Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1763: Wang Yuan is here!

Chapter 1763 Wang Yuan's debut!

The square in the imperial city is invincible.

At this moment, as the palm of awakening was suddenly photographed, the square was violently shaken.

It is hard to imagine what terrible power is contained in his palm.

Below, Wang Long went hunting in clothes, his long hair danced wildly, and he looked up at the rapidly falling palm prints, his eyes were full of shock.

He really didn't expect that Awakening had such a terrifying hole card, which could improve his cultivation so much, causing the situation to reverse in an instant.

Facing that huge palm print, Wang Long felt like his body was about to be torn apart.

He exploded his divine power to the extreme, and even started to use his hole cards, but everything, in front of that huge palmprint, all shattered and destroyed.


Wang Long roared with a terrifying expression on his face.

But no matter how fierce it is, under the crush of absolute power, it will not help.

With the huge palm print completely falling, Wang Long's body was almost photographed into the ground of the square, his body was **** and his breath was extremely weak.

If it hadn't recovered a bit of strength at the last moment of awakening, Wang Long would be beaten to death by this palm!

It's silent!

Countless faces were filled with shocked expressions.

The rolling picture that everyone needed really appeared.

But it was not that Wang Long crushed the awakening, but the awakening crushed Wang Long.

With one move, Wang Long said he wanted to defeat Awakening with one move, but as a result, he himself was defeated by one move and was dying.

People's eyes gathered on the square, where they woke up wearing the armor of the gods' imperial dragon, and the whole body was dazzling, as if every inch of skin was flowing with sunlight, which seemed extremely sacred and extraordinary.

A group of young talents suddenly felt a sense of oppression like suffocation.

If the previous awakening has given them an invincible feeling, then the awakening after putting on the dragon armor of the gods has become more and more unfathomable, like a big mountain, unable to climb, dare not look directly.

"Huh! What a great treasure, it has increased the cultivation level of three realms abruptly." On the second floor, Wang Haitian, the left minister of the city mansion, could not help but snorted coldly at this moment.

Wang Long is his son. He was defeated by a single move when he was awakened. He was dying. As a father, he could no longer maintain calmness. His eyes flashed with cold light. If it were not for the birthday party of the seventh princess at this moment, he would have the identity of Daozi , Wang Haitian might directly kill the awakening.

Soon, a guard came forward and carried Wang Long down to heal his injuries.

Wang Haitian didn't intervene. He had already probed Wang Long's injuries with his mind. If he was treated in time, his life would not be in danger, but it is inevitable that he would not be able to get out of bed for a few months.

"It's indeed a treasure, and the foundation of Fengwu's blessed land is still too broad and profound." Leng Family said.

Whether it is the big figures on the second floor or the many young talents on the first floor, they are all paying attention to the dragon armor of the gods. In the eyes of many people, it is difficult to hide the meaning of fiery greed.

However, those unrealistic ideas can only be thought of.

Few people have dared to **** treasures from Feng Wufu Di Daozi.

"Before in the Valley of Flowing Light, I woke through this kind of **** armor. What's the name of this amazing treasure?" Miao Qinghuan looked at Miao Keer and asked.

"It seems to be called the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor." Miao Keer said.

"Dragon Armor of the Heavenly God? Wouldn't it be useless after reaching the Heavenly God Realm?" Miao Qing said in a happy manner.

"I don't know!" Miao Ke'er shook her head, her eyes fell on Wang Yuan, and the latter also stood up at this time.

Compared with the young talents present, Wang Yuan was much calmer. When Miao Keer rejected the birthday gift, he suffered a brief gaffe, and has been silent a lot since then.

But silence does not mean inaction.

In fact, everyone can tell that Wang Yuan can definitely rank first among the people present in terms of the degree of hatred towards Awakening.

In addition, Wang Yuan is also the Dinghai Shenzhen in the hearts of the young talents present.

He bears the title of the second master of the younger generation of Shendu. In fact, it is no different from the first, because the first ranked Leng Moyou is a Taoist of Fengwufudi and rarely returns to the Baihua Shendu.

Following Wang Long's fiasco, Wang Yuan finally stood up.

Countless eyes gathered on him, and the young talents who had been hit hard had rekindled hope and looked forward to them one by one.

Wang Yuan's face was calm, his steps were steady, and he walked towards the square step by step, seeming not to be angry because of Wang Long's fiasco.

This appearance made the awakening more cautious.

Whether it was due to Miao Keer's factors or Wang Long, Wang Yuan had enough reasons to hate him, but Wang Yuan did not show it. This state of mind is far from comparable to other young talents.

"Can you fight? If you can't, forget it." Wang Yuan stopped a few kilometers away from his awakening, and asked calmly.

"Can fight." Su Xing nodded.

Wang Yuan used a negotiating tone, just like this, he couldn't hold back.

"So, what about the life-and-death battle?" Wang Yuan said again with a calm expression: "This battle is either life or death. Whoever loses, everything belongs to the winner, how about?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

No one would have thought that Wang Yuan would have a life-and-death battle with Su Xing, leaving no way out.

It was Wang Yuan's father, Wang Haitian, whose complexion changed slightly. He knew that his son was deep-minded and looked calm, but he must hate awakening in his heart, but he did not expect that he would fight for life and death.

"Brother Xing, don't agree." Miao Kerr's face turned pale, Wang Yuan was too decisive, and it was beyond her expectations.

If Awakening agrees, then in this kind of fair and regular battle, even if he is killed, Feng Wu Fudi will not hold Wang Yuan accountable.

"Are you sure?" Su Xing stared at Wang Yuan and asked.

"I'm pretty sure, it's up to you." Wang Yuan said flatly.

"That's what you want." Su Xing agreed, then looked at Miao Kerr, and cast a relieved look, but Miao Kerr didn't appreciate it, and was still anxious.

"This guy..." Miao Qinghuan opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Little sister, the rules have already been established, so no one is allowed to interfere." The princess stared at Miao Kerr, warned: "This palace does not allow anyone, which will damage the reputation of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers."

Among the people present at the princess, most hope to see the battle of life and death happen.

After all, Wang Yuan is not her confidant. Even if she is dead, there is no loss to her. If Wang Yuan wins, it will help her get rid of a confidant.

Wang Haitian's eyes were deep, he naturally understood the princess's thoughts, but since the latter had already spoken, he could not go against it, so he had to default.

As for the Leng clan master and the Xuanyin county king, they both seem to hang up high on their own.

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