Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1725: The third level of true gods!

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-five chapters of the third level of the true god!

In the Valley of Flowing Light, a large number of loose repairs were removed, and the five major forces were the main ones.

Among them, the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers is the most powerful, occupying the southern area, while Cangyu Mountain, Danxia Valley, Qingtianzong, and Fengleizong occupy the east, west and north.

Hundred Flowers Valley is the base of Hundred Flowers Kingdom in the Valley of Flowing Light. The exquisite and elegant buildings are scattered and decorated with flowers everywhere, just like a paradise.

In one of the palaces, Miao Kerr was sitting in the first place, wearing a delicate dress with flowers, graceful curves looming, and her beautiful appearance like a fox, which is even more breathtaking.

Excluding Miao Keer, there are still many women in the palace, graceful and graceful, Yingying Yanyan, all of them are upright, if a man is lucky enough to break into this place, there will definitely be a feeling of chaotic flowers gradually becoming charming.

And these women are very beautiful after getting rid of their lives, and their cultivation base aura is also very good.

In addition, there is no arrogance between each other, laughter, talk and laugh at ease.

"Our little princess, have you been in Fengwufu land for almost a year? Haven't you found the Ruyi Langjun? You still have the perfect body." An older woman stared at Miao Keer and looked up and down. , Full of teasing.

"It seems that the Taoists of Fengwu Fudi are also a group of unsuccessful people! No one has won our little princess."

"It's also possible that our little princess is very ambitious, and wants to win a few more Taoists at once, and come to count the dragons and play the phoenix?"

"Gluck... Then the feelings are good!"

A group of beautiful women molested Miao Kerr.

In front of outsiders, Miao Kerr, who was like a fox-like fox, couldn't hold it at this time. Rubbing her forehead with her jade hand, she said with a headache: "Sisters, my trip is to participate in the trial mission in Fengwufudi. Let you help us find out where Wake is. Is there any news?"

"Who is waking up?" The older woman stared at Miao Keer with a smirk.

"A friend, Fengwufudi where I entered with me." Miao Keer explained.

"It seems that the Taoists who came to experience this time are all the Fengwufu land that you entered together? Why don't you see that you care about others and ask about the whereabouts of others?" The older woman continued to laugh.

"Cousin, can you tell me the whereabouts of Awakening?" Miao Ke'er was a little overwhelmed. The older woman was her cousin, a princess of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers, Miao Qinghuan.

"I don't know." Miao Qinghuan said lightly.

"Sisters, tell me?" Miao Kerr had to ask for help and looked at the other women.

"do not know!"

"Not sure!"

"do not understand!"

After three consecutive "nos", Miao Kerr almost didn't choke to death. Even if she thought about her jade feet, she knew that this group of people was deliberate, and most of them were inquiring about something.

"Cousin, if you don't tell the truth, don't say you want to get news about awakening, you can't even get out of this door." Miao Qing said with a deep smile.

The other women immediately gathered around and looked at Miao Keer unkindly.

"Cousin, can you be less curiosity and use your mind on your brother-in-law?" Miao Kerr said helplessly.

"Don't mention the soft guy who can't hold on for a few seconds, just tell me who wakes up? Are you tempted, you little girl?" Miao Qinghuan's temper came up and asked directly.

"I guess people look down on me." Miao Kerr said dullly.

On the way, she and Wake are very close, Wake is also very polite to her, but the more so, Miao Kerr does not feel good, because politeness is sometimes a kind of alienation.

It means that there is only friendship, and no undifferentiated thoughts about men and women.

"Are you serious?" Miao Qinghuan was shocked, and the other women in the hall looked at Miao Keer in surprise.

Everyone knows very well that this little princess of them seems to have a bad style on weekdays, but in fact she is very clean and self-conscious, and she is still in perfect condition.

Moreover, for the choice of a spouse, it is even more energetic.

"Yeah!" Miao Kerr nodded. These people in front of her, to her, are family members, and many of them are sisters who watched her grow up since childhood, and there is nothing to say.

"What's special about that kid?" Miao Qinghuan asked again.

"Awesome! Everything is outstanding." Miao Keer paused, and then said: "Actually, those are not the most important. When I first came into contact with him, there was a trace of instability in the soul. ..."

Miao Qinghuan was silent.

Miao Kerr followed the line of spirit and soul, and majored in the method of enchantment. It stands to reason that her spirit should be very stable. Unless she really meets a heart-moving person, there will be signs of instability.

"Don't worry! Regardless of the boy's disagreement, tie it up first."

"That is, if you can't directly prescribe drugs, you don't believe that he can refuse the temptation of Keer."

A group of beauties spoke one after another.

A row of black lines appeared on Miao Ke'er's white forehead. Should I just cook the rice directly?

"The person we sent out explored the east and the west, but didn't find the whereabouts of awakening. I want to come to him mostly in the site of Cangyu Mountain to the north." Miao Qinghuan said.

"Thank you cousin." Miao Kerr smiled, and her figure flashed before she swept outside.

"It's over, the little princess is so impatient, this time it looks really depraved."

"If you have a man, forget your sister!"

"See the color and forget the meaning!"

Seeing this, a group of beauties shook their heads one after another, expressing a sense of being unfair to others.


The mountains are like jade, with colored glaze.

The plants, the trees, the mountains and the rocks in the Valley of Flowing Light are all beautiful, just like the perfect work of a master of art.

On the top of the mountain, wake up and sit cross-legged with eyes closed.

Beside him, there is a colorful line, like a slender wandering dragon spinning, looks very sacred, it is the light of God.

With the operation of the Nine Heavens Emperor's magical power, the light of God seemed to be attracted by a great deal, and quickly sank into the body of awakening.

Also at this moment, an extremely majestic energy suddenly vented in his body, like a torrent of shocking sky, like a roaring ocean.

"What a strong power fluctuation."

"This light from the heavens is indeed a cultivation resource of excellent quality."

Awakened and invigorated, quickly refined the light of the heavens, and launched a charge toward the third-tier barriers of the True God Realm.

"Boom!" At a certain moment, there was a thunderous roar in his body, and then, a powerful aura far beyond the previous one spread out, the third level of True God Realm.

Awakening the original cultivation level, he reached the second-order peak of the True God Realm, and after refining a light of God, he actually completed a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

This is much more efficient than staying in Kunxu Peak to cultivate hard.

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