Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1761: Fighting Fang Ze!

Chapter 1761 fierce battle with Fang Ze!

"Your body is very fast, it is undoubtedly a god-given magic."

"Your explosive power is also extremely strong, but the seemingly simple moves contain extremely amazing power. It is probably also a god-given divine technique, right?"

Fang Ze had been watching the battle before, thinking that he had a clear understanding of the situation of his awakening.

In fact, his eyesight is not bad.

It's just that he is restricted by his vision and doesn't know much about the will to fight, and he can't see that the seemingly simple moves of awakening carry the power of the will to fight. This is so fast and amazing.

"But your power level is still in the realm of true gods!"

"And I already have the power of the Heavenly God Realm. Since you are a Taoist, you should understand the gap here."

Full of confidence, Fang Ze walked into the square step by step.

The formidable cultivation base aura spread, centering on him, violent hurricanes gushing out.

What he is comprehending is the law of the wind system, known as the king of the speed field, which makes him confident and not afraid of waking up to a flexible and elegant body, which can play a role in restraint.

"Wind blows!"

Fang Ze spit out the words lightly, raised his hands high, hunting in his clothes.

The violent hurricane, like a huge wind dragon swallowing the sky and the earth, grew rapidly, and wind blades flew out, killing them to wake up.

The wind blade was extremely fast, piercing through the void, and came to wake up in the blink of an eye. The power contained in it was not weak at all, and it steadily reached the power level of the Heavenly God Realm.

It can be said that just this blow is enough to make the sixteen young talents before them turn their backs, which shows the terrible power.

The awakened figure flickered, relying on the nine changes of the divine cicada, shuttled among the many wind blades, with ease.

Fang Ze was not in a hurry, and continued to arouse the law of the gods, the hurricane began to separate, one divided into two, two divided into four, four transformed into eight, eight transformed into sixteen...

In just a few breaths, thirty-two huge tornado hurricanes emerged on the square, connecting the sky above the sky and the earth below, with a terrifying momentum.

These thirty-two tornado hurricanes did not launch an offensive, they are more like the pillars of the eye, holding this place and covering the awakening and Fang Ze.


Fang Ze stood in mid-air and waved forward with one hand, and there was a wind blade that was a hundred meters long and cut his head towards awakening.

This huge wind blade appeared out of thin air before waking up, and it came very suddenly, even if waking up had the nine changes of the divine cicada, it was dangerous and dangerous to avoid.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that another huge wind blade appeared beside him.


Waking up too lazy to continue to avoid.


He also pointed like a sword, and slammed out towards the huge wind blade.

Endless sword energy burst out from the fingertips, like a sword energy storm, colliding with the huge wind blade fiercely.

Two extremely powerful forces set off a terrifying explosive sound, and the next moment, both of them were annihilated invisible.

This blow is evenly matched!

Fang Ze's pupils suddenly shrank, and exclaimed: "The gods' combat power, unexpectedly, you also have the gods' combat power, it is really hidden deep enough!"

Awakening expression calmly said: "It's not about hiding, it's just that there is no need to make a full shot before."

"The battle power of the gods also differs between high and low." Fang Ze's expression showed a touch of caution, and there was a surging and fierce fighting spirit rising up all over his body.

High risk means high return.

To crush a talented new Daoist with the combat power of the Heavenly God Realm, even if he wins, it is not particularly glorious, but if the new Daoist also has the level of the Heavenly God Realm combat power, then the situation is different. , The gold content will become extremely heavy.

"Storm Wheel!"

Fang Ze raised his hands high above his head, and the powerful cultivation base in his body exploded.

Thirty-two tornado hurricanes were vigorously vigorous and threw out terrifying gales, which turned into a huge gear-shaped array in the sky, making a huge sound of mechanization, and slowly pressing downwards.

There is no wind in this storm wheel, but it contains terrifying energy fluctuations, and the center is like a huge eye pupil, exuding a breathtaking breath.

"Tianpin divine art, plus formation method?"

The divine light in Awakening eyes was shining, and he had already seen Fang Ze's reality, not only a **** cultivator, but also a formation mage, combining the formation technique with the magic arts, and exploded with powerful power.


A dazzling light gleamed in the palm of the awakened palm, and the seal of the mountain slowly appeared.

With the cultivation base reaching the fourth level of the True God Realm, the power of the Seal of the Mountain has also far surpassed before.

Within the quaint imprint, the sacred mountain is majestic, and the statue of the **** standing on the top of the mountain is even more majestic and standing upright.


The opening of the mountain flew up, soaring into the sky, and suddenly collided with the huge storm wheel.

The size of the two is very different.

However, the seemingly small mark of the mountain, it contains the majestic and vast power, the moment it collides with the storm wheel, it makes the storm wheel tremble violently.

Then, visible to the naked eye, the storm healed numerous cracks.

At a certain moment, it collapsed suddenly.

There was a deafening sound.

The energy of the seal of the mountain is also exhausted and disappears invisible.

Also at this moment, the second opening seal in the palm of the awakened palm quickly condensed.

And Fang Ze, even though he was casting the spell with all his strength, the offensive was still in the making, and there was no time to deal with it.

Awakening is already extremely proficient in Kaishan Seal, and has the bonus of fighting will, attacking easily and violently.

On the other hand, Fang Ze's attack was composed of a combination of formation and magic, and it was impossible to be as smooth and freely.

The casting speed of the two is not at the same level at all.


Wake up with a palm blast out.

Fang Ze stopped casting the spell, his body turned into a hurricane, avoiding this fierce blow.

"You lost!"

The awakened indifferent voice sounded.

His body turned into an afterimage, chasing the top of the sky.

With the help of the large array formed by 32 hurricanes, Fang Ze is also extremely fast, almost the same as waking up, but in terms of flexibility, it is far inferior to Shen Cicada's Nine Changes.


Awakening offensive like rain, seemingly simple one-by-one, with the blessing of fighting will, it can always burst out a powerful force, although it is not as good as a mountain seal, it is definitely not to be underestimated.

On the other hand, Fang Ze, when he didn't have time to perform powerful magic spells, his attack was obviously inferior to speed.

More importantly, under this fast-paced onslaught, Fang Ze couldn't adapt at all. There were signs of confusion in his mood, and his flaws were gradually revealed.

Soon after, he awakened and pressed a palm on Fang Ze's chest. With a click, the body guard's divine light was penetrated, and the sound of countless rib fractures sounded one after another.


Fang Ze coughed up blood, his face pale as paper.

When he wanted to turn around and launched an offensive brazenly, he found that his awakened figure had disappeared. The next moment, Fang Ze felt a strong wind behind him, and before he turned around, his body was struck by lightning.


Fang Ze's body fell from mid-air and hit the hard square heavily.

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