Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1740: Break the sky!

The first thousand and forty chapters break the sky!

"Swish swish..."

The faint blue divine chain formed entirely by the power of the divine soul runs through the void, swiftly like electricity.

"Brother Xing, be careful, this is the ecstasy chain, but the supreme magic." Miao Ke'er's face changed slightly, and when she woke up, she nodded solemnly. He hugged Miao Ke'er and rushed straight into the air.

At the foot of the mountain, it is too difficult to leave through the mountain, relatively speaking, it is easier to leave through the air.

It's just that although the awakening speed is fast, it is still not up to the blue **** chain.

Miao Ke'er urged Baiyou Hollow Flower, and 108 petals resurfaced, swirling around her and Su Xing, forming a protective barrier.


The blue **** chain is like an all-pervasive poisonous snake, tearing a piece of petals, killing them.

Awaken stretched out with one hand, the palm of the palm flickered and turned into a whirlpool, and slapped towards the rushing dark blue **** chain. With a bang, the dark blue **** chain touched the front end of the whirlpool and began to break apart.

"Nineth Rank of Heavenly Soul!"

"Good luck magic!"

The seventh and fifth dark guards could not help exclaiming.

Their eyesight was so fierce that they recognized the origin of the whirlpool in their palms, and they were very surprised.

From one of the twelve giants, the soul ancestor’s magic arts, the first few articles are not rare, but if you want to learn it, it is extremely difficult. The old seven and the fifth who are proficient in the soul have never been able to comprehend.

But I didn't want to. It was not the awakening of the soul repair, but the realization of the nine turns of the heavenly soul, and it seemed very incredible that he could use some powers.

Miao Ke'er was not surprised, her master Nether Elder mentioned this matter with her.


The seventh and fifth continue to urge the ecstasy chain.

The faint blue divine chains, like mad snakes, blasted through the air, frantically rushing to wake up, colliding with the vortex in his palm.


Amidst the roars, the awakened body was shaking constantly.

The Ninth Rank of the Heavenly Soul was powerful, but his own cultivation base was too low. Facing the numerous blue divine chains, he soon showed signs of not being supported.

What's more terrifying is that those dark blue divine chains, without the magical ability to imprison the souls, are also extremely violent and overbearing, as if a heavy hammer hits Wake up, causing him to surge violently and abnormally. Uncomfortable.

Miaoke's face was anxious, and her hands kept moving, urging Baiyou Hollow Flower again and again to share the pressure for awakening, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

At the same time, Old Seven and Old Five were still commanding the disciples of Danxia Valley and Feng Lei Zong, who were under their control, to urge Caixia and the windmill, like a shadow.

This caused the height of awakening to rise, but still unable to break through the blockade and rush out through the air.

The fifth-grade emperor's blood burned out, and he had to take out a drop again when he woke up.

The Forbidden God Realm cannot be disintegrated, otherwise the disciples of Danxia Valley and Fenglei Zong will not be affected by suppression, and will also be able to exert a strong combat power at that time, making the already grim situation even worse.


Wake up with blood from the corners of his mouth.

On the one hand, he wanted to maintain the Forbidden God Realm, and on the other hand, he had to use the Nine Ranks of the Heavenly Soul. Under the siege of the old seventh and the fifth, it was really difficult to support, and there were signs of exhaustion.

Miao Keer's face was pale as paper, with a delicate beauty. In order to share the pressure for waking up, she tried her best, her spirit and spirit was very weak.

Many divine cultivators standing in the distance could only feel the violent roar in the colorful clouds, unable to see the situation clearly.

"Wake up met a strong enemy."

"The disciples of Danxia Valley and Fenglei Sect, after joining forces, their strength is really powerful."

"Their heights have been rising. If this continues, they may anger Tianwei!"

People watched the rising Caixia and the windmill, one by one, they were frightened.

The so-called Tianwei refers to the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky. If you touch it, you will undoubtedly die. It is the pressure of heaven and earth belonging to the Valley of Flowing Light, as if it could destroy everything.

"Ker, stop!"

Miao Qinghuan, who was confronting the war fortress, was anxious, using her soul to transmit voice to Miao Kerr, but she fell to nothing.

The old seventh and the fifth are the power of the soul, which invisibly cut off the sound transmission of the soul.

"Are you afraid of death?"

In Caixia, Su Xing asked without looking back.

He suddenly discovered that the Void Profound Sky Talisman had lost its effect, and its color was dimmed, as if a strange power had penetrated into the Void Profound Sky Talisman.

"Being a pair of desperate mandarin ducks with brother Xing, think about it, it's quite romantic." Miao Keer's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and her body shook involuntarily when she was in a dangerous situation awakened.

Woman, your thinking is really strange.

Wanting to leave through the air, obviously became a luxury.

Facing the siege of the old seventh and the fifth, his awakening injuries continued to worsen, and he even supported it with one breath, but he never gave the two men a chance of a fatal blow.

In addition, Awakening was also aware that with the increase in height, he was getting closer and closer to the colorful clouds on the sky. He suddenly remembered the animal skin paper map in Gao Miao’s storage bag, describing what the colorful clouds are. The towering Tiangong above.

If what is depicted on the map is true, then there must be a way to the sky in the seemingly scary colorful clouds.

Otherwise, who can go to heaven?

On weekdays, Wake will not make that kind of attempt, but at this moment, there is no more choice.

Wake up is more willing to send Miao Keer away to commit the risk alone, but he no longer has the ability to do it, and Miao Keer, who has witnessed all this with his own eyes, was also included in the list of kills by the seventh and fifth.

Retreating, it really became a desperate mandarin duck.

Take a risk and there may be a silver lining.

Thinking of this, Wake no longer hesitated, his character has always been decisive, even if it is a choice between vitality, and at this time, there is not much time to think.


A dazzling and bright light emerged from the palm of his awakening.

He urged the ninth revolution of the heavenly soul to the extreme, and the vortex between his palms, every texture is clearly visible, revealing an extremely deep feeling, like the big mouth of a wild ancient beast.


The dark blue **** chains shattered one after another, like big snakes, crushed all the flesh and blood of the whole body with extremely overbearing power.

The seventh and fifth stop casting spells.

They felt that they were about to be swallowed up by the whirlpool, and were afraid to continue.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the figure of Wake and Miao Ke'er rose into the sky.

Above the head is the sky of intertwined colorful auspicious clouds, which is gorgeous and sacred, and reveals endless and majestic coercion, as if it can tear all existence in the world.

However, before the two of them got into the colorful auspicious clouds, a slender blade of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, slashing towards them.

The knife came out of thin air without warning.

The choice of timing is extremely clever, it just happens to be the time when awakening to fully perform the Ninth Soul of the Sky, and when the mind is most exhausted, this is a sure blow.

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