Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1786: Please enter the urn!

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-six chapters, please enter the urn!


A behemoth was awakened and dragged out of the river.

It resembles an octopus, has a body like a mountain, has hundreds of tentacles, and dances frantically, like countless sharp blades, piercing the void, killing and awakening, trying to stab him into a hornet's nest.

"Are you looking for death?" Awakened without being frightened, raised his hand and pointed to kill, endless sword energy whizzed out from his fingertips along his arm, turning into a huge sword energy storm, drowning the monster beast that looked like an octopus .

The sad screams echoed in the dark and wide underground space.

After a while, the surroundings fell silent.

Ahead, the monster beast that resembles an octopus floats on the river, like a small mountain, its body is riddled with holes, blood and flesh, and breathless, already dead.

The smell of blood diffused, disgusting.

Su Xing frowned and swept downstream.

His speed is swift, and his body trajectory is elusive.

On the shore, the four shadows were chasing after them, but they were very hidden, and their body skills were quite superb, like a ghost walking in the dark.

Along the way, Awakening showed a strong combat power.

Walking on the river, he was repeatedly attacked by dark monsters in the river, but without exception, he was beheaded with a single sword.

The situation is too crushing.

The strength of the two sides is completely unequal.

This made the four shadows on the shore never found a chance to shoot, but they were like extremely patient hunters, without showing the slightest anxiety.

The river water turned scarlet.

More and more dark monsters were killed by awakening.


There is a cliff in the lower reaches of the river.

When the dark river water arrived here, it swooped down like a wild horse, forming a huge and boundless waterfall, like a black curtain covering the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

And under the cliff, there is the darkness where you can't see your fingers, and that is an unknown place.

The so-called unknown place is a place where the gods' footprints are rarely seen. Almost everything there is unknown, a blank, and no one knows how much danger it is full of.

Therefore, very few people dare to set foot in unknown places, too risky.

The legend about the hidden treasure in the Diyou Riverbed is in an unknown place, but since ancient times, no one has actually found the so-called treasure.

At this time, a group of people were hidden in a cave by the cliff, including Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, Beixuan, Gongsun Qi, as well as the Golden Bull and the Jade Phoenix Chicken.

As for Xiao Du, the missing figure did not know where he went.

"Brother Xiaoxiao, the boss will be fine, right?" Bei Xuan asked quite nervously.

"What can he do? If you don't believe me, ask Ding Xi." Li Yi smiled and stared at the front, with excitement and anticipation hidden in his eyes.

"..." Ding Xi twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said with a black face: "Don't worry! That guy is black this time, and I still have bone pain."

"Little Ding! The organization remembers the contributions you made to the organization." Yuhuangji said with a serious expression on his face.

"Shut up." A row of black lines appeared on Ding Xi's forehead, resisting the urge to pluck out the old-fashioned Yuhuang chicken.

Seeing Murong Yan's face, bear it!

"Don't you worry, isn't that Yunmeng fooled?" Golden Bull asked.

"It shouldn't be it? Wake up this time to make trouble so cruel, I can't bear it if I am Yunmeng!" Li Yixiao said with lack of confidence.

"If Yunmeng doesn't come, I'll be beaten in vain..." Ding Xi opened his mouth, and his face kept shaking. He still wanted to take the Yunmeng's anger.

"Come here! Old Ding, you will abuse yourself later." Li Yixiao's eyes suddenly lit up, and Ding Xi also looked excited when he heard the words. Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi were both rubbing shoulders. Look like.

Everyone stood at the entrance of the cave and watched. On the river surface, they woke up and walked on the waves, with a look of arrogance, and said loudly: "What a **** dark monster, but that's it."


Everyone was speechless.

Is this acting addicted?

Suddenly, he woke up in a rush and reached the edge of the cliff in an instant. When he looked back, he saw four black shadows walking out from the shore.

It is the four dark guards headed by the nine.

They have been looking for an assassination opportunity to wake up, but they have never found it.

Awakening seemed unintentionally, avoiding all murderous opportunities.

But now, Xiajian is an unknown place, and the four of No. 9 don't want to go further, they want to beheaded before they wake up and enter the unknown place.

"Are you finally willing to show up?" Su Xing said calmly.

"I know that you have discovered us, but this time, luck can't help you, because we will see you in ashes." said No.9.

"It seems that it was the four of you last time."

Wake up nodded, he could detect No. 9 and their stalking, but he was not sure whether the No. 9 four were the ones who attacked him last time in the Valley of Flowing Light. After all, the secret guards hide their identity very closely.

However, listening to the tone of No. 9 is already confirmed.

"You don't need to talk nonsense with him, just kill, provoke the Yunmeng, and die." The fifth man said.

"Let's do it!" No. 9 nodded. When the guards killed people, he always didn't like to talk too much, because the awakening escaped last time and the circumstances were special, he said a few more words.


The power of the gods and souls gushes out of the fifth, fourth, and seventh elders.

All three of them are soul cultivators, one by one the soul chain flew out, ecstatic, weird and domineering.

"Since you are so anxious, let's do it!" Su Xing's face was still calm, and as his words fell, the river, the two banks, the cliffs, etc., then emitted a bright and dazzling golden color.

Afterwards, Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, Beixuan, Gongsun Qi, Golden Bull, and Jade Phoenix Chicken all walked out of the cave. Everyone had a smile that was not a smile.

"be cheated!"


The four of No. 9 suddenly realized something was wrong and wanted to fly away.

However, those golden brilliance quickly evolved into a series of spells, carrying a terrifying coercion, and suddenly blasted down. With a bang, the four people, including the nine, all fell down. , Coughing up blood one by one.


"There is a spellmaster hidden among them!"

No. 9's face was pale, and the fourth, fifth, and seventh were also panicked.

If you fight alone, the spellmaster is not terrible, but if you give a spellmaster enough time to prepare, it will become extremely scary.

The spell formed by communicating the mighty power of heaven and earth is enough to cross the realm and kill the strong.

And now, it is undoubtedly the worst situation.

Li Yixiao walked out slowly, bathed in golden brilliance, looked extremely sacred and extraordinary, with a faint smile on his face, giving a person the style of a peerless powerhouse.

He is a great spellmaster!

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