Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1759: Crowd!

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine chapters swarmed!

On the second stage, Miao Kerr hesitated to speak.

Miao Qinghuan beside her also used her eyes to tell her not to act rashly.

The rules of speechlessness have been established.

No one can stop it.

"Cousin, shouldn't I bring my brother to Shendu?" Miao Keer sighed.

"Now is not the time to consider these things, and we should choose to believe and wake up." Miao Qinghuan said.

"It's my fault." In Miao Keer's star eyes, a deep self-blame appeared.

"I didn't mean to blame you for waking up." Miao Qinghuan said with relief.

But the more so, the more sad Miao Keer's heart was, but now that she is unable to change anything, this confrontation, like a divine arrow, has been shot out.

"Su Daozi, please stay!"

In the field, when he woke up and was about to return to his seat, a young handsome came out and said, "Qin Si, please Su Daozi for advice."


Wake up and nod.

There is no turning back arrow.

Now that the confrontation has begun, he will not withdraw halfway.


Qin Si's cultivation base broke out, and he was in the same realm as Lu Zhixuan, who was carried by the guards to heal his wounds, at the sixth level of the True God Realm, but Qin Si's combat power was even stronger.

He entered the ranks of the third rank, possessing the ninth rank of the true gods.

Su Wing crushed Lu Zhixuan's record with one foot, demonstrating strong combat power. While the young talents were shocked in their hearts, naturally they did not dare to underestimate him.

In this case, Qin Si still dared to play, naturally he had some confidence.


A pair of jet black wings stretched out from behind Qin Si.

The horizontal stretch is a hundred meters wide, like black iron pouring, and under the refraction of the sun, it shines with a cold light.

This is not a wing created by magical magic, but an entity.

Qin Si seems to be a human race, but the blood of the feather eagle race is also flowing in his body. Strictly speaking, half human and half beast belong to a mixed race.

The most amazing thing about awakening and defeating Lu Zhixuan is his speed.

Qin Si is a hybrid of feathered eagle clan, possesses a pair of feathered eagle wings, and is also very good at speed.

"Su Daozi, my pair of feathered eagle wings also don't have eyes. If you cut off your hands and feet, you have to forgive me!" Qin Si's eyes flashed with icy cold light, with traces of hideousness. .

"I'm afraid your wings are not strong enough, but I will break it." Su Xing replied coldly.

"Hahaha... do you think it's possible?"

Qin Si laughed, his body turned into a black afterimage, and rushed to wake up first.

His speed is indeed extremely fast, and after removing the speed, the pair of feathered eagle wings is also an extremely sharp weapon for attacking and killing. Numerous feathers fly and rotate, tearing the space and piercing the golden cracked stone.

This is the most terrifying means of attack by the Feather Eagle tribe.

The flying feathers are invincible, rubbing a series of sparks on the hard ground of the square.

This kind of offensive is more intensive than strong winds and showers.

Ordinary people can't resist it at all, because even if you block a piece of Lingyu, other Lingyu will soon be siege and besieged.

However, the awakening expression was as calm as water, and when the countless feathers were besieging and killing, he simply and directly shot out.

As this punch blasted out, there was a majestic ocean-like divine power surging crazily, layered on top of each other, like a stormy sea, and after a while, people saw that the sky full of feathers collapsed.


Accompanied by a screaming scream.

Qin Si's body blasted out like a cannonball.

The pair of originally heroic and extraordinary wings was now shattered, with countless bones broken.

Qin Si fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

Even if he passed out in a coma, blood still overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

This appearance is obviously the same as Lu Zhixuan, who has suffered extremely severe trauma.

The audience fell into silence again.

Unlike Lu Zhixuan, Qin Si had reached the ninth level of the True God Realm, but was still hit hard by a single move. This scene brought great shock.

"This awakening, isn't he a new Daozi?"

A group of young talents, their faces are gloomy and terrible, and at the same time there are big questions in their hearts.

Because the relationship between Awakening and Miao Keer is extraordinary, everyone subconsciously believes that he is also a new Taoist priest, but the situation at this moment has made everyone suspicious.

How can the new Daozi possess the ninth-level combat power of the true god?

"I come!"

"let me do it!"

One after another, young talents came forward.

Both of them were severely wounded when they were awakened. For the young talents of God Capital, it was like a loud slap in the face of being awakened.

Because of this, the young talents of the gods who had disliked each other in the past, the unprecedented resentment of the same enemy, wanted to take action.

"Do you want to play wheel warfare?" Su Xing said calmly.

"Su Daozi is so strong, we just want to ask for some advice." Someone started to explain, but this was obviously an excuse.

"Don't be so troublesome." Su Xing glanced forward, and said lightly: "Everyone who stands up, get up!"


"Am I right?"

There was an uproar in the audience.

The expressions of the young talents who stood up changed even more.

"Since Su Daozi has this request, you have agreed to him." Wang Yuan said calmly. As the second-ranked master of God Capital's young generation, he has great prestige among the young talents.

With this opening, there was no objection.

"Then let us learn about Su Daozi's strength."

However, all the young talents who stood up came out one after another, a total of sixteen people, each of whom had an aura of cultivation base, was extremely vigorous, and their combat power generally reached the ninth level of the True God Realm.

Among them, the combat power of four or five people has reached the peak of the ninth level of the True God Realm.

This force is many times stronger than Qin Si and Lu Zhixuan.

Unless it is the power of the gods, it can't compete at all.

"This Su Daozi is really confident enough! I just don't know, how much can I rely on?" The princess asked leisurely, and Ruoyoruowu glanced at Miao Keer.

"Don't worry, since I wake up and dare to do this, he must be sure. Besides, didn't he comprehend the Forbidden God Realm? He probably wants to use the Forbidden God Realm to crush those guys in one fell swoop."

Miao Qinghuan felt Miao Ke'er's worry, and the sound transmission was relieved.

Thinking of the Forbidden God Realm, Miao Kerr felt at ease, caring was chaotic, and as smart as her, when she was in trouble when she was awakening, she was also a bit confused.

"Huh! A fanatic."

Left Secretary Wang Haitian snorted coldly.

Wang Yuan’s birthday gift was rejected, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was because of awakening. How could Wang Haitian not understand that he was naturally very uncomfortable with awakening in his heart.

"The young talents who despise our God Capital in this way are indeed very arrogant." Leng's sect master also spoke, his expression a little bit cold.

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