Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1705: Devil corpse!

Chapter 705 Demon Corpse!

"Junior Brother, this magic pond is a small world on its own, and there are many crises inside. We must not go too deep, otherwise it will be difficult to retreat."

At the top of the mountain, Xiao Du looked at a small pond ahead and said.

In the pond, there was a continuous flow of magical air, but the surface of the water was very calm, like a magic mirror, revealing a deep and secluded meaning.

"Brother, what is in this magic pond?" Su Xing asked.

"Devil corpse, the body of the demon clan is indestructible after death. It is nourished and mutated by the devil energy. It belongs to the category of monsters, but it is more terrifying."

Xiao Du paused, then said: "In addition, the demon energy in the demon pond is more corrosive to the divine power. After a long time, we are also in danger of being eroded into monsters."

"Don't worry about the devilish energy." Li Yixiao said towards Ding Xi, "Where is the God of Fire God?"


Ding Xi took out the Fire God Emperor's Order, and for a while, this flame-shrouded token was the flame soaring, extinguishing the devilish energy around him.

"It seems that you have come prepared." Xiao Du was not surprised. He was in the Tianmo Mountain, and he was no stranger to God Sovereign of Fire. This token was personally refined by a God Sovereign in the Primordial Era and was specially used. Come to suppress the devilish energy in the Fire God Realm.

With the God of Fire God's Order, the four of them can avoid the erosion of demonic energy.

"Junior Brother Ding Xi, now you can take out the trial illustration book, and see what the main task you have completed in Xingkong Mountain, specifically." Xiao Du said again.

Ding Xi nodded, the palm of his hand flashed, and a volume of handwritten notes appeared. He spread the handwritten notes. A row of writing and some patterns quickly appeared on the empty handwritten notes.

"Ten catties of blood cloud crystals, a mysterious bone, a purple magic flower."

These three things are the content of the trial mission of the Star Mountain Lord. The reason why they can only be revealed here is to prevent Ding Xi from opportunistic tricks, and the other is to test his temporary resilience.

Obviously, these three things can only be found in the magic pond, and they are all magic treasures.

Xiao Du breathed a sigh of relief, the nine-color magic lotus he needed was not among them.

"Brother, the Nine-Colored Demon Lotus can really recover you?" Su Xing said as he looked at Xiao Du. He sympathized with Xiao Du's experience. If he could help by the way, he would naturally take action.

"My foundation is damaged too badly. It's just that a nine-color magic lotus is naturally not good, but this is one of the main medicines, which can restore my strength a little bit." Xiao Du smiled bitterly and shook his head. Obviously, although he had escaped. Robbed, but also paid a great price.

"There should be treasures that can heal brothers in the treasure hall of Fudi?" Su Xing asked.

"Junior Brother is interested, I'll do this by myself!" Xiao Du shook his head. There are many treasures in the Treasure Hall, which can naturally heal him, but the price is also extremely expensive.

He and Xing Xing are not relatives, and Xing Xing can understand him, he is already satisfied, and he is not willing to pay again.

Awakening did not continue to say more, this place is not a place to discuss things. The most important thing at present is to help Ding Xi complete the trial task. Other things can be said later.

The four of them adjusted their state a little, and they turned into four streams of light and plunged into the magic pond.

From the outside, the magic pond is no more than a few hundred meters in radius. Then, when crossing the water, it is like passing through a world barrier, and the eyes suddenly open up.

There is an endless black land ahead, giving people a very desolate feeling.

Looking far away, the depths of this land reveal an extremely cold smell, which makes people unconsciously horrified.

On the ground, there are quite a few monsters wandering aimlessly. The nearby monsters sensed the breath of living beings, as if they were attracted by a great deal, and rushed over.

Xiao Du's expression was weak, the monsters here were very powerful, generally reaching the ninth level of the True God Realm, and there were even several monsters in the Heaven God Realm. Last time, he had to retreat because of this.

"Senior brother, don't worry." Su Xing saw Xiao Du preparing to rush forward first, and stopped him, and then a fifth-grade emperor blood appeared in his palm.

Faced with the current situation, even if the fifth-rank emperor's blood is precious, awakening does not hesitate to use it.

Divine power cultivation base and physical power poured out one after another, using the fifth-rank emperor blood as the medium to quickly form the Forbidden God Realm.

"Unexpectedly, Junior Brother still has such a back hand." Xiao Du couldn't help but brighten his eyes. When he looked up, monsters from all directions came like a tide, but in the next moment, they all stagnated again.

Under the influence of the Forbidden God Realm, the power of the monsters quickly shrank, falling all the way from the ninth level of the True God Realm, and stopped at the level of the Profound God Realm.

The power of those monsters in the Heavenly God Realm was also severely affected, and they fell to about the seventh stage of the True God Realm.


Xiao Du gave a cry, and he quickly took out a stone statue, which was quickly activated, and rushed out in all directions, quickly strangling monsters.

Li Yixiao and Ding Xi also rushed out quickly to participate in the confrontation.

Awakening did not make a move, he needed to concentrate on controlling the Forbidden God Realm.

Compared with the past, his ability to control the Forbidden God Realm has significantly improved.

You must know that before waking up to use the Forbidden God Realm, it was a completely indiscriminate attack, regardless of the enemy and me, but now, Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du have not been affected.

However, when Xiao Du summoned the tenth sky demon beast, that sky demon beast had just turned into a flesh and blood body, and immediately fell down, being affected by the Forbidden God Realm.

"Brother, I'm not proficient in the control of the Forbidden God Realm." Su Xing explained.

"It's already pretty good." Xiao Du didn't accidentally put away the tenth Heavenly Monster Beast. After all, he used to be the true evangelist of Fengwufudi. He had extraordinary opinions and knew some characteristics of the Forbidden God Realm.

As the awakening walked forward, the Forbidden God Realm was also advancing forward. Ding Xi, Li Yixiao, and Xiao Du were in the realm, strangling the monsters that broke in one by one, while not forgetting to search for the items needed for the trial mission. .

"Found the Purple Demon Flower!"

Soon after, Ding Xi's exclamation came.

As the group of people made more and more disturbances, more and more monsters were attracted out, and they were endlessly killed.

At a certain moment, there was a slight shock on the ground.

All four of them felt their hearts. They looked up and saw a very shocking scene.

At the end of the horizon, an extremely stalwart figure is coming.

Its feet are on the ground, and every time it falls, the ground will vibrate. Its head is level with the sea of ​​clouds, and it can reach the sky with its hands. This is truly upright.

An extremely terrifying breath emanating from its stalwart body is the surrounding monsters, all trembling.

"Devil corpse!"

Xiao Du exclaimed, his eyes full of solemnity.

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