang doesn't know how strong he can mobilize.

"Then let you see, why the dark hall can make people feel scared." The left deputy hall master sneered, and the next moment, a black flag appeared in the hands of him and the right deputy hall master.

On the two black flags, there were countless complicated formation patterns, and with the divine power injected into them, countless rays of light flew out, covering the world in an instant.

At the next moment, everyone in the dark hall disappeared.


The roar of terror suddenly appeared.

Afterwards, the figures of many dark guards descended from the sky and awakened.

Murders in secret halls always pay attention to efficiency, so as soon as they shoot, they will directly kill them. There is no sense of temptation at all.

However, facing the countless dark guards who landed, he awakened indifferently.

Just when the dark guards were about to reach him, a huge spell suddenly rose from the big lake, carrying a terrifying pressure, and hit the dark guards.

It is Li Yixiao's "Prosperity Rune".

In just one face, more than a dozen guards were knocked out.


"Kill me!"

The left deputy hall master gave a cold cry, and a quaint large cauldron emerged between his hands, suppressing the literary rune below.


In the throbbing sound, the Linzi magic rune was actually destroyed, but the quaint large cauldron was also beaten and flew out, and the halo on the surface was much dimmed.

"What kind of talisman is this, it can actually burst out the power of the seventh-order of the heavenly gods." The voice of the left deputy hall master showed a touch of shock. It is obvious that the power of the word rune exploded far beyond his estimation. .

"Wake up, is this your trump card? But even the power of the seventh-order Heavenly God Realm can't stop us. Besides, the spells are mostly one-time consumables. Presumably Li Yixiao can't describe a few words, right?"

The right deputy hall master sneered, he actually guessed that the Linzi magic rune came from Li Yixiao.

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