Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1597: Nether Sea Beast!

Chapter 1597 Nether Sea Beast!


The roar grew louder from far to near.

In the four directions of southeast, northwest and north, the four lacquered “mountains” are also getting taller and majestic and terrifying.

"Su Mu, could it be that you secretly spurred the Shuize Kingdom? The scene is very similar!" Ding Xi said with a weird face.

"Yes!" Su Xing nodded with a deep smile, "So you don't need to rely on the black stone under your feet now. Anyway, I can control the Netherworld. Even if you sink, I can pick you up."


Ding Xi was silent, and the corners of his mouth trembled unnoticeably.

When they got closer, they all saw it. In the turbulent wave like a mountain, there was a figure of a giant hidden, the whole body was pitch black like ink, exuding an aura of icy coldness.

"Netherworld Sea Beast!"

"These are the legendary ghost sea beasts, I have seen them in ancient books."

Bei Xuan exclaimed, all the souls of the dead are threatened.

Nether sea beasts are extremely rare. They live in the unknown Nine Nether Zone. The most strange thing is their life form, which is between life and death.

When you are asleep, it is like death, with no breath of life. When you wake up, there will be life fluctuations.

This feature comes from a special ability of the Nether Sea Beast, the undead soul.

Almost any magical technique can't kill them, or even if they are killed, the soul will fall into a deep sleep, and then will reorganize the body and resurrect.

This kind of magical ability is naturally enviable.

But it is not a family of Nether Sea Beasts.

And the appearance of a large number of Netherworld Sea Beasts with undead souls is undoubtedly a disaster.

"Why do these Nether Sea Beasts come here? Is this Nether Sea Territory connected to the Nine Nethers? Or is there a group of Nether Sea Beasts here?"

Suddenly, Su Xing looked at the ghost ship, and his eyes immediately became icy, "It seems that you are making a ghost."

There is no doubt that these Nether Sea Beasts, which were originally sleeping, were awakened by the ghost ship and then summoned.

"What should we do now?"

Everyone looked towards awakening. There were too many Netherworld Sea Beasts, at least tens of thousands, and their strength was not weak. They were generally in the True God Realm, and many of them were above the fifth level of the True God Realm.

This strength is enough to keep everyone here forever.

As for the breakout, when everyone can only stand on the dark stone and cannot perform their body skills, it is simply a joke.

If it hadn't been for the grind of climbing the stone steps, everyone had even collapsed.


Awaken gritted his teeth, the light in the palm of his palm flicked, and the seal of the mountain in the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seal appeared, and the three ghost sea beasts rushing towards the face, slapped down fiercely.


The power of horror suddenly erupted, and the three Nether Sea Beasts were alive and beaten into a blood mist, but a strange scene appeared. The blood mist quickly condensed, and it turned into three Nether Sea Beasts.

This immortality is simply desperate.

"Is it really impossible to kill?"

Su Xing's eyes were suddenly cold, and he shot again, still with the seal of the mountain, and exploded the newly resurrected Nether Sea Beast again, and the power surged, wiping out the blood mist together.

At this time, three wisps of mist rushed out and disappeared instantly.

That is the undead soul of the Nether Sea Beast. Their bodies are shattered and cannot be reorganized, but their souls are immortal. After escaping, they fall asleep and can still be resurrected and reborn.

But solving these three Nether Sea Beasts was just a drop in the bucket, and soon more Nether Sea Beasts rushed over.

Ten thousand beasts roared, extremely ferocious.


Luo Qingxue, Ding Xi, Bei Xuan and others all took action.

The scarlet light beams, dragging the long flame tail, are as gorgeous as fireworks, but they also contain the power of fiery thunder. It is Luo Qingxue's "Nine Extremes of Archery" after enlightenment.

This third-rank heavenly conferred magic technique, displayed in Luo Qingxue's hands, was completely different from Liu Wuji. It was full of the laws of the fire system, and carried the fierce and rage.

This is the surprise of the god-given divine art. For the same god-given divine art, the effects of the divine cultivation are very different due to different personal circumstances.

The arrow is deadly.

Every fiery red **** arrow is bound to hit a Nether Sea Beast, and all of them are powerful Nether Sea Beasts, generally not lower than the third level of True God Realm.

What's more frightening is that the tearing power contained in the divine arrow, the blood mist exploded into the Nether Seas, was also torn instantly, causing it to be unable to reorganize, and could only use the undead soul to escape.

Luo Qingxue relied on the Nine Extremes of Archery Skills, and took the first level of the enemy in the army, which made Bei Xuan and others look at him. They did not expect that the elegant, beautiful, and gentle Luo Qingxue would be so fierce. one side.

Moreover, the strength is so amazing.

It was Ding Xi, also showing a touch of shock, and at the same time he swung to kill the enemy. The gray sword gang contained powerful destructive power. Every Nether Sea Beast that rushed to the front was torn apart by brute force.

Comprehending Tiangang Earth Mother, gaining the power of life, Ding Xi's life essence is much more abundant than before, and it is not far from the realm of endless life.

This allows him to use the "Sword of Destruction" freely, which is extremely powerful.

"What a terrible law of death!"

Bei Xuan and others were surprised again.

Along the way, Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi seldom shot, this time they were shocked.

So wise!

Bei Xuan and the others were grateful again that they had made the wisest choice and followed them to wake up. It really had a boundless future! Thinking of this, even in the face of the endless Nether Sea Beasts, it seems that he is not so afraid.

Suddenly, the magical skills erupted one by one.

Bei Xuan is the God Child of the Four Tribulations, and the rest of the people are the God Child of the Three Tribulations, with the lowest combat power, comparable to the third level of the True God Realm. This outbreak, the power is not weak.

However, the ghost sea beasts are endless, not only can't be killed, but also very difficult to kill.

At best, a group of people can barely maintain it, and not be swallowed by the Nether Sea Beast for the time being. It is impossible to kill the Nether Sea Beast.


Suddenly, a faint blue arrow pierced the surface of the sea and blasted toward the awakened heart, with a tricky angle and very harsh.

"Finally can't help but want to shoot?" Feeling the crisis behind him, he awakened and turned around without thinking, and slapped out.

In the palm of his hand, there was a gray whirlpool, exuding majestic power and powerful swallowing power.

This blow is obviously long-standing.

He seemed to be battling the Nether Sea Beast, but in fact, he had been secretly watching the ghost ship, waiting for an opportunity for the opponent to take action.

Feeling the power of the ancient **** of soul-eating, the faint blue arrow did not choose to head-on, and hurriedly retreated and quickly sank into the sea.

At the same time, Awakening displayed the Nine Transformations of the Divine Cicada, leaving the black stone extremely resolutely, and swiftly swept away along the retreat route of the faint blue arrow.

He wants to board!

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