Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1774: Nine bans!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-four chapters are banned again!

"If you want to block the power of the soul, naturally you must integrate your own soul thought into the Forbidden God Realm. If your Forbidden God Realm does not contain the power of the Soul, how can you block the power of others?"

Shi Zun said lightly.

"Do you integrate your own soul power into the Forbidden God Realm?" Su Xing frowned and fell into thinking. This step is simple to say, but it is not an easy task to do.

The biggest resistance was that his Forbidden God Realm was not stable enough, and he relied on the fifth-rank emperor's blood as a medium to display it.

If you can display the Forbidden God Realm without using the fifth-rank emperor's blood, then it will be much easier to integrate the power of the soul.

"In the Forbidden God realm where the three powers are combined, the fifth-rank emperor blood is no longer suitable for use as a medium, but the sixth-rank emperor blood is needed." Shi Zun also explained.

"Rank Six Emperor's Blood!" Su Xing's mouth twitched. Sixth Stage Emperor's Blood is also sold in the Treasure Hall, but the price is many times more expensive, and one drop requires 50,000 points of magic power.

"Physical body, cultivation base, spirit!"

"The combination of these three powers is the three important basic pillars of the Forbidden God Realm. You can imagine them as array eyes. On top of this, there are six kinds of power."

"Every time you control a power, the banning ability in the Forbidden God Realm becomes stronger."

"Therefore, there are nine bans in the Forbidden God Realm."

"However, like us, relying on the emperor's blood as a medium to temporarily construct the Forbidden God Realm, at most it can only incorporate the three powers of the physical body, cultivation base, and soul, and can only achieve the triple banning ability."

"As for the six powers behind, you must truly understand the Forbidden God Realm before you can slowly control them."

Shi Zun whispered.

Awakening knew that the Forbidden God Realm was vast and profound, but he didn't have such a detailed understanding of Shi Zun. This time, he had a clear understanding of the Forbidden God Realm.

Nine powers, nine bans!

Every time you control a power and integrate it into the Forbidden God Realm, you will have an additional banning ability.

"What are the six forces behind?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know." Shi Zun shook his head and saw that he was puzzled. He explained: "There are not a few predecessors who have walked in the Forbidden God Realm, but no one has passed. And the scenery at the end is no one knows."

"For this reason, everyone can only perform. There are six powers behind, but I don't know what they are."

"A pioneer must appear to completely open up the road to see all the scenery on this road."

Shi Zun paused, and then said: "However, the fourth power, but someone has discovered it, it is the will to fight."

"Will to fight?"

Su Xing was startled, he just mastered the power of fighting will.

Thinking about it carefully, the will to fight does not belong to any of the physical body, cultivation base, and soul, and it is indeed equivalent to a brand-new power, which is reasonable.

"It's extremely difficult to wake up and want to be a pioneer, but if you do it, it will be of great benefit to you."

"In addition, this kind of thing has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation, but is closely related to a person's chance, mood, fate, etc., that is to say, things that the ancestors cannot do, you and I may not be able to do it."

There was a touch of seriousness and meaning in Shi Zun's expression.

He was encouraging to wake up, and don't give up his understanding of the Forbidden God Realm, he himself has always been like this, even if he has paid a lot for this matter, has lost a lot, but has never regretted it.

"Disciple, remember!"

Awakening bowed and bowed, he could feel the persistent pursuit of Dao Dao from Shi Zun's body, and he was awed in his heart.


Shi Zun smiled relievedly and waved.

Wake up again and bowed, slowly turned and left.

When I came to the mountainside, I saw Man Khan, Xiong Ruqing, Niu Wuguo and others.

"Junior Brother, are you leaving now? It's better to stay on the stone mountain for a while." Xiong sent out an invitation ruthlessly.

"Yes! Junior brother, although you are an apprentice to the respected master, you can at least be half a stone mountain of us with respect to you by the respected master." Niu Wuguo said in a sigh.

"Then it's better to be respectful, but I'm going to the Treasure Pavilion first." Su Xing smiled.

"I'll go with you." Man Khan immediately happily ran to Wake.

"You two go early and return early. Let's prepare for the dinner." Xiong Ruqing's name sounds cold, but in fact it is very enthusiastic.

Wake and Man Khan responded and left Shishan quickly.

"Little barbarian, Shishan is very good." On the way, Su Xing said with emotion. He likes Shishan very much. Shi Zun and him, although they don't have the name of master and apprentice, they have the truth of master and apprentice.

The brothers of Shishan are also very enthusiastic, simple, without much thought, and get along very well.

"You can call me Aman, or you can call me Khan." Man Khan said with a black face. He thought he was a healthy man since he was a child, and he really responded to the name "Little Man".

"I see, little barbarian."

"Call me Khan!"

"Okay, barbarian!"


Wake up to go to the Treasure Hall, naturally buying the Heavenly Blood Pill.

He planned to refine the Heavenly Blood Divine Pill in the stone mountain and raise his physical strength to the power of nine thousand dragons in one fell swoop.

A Heavenly Blood Pill, worth 50,000 points of magic power, can increase the power of 500 dragons.

Suwaken purchased a total of eight Heavenly Blood Divine Pills, which cost 400,000 points of magic power. In addition, reluctantly purchased two drops of sixth-grade imperial blood, which cost another 100,000 points of magic power.

Once back before the opening of heaven and earth.

Although he still has tens of thousands of points of magic power left on his body, compared with the previous more than 500,000 points, it can only be described as poor and white.

"He, his, his mother, how much power do you have?" Man Khan stammered and his face was red. He witnessed the whole process of waking up and spending, he was envious and jealous, and he was more deeply ashamed.

It has been two years since he started, and the magic power value that can be seen is only 10,000 to 20,000 at most. He can't even afford a Heavenly Blood Pill. How can he be so rich in awakening.

"Now it's tens of thousands." Su Xing shook his head, looking like I was very poor.

"..." Khan Khan's face almost shook to the ground. When you are poor, you will be richer than me. Take a deep breath, Khan Khan said bitterly, "The Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order is really envious. Dead man!"

When Awakening had the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order, after Wu Bin appeared and revealed it, it was no longer a secret, and Man Khan had obviously heard of it.

"By the way, how did you get the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order?" Man Khan asked curiously.

"When crossing Wuxiangjie, I met more than 100,000 demons."

"This is also ok?"

Man Khan widened his eyes and felt that the world was a little messy.

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