Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1702: The small rivers and lakes at the foot of the mountain!

Chapter 1702 The small rivers and lakes at the foot of the mountain!

The biggest wealth in Huangyin's storage bag is more than three million middle-grade Shenjing.

Not only can it be used for cultivation, but it can also provide an endless source of energy for the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor.

Awakening does not necessarily have to be his own. It's just that Li Yixiao doesn't mean to get a share of the pie at all. To put it bluntly, it just doesn't look good. This is one of the reasons why Suxing said that Li Yixiao's hidden skills are not professional.

At any rate, you find a specific reason to refuse, or you pretend to accept a little middle-grade crystal, but you put on a look of wealth, for fear that others will not know that if you get rid of your strength, do you have extraordinary origins?

The three of them stopped and stared at the **** mountain. After removing the countless black smoke that was billowing endlessly, the figure of gods would sometimes appear at the foot of the mountain.

That black mountain is the core peak of the Tianmo Mountain, and its devilish energy is particularly strong. Because of this, countless monsters are attached to the mountain, absorbing the rolling devilish energy.

And getting rid of the monsters, the environment of this mountain is obviously also very suitable for the survival of the magic treasure.

The gods come here for the magic treasure.

Demon Treasures are of high value. Similar to the Demon Lotus that was obtained before waking up, it was worth hundreds of middle-grade God Crystals. Among Demon Treasures, the Demon Lotus was not of high quality.

Really high-quality magic treasures, even the value of hundreds of thousands of middle-grade **** crystals, but that kind of magic treasures are also very rare.

At the foot of the mountain, fighting will sometimes break out.

In the process of obtaining magic treasures, the gods will inevitably run into monsters.

And the gods who dare to come here, get rid of enough cruelty, their cultivation is quite good, and they are generally at the seventh and eighth levels of the true gods, and there are also ninth levels of the true gods.

Even, Su Xing still vaguely felt a faint coercion belonging to the Celestial God Realm, which shows that there is at least a super power in the Celestial God Realm hidden here.

In addition, those gods did not fight individually, but formed small-scale groups, like the big men before them, each with their own leaders.

The various small groups are well-defined and are distributed around the mountains. Under normal circumstances, there will be no cross-border violations.

When the three people came to the foot of the mountain, a group of people soon came around, headed by a handsome middle-aged man, who looked a little out of tune with the group of grim-faced men around him.

However, to be the leader of this group of people, he is obviously not as simple as it seems, at least not a gentle and humble person.

The middle-aged man looked up and down to wake up the three people, and said lightly: "You three are a little bit courageous, so you dare to come here, so let's go! Give your storage bags out and follow us in the future?"

"Follow with you?" Li Yi smiled and raised his brows, and then said: "Is it necessary to let the three of us enter the magic mountain and make cannon fodder for you?"

"This is the rule." The middle-aged man couldn't comment, pointing to the people around him, and said: "Many of them are made step by step. After you finish the cannon fodder, you can be like them. Up."

"I am different from this group of weak chickens." Li Yixiao shook his head and glanced at the group of middle-aged men contemptuously.

"Your kid is looking for death!"

"Boss, I think this kid is a thorn, just kill it."

"I'm so white and fat, I don't have any trouble at first sight, I don't know the height of the world."

A group of middle-aged men suddenly flew into a rage, and their eyes flashed murderously.

When this group of blood lickers encountered this kind of disagreement, they basically started killing.

"It's kind of interesting." The middle-aged man was not angry. He stared at Li Yixiao and said lightly: "If you can beat them, it doesn't hurt to let you not be cannon fodder."

"I'm coming!" Hearing this, a strong man suddenly came out, his figure was very burly, and the exposed skin was densely covered with dark golden lines.

As the divine power bloomed, those dark golden lines all lighted up, and a strong and sharp aura overflowed.

The strong man raised his hand and fisted Li Yixiao.

His cultivation reached the seventh level of the True God Realm. This punch obviously spared no effort, and the momentum it raised was quite spectacular, and the mountains and forests trembling violently wherever the box passed.

However, this punch arrived in front of Li Yixiao, and it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without making any waves. Li Yixiao's white palm was protruding out, and with a light pinch, the powerful force contained in the fist was crushed arbitrarily. Up.

"I'm embarrassed to show off in front of the fat man with this level of attack?" Li smiled and glanced at a group of middle-aged men, and said lightly: "Why don't you go together?"

This time, no big man spoke again.

They had seen Li Yixiao's extraordinary, and they knew that even if they were together, they were probably not opponents.

"not bad!"

The middle-aged man's eyes brightened, and he looked up and down at Li Yixiao. The more he looked, the more satisfied he was. He smiled and said, "You don't need to be cannon fodder. If your two friends have the same strength as you, then you don't need to be cannon fodder. Follow me in the future and you can naturally eat and drink spicy."

"Hey! He wants to accept us as subordinates, what do you two think?" Li Yi smiled at Su Xing and Ding Xi with a teasing expression on his face.

Ding Xi shrugged and looked at Wake. Wake glanced at the middle-aged man opposite, and said lightly: "What you want is not your subordinates, but the tools to obtain magic treasures for you?"

"If I take the big head, you will also get a lot of money." The middle-aged said undeniably.

"Fatty, let's do it!" Su Xing has no interest in continuing.

"Hao Le!" Li Yixiao laughed, and walked towards the middle-aged, and said by the way: "A friendly reminder, the purpose of our trip is to climb the magic mountain. If you have use value, you can stay. Life, know?"

"court death!"

"Kill the three of them."

The middle-aged face sank, and the first one rushed out, and his men immediately followed.


The middle-aged divine power cultivation is blooming, revealing a profound and vigorous meaning, and it has reached the ninth level of the true god.

The grass and trees bow their heads, the mountains and forests are shaking, the surging divine power is intertwined, and the magical arts fall all over the sky, with a spectacular momentum.

However, Li Yixiao was still calm and calm, took a step forward, and slowly pressed down in the void with one hand. After a while, purple thunder and lightning appeared, smashing the middle-aged and his men.


Under the violent bombardment of thunder power, many strong men were wiped out in ashes under one face, and they were the strongest middle-aged. They also fell from mid-air, coughing up blood, and embarrassed.


"God forgive me!"

The middle-aged begged for mercy regardless of the image, with a look of horror.

Those thunder and lightning are too terrible, like the tribulation coming, carrying the power of the heavens and the earth, giving him a strong sense of insignificance. At this time, if he has not realized that he has met the real strong, then he will live in vain. It's a game.

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