Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1779: Meet the old enemies!

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine chapters meet the old enemy!

After Yunmeng released its two Blue Silver Demon Hunting Orders for free, the awakened Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order was equivalent to being abolished.

This move directly cut off the waking up fortune, very thoroughly.

After all, Taoists have free Blue Silver Demon Hunting Tokens available, so naturally they will not spend their magic points to borrow the awakened Blue Silver Demon Hunting Tokens.

But in this way, the two Blue Silver Demon Hunting Tokens of the Yunmeng could not earn them divine power.

This is a lose-lose move.

However, Yunmeng is rich in wealth, and the way to earn magic points is not limited to the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order, and it is obvious that it can bear this loss.

If you want to change the current situation, you must upgrade the Blue Silver Demon Hunter.

If his magic hunting order is upgraded to the Sky Diamond level, then the problem will be solved.

The Sky Diamond Hunting Magic Order can enjoy a 20% discount, which is a full 10% discount than the Blue Silver Hunting Magic Order. Even if they receive a rebate, other Taoists are willing to borrow it.

Because the Sky Diamond Blue Demon Hunting that receives rebates costs less than the free Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order in the Treasure Hall.

But obviously, waking up cannot in a short time, upgrade the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order to Sky Diamond Blue Demon Hunting, so he simply put away the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order, allowing Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi to practice with peace of mind.

Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi's cultivation bases were about to break through.

And the unique cultivation environment of the medicine garden also made the cultivation efficiency of the two people twice the result with half the effort, not to mention that they also received the light of God given by awakening.

Awakening to see Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi's aura floating violently, he knew that they were about to break through.

At this moment, he felt something in his heart, and his figure flashed and left the medicine garden.

Outside the Kunxu Peak, Miao Kerr wore a slim long skirt, drawing the perfect curve vividly and vividly, which made people burst into blood.

The delicate and flawless face, the eyebrows are picturesque, and the red lips are glittering. It makes people want to kiss Fangze. Especially recently, her eyebrows always give people a kind of affectionate taste, and it adds It's kind of charming.

Originally, with Miao Kerr's mind, she couldn't wait to return to Fengwufu Land, but the Queen of Flowers let her stay for a while.

So anxious Miao Kerr, just returned to Fengwufudi, immediately came to Kunxu Peak.


The guarding mountain formation opened, awakened and stepped out.

"Wake up brother!"

When Miao Keer saw her awakening, her heart beat fiercely.

"I'm home!"

Reawakening smiled slightly and invited Miao Keer to enter the Kunxu Peak.

He was not surprised that Miao Kerr came back a few months late. He knew that the Queen Hundred Flowers guarded him, and he knew that the Queen Hundred Flowers would probably keep Miao Kerr.

As a result, I really wanted Miao Keer to accompany him for a few months.

Secondly, it is estimated that it still exists, letting Miao Kerr be separated from herself for a few months, alienating some thoughts.

You know, when I was awake and left, there was a big turmoil, like a couple who had misunderstood. If they were separated for a while, the relationship would be full of uncertainty.

However, Queen Baihua's plan was ultimately useless for awakening.

He doesn't have that kind of charming thoughts about Miao Kerr, and his mind is not so narrow, so he will not misunderstand anything.

"Ker, you take this." Wake up took out the Heavenly Soul Silk and handed it to Miao Kerr.

"Thank you, brother, wake up!" Not only did Miao Ke'er refuse to refuse, but accepted it with a smile of joy. This is completely different from the way Wang Yuan gave her the Celestial Soul Silk.


Su Xing originally thought that Miao Kerr would decline, but also prepared some excuses. This time, it was completely useless.

This is mainly because the heavenly soul silk does have a great effect on the soul cultivation of Miao Kerr. In addition, the gift of the heavenly soul silk at this moment is awakening, and she is her favorite person. This gift is precious. And there is no way to refuse.

"Ker, I am going to visit Elder Nether." Su Xing said.

"Okay! Then let's go!" Miao Kerr nodded happily while playing with the Celestial Soul Silk. She also knew that the Elder Nether had gone to the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers when the bad news came out of her and Wake.

Obviously, waking up wanted to thank the elder Nether for this kind of care.

The two left Kunxu Peak, led by Miao Keer, to the dojo of the Nether Elder, the Nether Sea.

The entrance to the Netherworld is on Mount Dulwich.

Miao Keer is familiar with the road.

After the two passed through the entrance, the scene in front of them changed a lot. It was very similar to the fourth level on the cycle of life and death. Looking at it, the boundless sea could not be turbulent.

In the sea, there are many islands.

"The fourth level on the cycle of life and death is actually what the master did." Miao Keer explained.

"I guessed it." Su Xing nodded, not surprised.

The Nether Sea in front of me is still different from the Nether Sea in the Cycle of Life and Death. The sea is normal, and there is no sinking, and no Nether Sea Beast appears.

Obviously, Elder Nether hadn't activated those methods, otherwise, his direct disciples would have a lot of trouble getting in and out.

"Brother Xing, Master's residence is on the largest island, and my island is in the southeast." The two flew over the nether sea area, and Miao Kerr introduced Su Xing all the way.

At a certain moment, under the two of them, a huge ship appeared, cruising across the seabed.

"It's the ghost ship!" Su Xing's eyes condensed, and the ghost ship on the bottom of the sea also stopped. One person and one ship were facing each other across the sea, and there was a feeling of enemies meeting.

"Brother Xing, the ghost ship is a heavy weapon of the master, what's wrong with you?" Miao Keer felt the tension between Wake and the ghost ship and couldn't help but feel very puzzled.

At this moment, the awakening expression has become solemn. The ghost ship at this time, unlike in the cycle of life and death, is not banned, giving awakening an unfathomable feeling.


The ghost ship burst into light, and a gleam of light rushed out of the sea, sweeping to wake up.

"Ghost Ship, Brother Xing is here to thank Master, don't mess around." Miao Kerr's face turned pale. As a personal disciple of Elder Nether, she knows the power of ghost ships too.

Eliminate the Nether Elder, no one can hold the ghost ship in the entire Nether Sea.

The ghost ship did not pay attention to it, and did not mean to stop at the slightest. At the beginning, its power was suppressed in the cycle of life and death, and it almost suffered a big loss in the hands of awakening. This account was obviously intended to be liquidated.

"Really holding a grudge!" Awakening was also secretly frightened. With his current strength, he was obviously not an opponent of the Ghost Ship.


When that gleam of light was about to be swept to wake up, it was suddenly crushed by a powerful force out of thin air.

Along with a soft shout, the figure of Elder Nether emerged.

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