Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1756: Refuse!

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters refused!

For a long time, Wang Yuan was the most powerful competitor in the position of the seven consorts.

In this birthday banquet, his every move has attracted much attention. Many people are speculating in private what Wang Yuan's birthday gift to the Seventh Princess is.

However, everyone never expected that he would actually take out the Heavenly Soul Silk.

Although it was just a piece of heavenly soul silk, the amount of heavenly soul silk used when the soul ancestor refined the soul-killing whip was far incomparable, but it was also extremely precious.

Everyone is moved.

Those young talents who are secretly proud of the birthday gifts prepared for themselves, are not proud of them.

The big man on the second floor also changed his face slightly.

The first to bear the brunt was Wang Yuan's father, the left-hand minister, Wang Haitian. Without even knowing that he would prepare such a generous gift, Wang Yuan could not help but smile and shook his head: "This stupid boy."

"Wang Yuan's deep affection for the Seventh Princess can be learned from the world!" Leng's family master said with emotion.

"It's indeed an infatuated species." Miao Qinghuan's father, Princess Xuanyin, also nodded in agreement.

"Wang Yuan is a talented person who ranks second among the top ten masters in the capital of God. It matches Kerr very well. They are really a pair of golden boys and girls!" In the words of the princess, there was a hint of improvisation.

"The princess is absurd."

Wang Haitian hurriedly folded his hands and said humbly: "The dog is stubborn and not very effective. It's just that I, as a father, can't bear to see his true feelings come to nothing, so even if someone says that he is Pan Gaozhi and loses his old face, it is still happy. "

This sentence can be regarded as showing support for Wang Yuan.

And under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly a very powerful thing to speak in support of Wang Yuan.

If Miao Keer nodded in agreement, the marriage could be facilitated almost immediately.

The eldest princess and Wang Haitian clearly had a good relationship, and she looked at Miao Kerr with a smile, and said, "Ker, don't hurry up and accept Wang Yuan's gift."

This is for Miao Kerr to receive the gift in person.

Previously, this move was done by the maid of Miao Keer.

The meanings of the two are different, and the degree of emphasis is also different.

More importantly, after the left minister Wang Haitian expressed her attitude, Miao Ke'er personally accepted the gift again, which was a signal that she was inclined to let Wang Yuan be a seven-horse.

With this incident, the left minister Wang Haitian went to talk to the queen again, and the success rate was very high.

Under the attention of countless gazes, Miao Kerr slowly stood up, with a faint smile on her beautiful and flawless face, and said towards Wang Yuan: "Thank you, Brother Wang Yuan for the gift, but the heavenly soul silk is too expensive. I also asked Brother Wang Yuan to take it back. Ke'er took this intention."


The faces of countless people were surprised.

Although Miao Keer expressed her euphemism, she truly refused the gift.

This is almost impossible at the birthday party.

Rejection of a gift can hurt face and self-esteem for the person giving the gift.

Wang Yuan's face changed slightly, but he still calmly said: "Ke'er, no matter how precious the Heavenly Soul Silk is, it is not as valuable as a strand of your hair. You don't need to mind, just accept it generously."

"Keer, stop joking with the prince, quickly accept it." The princess urged, putting pressure on Miao Keer.

"Princess Seven, even if I don't care about Inuzi's infatuation, can I sell my old face and save my face and accept this gift?" Left Secretary Wang Haitian smiled.

"Left is not easy, hope the seventh princess will be considerate." Leng's family master also said sincerely.

Almost all the big figures on the second floor, excluding County King Xuanyin, are putting pressure on Miao Kerr in disguise.

However, there was no hesitation in Miao Ke'er's eyes, and she calmly said: "Big Brother Wang Yuan, you and I are in sympathy with brothers and sisters. You have been loving and caring for me since childhood. This is the best gift. "

"Keer!" The princess's face fell cold, Miao Keer's words not only rejected the gift again, but also showed her intentions. She always treated Wang Yuan as her brother.

"Sister, this is my birthday party, I think, I have the right to be the master?" Miao Keer looked at the princess directly, she was exquisite and intelligent, how could she not understand the princess's mind.

Zuo Xiang has always had a good relationship with the eldest princess. If she married Wang Yuan, she would be controlled by the eldest princess.

"Keer, if you do this, where do you put the face of the leftist?" the princess said.

"The face of Zuo Xiang is naturally given, but it allows me to take my own happiness to give the face of Zuo Xiang." Miao Ke'er looked at Wang Haitian and apologized: "Zuo Xiang, thank you for your kindness, just Kerr My heart belongs to me, sorry."


"It's Inuzi not so lucky."

"The Seventh Princess is polite!"

Despite the anger in his heart, Wang Haitian did not show any signs, but shook his head there and sighed that this city mansion is simply unfathomable.

In contrast, Wang Yuan obviously couldn't be so calm.

Standing in the center of the banquet, his soul and body were separated, and his two faces became gloomy. Not only did he understand the meaning of Miao Ke'er's words, he also heard Miao Ke'er's explanation to Wang Haitian.

My heart belongs!

These four characters were like four knives, pierced into Wang Yuan's heart, and the knives saw blood.

And the person to whom the heart belongs, the fool knows who it is!


At this moment, he was tasting the awakening of Baihua Divine Brew, suddenly felt an extremely strong murderous intent, locked himself in, he looked at Wang Yuan with a little depressed.

At this moment, Wang Yuan also turned around and looked at Reawakening.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air, one wave calmly, and one killing intent was like a wave.

"Yuan'er, step back!"

Wang Haitian gave a deep sigh.


Wang Yuan's soul returned to his place, respectfully bowed to Wang Haitian, took back the heavenly soul silk, and returned to his seat.

Compared with the other young talents of God Capital, Wang Yuan is actually quite deep in the city. He was shocked by rejection just now, and he lost his attitude for a while.

After Wang Haitian's shout, he suddenly calmed down.

But obviously, this matter cannot be ended in this way, just choose a more suitable time mobile hand.

Except for Wang Yuan, Su Xing also felt dozens of Dao Dao, and stared at him with malicious cold eyes.

You know, Miao Kerr's admirer is more than just Wang Yuan.

Su Xing looked at Miao Kerr with a vague expression of resentment. He felt that the three words "shield" could be posted on his forehead. In his opinion, Miao Kerr just didn't like Wang Yuan and pulled himself out to block one. Block it.

If it is someone else, he will turn around and leave when he wakes up, and will not interfere with this matter.

However, he and Miao Ke'er lived and died together. In the Valley of Flowing Light, Miao Ke'er almost died for him. It was nothing wrong with being a big man to help Miao Ke'er do something.

In addition, there are some so-called young talents who can't understand the city of Hundred Flowers. They don't mind to fake Miao Keer's favorite people and let those people crumble.

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