Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1719: Streaming God Valley!

The first thousand seven hundred and nineteen chapters of the Valley of Streaming Light!


In the neat and elegant room, the windows are bright and clean, and the fragrance of books is overflowing.

Wu Bing stood in front of the desk, his expression as usual, calm and calm.

Behind him, Ren Hong, Bai Yu, and several true evangelists, some of the same enemies, filled with righteous indignation.

"Deputy leader, that kid is too arrogant, no matter what method he uses, we will make him unable to eat the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order."

"In a price war, we also push down the percentage of the commission, which is easy to kill him."

"You can also send someone to disrupt the situation and mutilate the two small attendants around him."

Several true evangelists spoke one after another and made suggestions.

"I have my own decision on this matter, you should go back first!" Wu Bing said flatly.

The few true preachers were shocked, and they didn't understand what Wu Bing was thinking, but due to Wu Bing's majesty, they dared not speak any more and retired.

"Ren Hong, let's go! Don't secretly engage in petty moves." Wu Bing looked at Ren Hong again.

"Yes!" Ren Hong was seen through in his heart, smiled, turned and left.

When everyone was gone, Wu Bing looked at Bai Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, you can practice with peace of mind, and leave this to Angkor to solve it. How about?"

"Xiao Yu listens to Angkor." Bai Yu nodded, and asked uncontrollably, "Can Angkor tell me about your plan?"

"A few months later, there will naturally be results." Wu Bing did not say clearly.

"Okay!" Bai Yu did not force him, and left Wu Bing. Today's defeat, the biggest blow to Bai Yu was that he found that the gap between himself and his awakening did not narrow because of the passage of time, but instead Bigger.

After Bai Yu had left, Wu Bin's deep eyes finally revealed a hint of coldness, like an extremely patient hunter.

Wu Bing naturally disagrees with the suggestions of several true evangelists, especially the so-called price war, which is completely detrimental to others, and will only hurt both sides in the end.

Moreover, in the name of Yunmeng, blatantly suppressing the awakening is a kind of flattery in itself. Even if the awakening suffers a loss in the end, it is still a glorious defeat.

Wu Bing did not send anyone to teach Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi's thoughts. Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi were not in his eyes. Besides, the lesson was not painful or itchy.

Wu Bing walked to the desk and swung his pen at his desk. The pen and ink danced like dragons and phoenixes, and finally formed a big "kill" character.

The word is no longer neat and perfect, but scribbled, revealing an air of killing.


Killing words jumped out of the paper, turned into a jet black streamer, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Wake up, cherish the time for the next few months!" Wu Bing whispered, and picked up a book to read it, already leaving the matter of waking behind.

Obviously, even if he wakes up, he is not valued by Wu Bing. On the one hand, his strength is low, and on the other hand, he has no background. What he did is more like killing a fly.

The dark hall, which has existed since the beginning of the establishment of the Yun League, is one of the eight branch halls, and is in charge of killing.

The people in the dark hall are extremely murderous, even inside the Yunmeng, they are disliked by many people, and the address of the dark hall has always been a mystery, because the dark hall is set up inside the Yunyu Peak mountain and is extremely secretive.

The dark hall got rid of one hall master, two deputy hall masters, and many dark guards.

The dark hall is full of iron and blood, empty and dead.

The killing character written by Wu Bin quickly drifted here, and was grabbed with bare hands by the young man sitting in the first seat and wearing a scarlet armor.

The information contained in the killing word was quickly read.

"Passing the order, a few months later, the Valley of Streaming Light will open and kill the new Daozi to wake up." As the voice of the young man in blood armor fell, there were more than a dozen dark shadows, jumping out from the dark, leading their orders.


Kunxu Peak, medicine garden!

Time passed day by day.

In the blink of an eye, about five months passed.

During this period, no one was disturbed. He awoke and practiced quietly, and his cultivation level naturally increased steadily.

On this day, Li Yixiao, Bei Xuan, Gongsun Qi and Ding Xi came together.

"It's about to break through!" Li Yixiao watched his awakening as he stood up, and couldn't help but said, "Your cultivation speed is not slow!"

"The boss is making rapid progress." Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi immediately admired them.

"Two flatterers." Li Yi smiled his lips, but he had to admit that the speed of awakening was indeed far faster than ordinary Taoists. It has only been five months or so before that he actually reached the second-order peak of the True God Realm and made a breakthrough to the True God. Signs of the third-order environment.

"Why came here together? Did Yun Meng take the shot?" Su Xing looked at everyone and couldn't help asking, after all, it was Wu Bing's face, so he naturally tended to think about that.

"No!" Li Yixiao shook his head.

"Boss, it's really strange. Gongsun Qi and I thought of a lot of ways to deal with it. As a result, one was useless. No one made trouble for us at all. The business was booming." Bei Xuan said.

"During this period of time, we have earned nearly 200,000 divine merit points, which is your boss's 180,000." As Gongsun Qi spoke, he took out his own Fengwu Order and transferred the divine merit points to Awakening.

Awakening originally had 20,000 left on his body, so that, his divine power value would directly reach 200,000, which is definitely a huge sum of money.

However, Awakening frowned. Yun Meng was so calm and abnormal, it made him suspicious, and he felt like a storm is coming.

"Is there any conspiracy brewing?" Su Xing murmured.

"It's not necessarily. Yun League is such a huge monster. As the deputy leader, Wu Bing is used to being aloof. I probably don't bother to care about a small character like you." Li Yi smiled and said with a grin.

Awakening did not agree, even if Yun Meng couldn't look down on him, but the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order involved Yun Meng's interests and would definitely not sit idly by.

"Let's talk about business! The reason why I came to see you is because Streaming God Valley is about to open." Li Yi smiled.

"Streaming God Valley?" Su Xing was quite puzzled.

"Have you seen? This is the disadvantage of practicing behind closed doors. The news is too blocked." Li Yixiao said towards Ding Xi.

It's a pity that Ding Xi ignored him at all, but explained towards Suwa: "According to the customs of Fengwufudi, after the new Daozi gets started, he needs to undergo a trial, and each trial is different. This time it is Streaming God Valley."

Su Xing frowned and said: "Must go?"

Ding Xi nodded and said, "I must go. It is the same as my last mission. It is not allowed to refuse, because the Fengwufudi senior level will pass this trial to select the new Daoist with the strongest overall strength, and finally decide The top three Daozi."

"Why set a top three?" Su Xing became more puzzled.

"This is about the ‘Wu Dao Huiwu’ four years later." Ding Xi said.

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