Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1777: Subtle changes!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters of subtle changes!

Wanliu broken **** hole.

Because the brothers on the stone mountain all wanted to watch the jokes about awakening, everyone temporarily stopped cultivating. That is to say, at this moment in the Ten Thousand Flows Broken God Cave, only awakening is practicing, and only one stone room is closed.

After Xiong Ruthlessly walked in, Tongling's big eyes glanced around, and he quickly found the stone room where he was awakened.

"Look at the specific training situation of Junior Brother Su." Xiong's ruthless face was full of curiosity. He stepped forward, his burly body like a hill, and quickly came to the stone room.

Pushing the big palm of the fan on the stone gate, he slowly pushed it away.

Physical training is different from the retreat on the cultivation base, it is unlikely to be disturbed, and the bear's ruthless movements are also very light and cautious.


The heavy stone gate was pushed open.

In the next instant, countless slender and fierce winds, like scourges, swarmed ruthlessly towards the bear, and all penetrated into his body.


The screams of screams resounded through the whole cave.

The bear jumped his feet relentlessly, and his head hit the hard rock in the stone chamber, but he could not feel any pain, because compared with the terrible pain brought by the slender wind, the collision of his head with the rock is really true. It's a piece of cake and can be ignored.

Xiong Wuqing immediately closed Shimen and exited the stone room.

But the pain on his body did not disappear for a while, he screamed and rushed out of the Ten Thousand Flowing Shattered Hole.

Then, Niu Wuguo, Man Khan and others who were guarding outside saw the bear rushing out mercilessly, like a fire behind his ass, still howling in his mouth, "Ah... it hurts me. It's dying!"


Everyone was stunned.

After a while, Xiong's pain was alleviated.

Niu Wuguo stepped forward and complained: "Brother, when did your acting skills have grown so much?

Xiong Ruqing was furious, "Play a fart! I really died of pain."

Niu Wuguo was puzzled, "Brother, now you can support a person who has been able to support a few days at the territorial level of difficulty. With Junior Brother Su's human level of difficulty, can you have such a fierce reaction?"

Others also had unbelieving eyes, they all felt that Xiong was ruthlessly acting, pretending to be painful on purpose.

There was still a pale meaning on Xiong Wuqing's face, he took a deep breath and said: "You don't know how abnormal Junior Brother Su is. What he turned on was not human level difficulty, but... heavenly level difficulty!"

"Heavenly difficulty!"

These four words smashed into everyone's minds like four thunders.

For a while, everyone was dumbfounded.

In Shishan, everyone knows the difficulty of the heavenly level in the Ten Thousand Flows Broken God Cave, and has always been terrified. If it hadn't been for Xiong Ruthlessly to go in to investigate the situation, he would even be affected by the difficulty of the heavenly level. Slender wind, tormented crazy.

Because of this, every one of them was shocked to the extreme when they heard that awakening had turned on the heavenly difficulty.

What's more frightening is that awakening seems to have persisted for a long time in the heavenly difficulty.

"Brother, is it possible? It just so happens that Junior Brother Su opened the Heavenly Difficulty level before you went in." Niu Guo said with no confidence.

"It's not impossible." Xiong Ruqing said with a guilty conscience.

Everyone understands that this possibility is very low.

However, the awakening persisted for a day under heavenly difficulty, and this result was too terrifying. Everyone was unwilling to accept it, and they didn't want to be beaten.

Time goes by day by day.

The fluke thoughts in everyone's hearts have been destroyed over and over again.

In the blink of an eye, he awoke and stayed in the Ten Thousand Flows Broken God Cave for ten days. This feat was almost the pinnacle of the cognition of the Shishan seniors, because they had never seen it before. Who could do it? a little.

In fact, the stone statue that created the Ten Thousand Flowing Broken God Cave had already done this, but no one knew it.

Wanliu Broken God Cave, awake and stepped out, and found that many seniors, such as Xiong Ruqing and Niu Wuguo, were guarding outside one after another. They were a little surprised and said: "Brother, what are you doing here?"


"Hahaha! Look, the moon is very round tonight!"

As Xiong Wuguo finished speaking, he and the others looked up at the sky. The scorching sun seemed particularly dazzling, and everyone almost shed tears.

Naturally, they can't tell Awakening. Waiting here, just want to see how long the Awakening can last. After all, this incident is too shocking!


An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Su Xing's mouth.

Nine days ago, Xiong Ruthlessly opened his stone chamber, and he noticed it. At this moment, seeing everyone staying here again, he understood everyone's thoughts in his heart. Just now, he just asked him on purpose.

"Brother, the difficulty of heaven is not as terrible as imagined. As long as you stick to your heart and move forward to block the first wave of pain, you will gradually adapt to it. You can stay as long as you want." Su Xing said with a smile.

"You kid, deliberately watch us make a fool of yourself." Xiong Wuqing doesn't know how he can wake up and has seen everything through, and then he can tell his own thoughts and experience.

"It's that simple?" In Niu Wuguo's eyes, there was an eagerness to try, and there were many people holding the same idea. Although the difficulty of the sky level was terrible, the fifty times the speed of cultivation was also coveted.

If everyone can adapt to the heavenly difficulty, then everyone on the stone mountain will have a comprehensive improvement in strength.

"We tend to think of simple things too complex, and even fearful, and a sense of fear is generated from the bottom of our hearts."

Su Xing smiled and said, "If you are fearless, things will become very simple."

Niu Wu Guo was thoughtful, and Tong Ling's big bull eyes gradually revealed a sense of determination and madness. He was obviously going to try it.

Xiong Ruqing stepped into the Wanliu Broken God Cave.

Half an hour later, Xiong Ruoqing did not come out. This result made everyone's eyes brighter.

Undoubtedly, Xiong Ruqing entered the Ten Thousand Flows Broken God Cave this time, opening the Heavenly Difficulty, and he hasn't come out yet, it means that he has persisted in Heavenly Difficulty for half an hour.

In the past, Xiong Ruthless could not do this.

Obviously, he was affected by his awakening, his willpower became extremely firm, and he resisted the pain caused by the difficulty of heaven.

Niu stepped forward without fruit, and the second one walked into the Ten Thousand Flows Broken God Cave.

Also half an hour passed, Niu Wuguo did not come out, he also succeeded.

The success of these two people made some people who were hesitating, and those who wanted to try, are already gearing up at this moment.

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