Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1732: Unmatched Tier 3 deity combat power!

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-two chapters, the unmatched third-order battle power of the gods!

The mountains tremble, the void trembles.

More than two hundred disciples from Mount Cangyu displayed the Qianshan Flying Bird Array together, and the momentum was very frightening.


Accompanied by a scream that pierced through the sky, a huge monster emerged.

The light all over his body is shining, his wings are like two heavenly swords, and his claws are exuding cold light that catches people.

This flying bird was unprecedentedly terrifying, with more than two hundred Cangyushan disciples hidden in its body, mysterious and mysterious.

In front of Asuka, there were Ji Lang and the others. There were five of them, and each of them had a strong cultivation base aura, almost the same as Ji Lang, and their combat power reached the second stage of the Heavenly God Realm.

It can be said that apart from the ten senior brothers who have never met, Cangyu Mountain has already used it, the strongest in the Valley of Flowing Light, and its purpose is to encircle and awaken.

And this power is indeed quite terrifying, and the second-order combat power of the Heavenly God Realm will end in hatred.

But the pace of awakening did not stop, and he still walked towards the people of Cangyu Mountain.

His body is as tall and straight as a sword, and his spirit, energy and spirit are united, condensing a majestic trend, and he is indomitable.


Thousands of rays of light lingered, and the Heavenly God Dragon Armor quickly put on his body.

In the storage bag, countless middle-grade divine crystals were burning, and an endless stream of majestic divine power was injected into the awakened body, and his cultivation base aura was steadily rising at this moment.

True God Realm fourth-order.

The fifth level of the true gods.

The sixth level of the True God Realm.

In the blink of an eye, the awakened cultivation base was ascended to the sixth level of the True God Realm, and between the gestures, an extraordinarily powerful sense of power emerged spontaneously, as if it could tear the sky.

"Tier 3 combat power in the Heavenly God Realm!"

"He actually hides his strength."

"Is this really just a new Daozi from Fengwufudi?"

"The armor on him provides him with three realms of cultivation. It is definitely a treasure."

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from awakening the whole body, Ji Lang and others couldn't help but suddenly sink.

They originally thought that awakening had only the second-order combat power of the Heavenly God Realm, but they didn't know that Awakening actually had some reservations, and the true combat power reached the third-order Heavenly God Realm.


At this moment, the huge flying bird made a deep roar.

The mouth opened wide, and a beam of flame spewed out.

The flame beam is like lava pouring, and it is densely covered with many magical lines, containing extremely terrifying power.

Tier 3 of the Heavenly God Realm!

The huge flying bird's combat power reached the third level of the Heavenly God Realm, and it was almost the same as waking up now.


A mountain seal appeared in the palm of Awakening, and he raised his hand to pat it out, and suddenly collided with the flame beam, and the horrible roar suddenly exploded. Two completely different forces wiped out each other in mid-air, setting off horrible waves.

"Do it!"

Ji Lang drank heavily and shot with the four companions.

Everyone performed their best magic arts without reservation.

Divine art blooms, the light soars into the sky, the power is boundless.

The five heavenly rank divine arts, under the urging of the second-order combat power of the heavenly gods, suddenly crashed towards the awakening, and their lethality was equally good.


Awakened, the whole body bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the cultivation base turned to the extreme, breaking through the attack range of the flame light beam, turning his body into an afterimage, penetrating Ji Lang and the others' heavenly **** skills, and then killing Ji Lang.

Awakening is very clear about the situation of the battle. Everyone in Cangyu Mountain, the Qianshan Flying Bird Array formed by the disciples of Cangyu Mountain, is the most powerful, but not flexible enough.

For that Thousand Mountains Flying Bird Array, Ji Lang's five people are needed to contain the awakening in order to better demonstrate its power.

Therefore, the five members of Jilang are the most important.

In this case, as long as the five of Jilang were killed, the remaining Qianshan Flying Bird Array would be nothing to worry about.

Among the five of Ji Lang, Ji Lang was the easiest to be killed. After all, he was injured.

Awakening uses the third-order combat power of the Heavenly God Realm to lock a person, it is difficult for the convenience to escape.

Ji Lang's expression changed, and he immediately displayed the golden wheel and silver wings, preparing to escape.

However, in the same scene, it is naturally impossible for him to wake up again. The increase in combat power has greatly increased his speed, and he suddenly broke out in an instant, and slashed with a palm knife.

With a click.

The golden wheel and silver light wings are broken into several pieces.

"Let go of Ji Lang!"

The remaining four roared and attacked and tried to rescue them.

However, their attacks obviously did not threaten the awakening of the body with sufficient flexibility.

When the flame beam struck again, Awakening grabbed Ji Lang and suddenly threw it upwards, with a bang, in the void, Ji Lang was swept by the flame beam, his body burst and disappeared.

"Brother Ji Lang!"

The disciples of Cangyu Mountain in the Flying Birds Array of Qianshan Mountains were stunned.

The four young people who were similar in strength to Ji Lang also had gloomy faces, but they were more calm than the other Cangyu Mountain disciples.


The four attacked again, performing magic skills, attacking and awakening.

"Here you are."

The awakened look of Gu Jing was waveless, like a murderous **** who was cruel to the extreme, ignoring life.

His figure is graceful, like a dancing nine-day **** cicada, swimming in mid-air, with a different kind of beauty.


As soon as he pointed and killed him, there was endless sword aura gushing out, like the ocean, like a storm of sword aura, with a terrifying momentum.

Soon after, another young man followed in Ji Lang's footsteps.

The third and second levels of the Celestial Realm seem to be only one realm behind, but the difference in specific combat power is actually very large. If it is a single battle, a second-tier Celestial God will be cultivated by the Celestial God. Territory third-order kill.

The more casualties of this elite disciple of Cangyu Mountain, the less restrained they will be when they wake up.

In this battle, the outcome has been clear.

In fact, as someone else, even with the third-order combat power of the Heavenly God Realm, it would be difficult to defeat the disciples of Cangyu Mountain, but the awakening was different. The Nine Changes of the Divine Cicada made him too flexible.

Not afraid of siege at all.

And the Qianshan Flying Bird Array displayed by the disciples of Cangyu Mountain had enough power levels, and compared with Awakening, it was like a clumsy big bird, almost being played around.

The fierce fighting continued.

The remaining three elite disciples of Cangyu Mountain were also beheaded one after another by Awakening.

After that, Su Xing rushed to Qianshan Asuka Array.

Having lost the involvement of the five elite disciples including Ji Lang, Wake up completely let go of his hands and feet, and the god-given magic comes in his hands, with terrifying power.

This Qianshan Asuka Array has good combat power, but it is undoubtedly too awkward to wake up.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Qianshan Flying Bird Array was awakened and breached in one fell swoop.

Without the guardianship of this formation, the disciples of Mount Cangyu inside are like lambs to be slaughtered.

Soon after, Wake left this area and walked away, his expression indifferent and murderous introverted. Behind him, the ground was messed up and corpses were everywhere.

Cangyu Mountain disciple, the whole army is wiped out!

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