Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1595: Ghost ship!

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-five chapters ghost ship!

The horror of the Netherworld is not only the extremely weak buoyancy of the sea, but also the inability to fly across the sea.

The buoyancy in the sky is even weaker than sea water.

To be more precise, there is a special power shrouded here, making it impossible for anyone to rely on flying to pass through.

"Look at the surroundings and see if there is anything that can float on the sea." Su Xing left a word, and swept to the left first.

Everyone's eyes brightened. According to previous experience, although the Nine-Layer Life and Death Pass is difficult, it is not a real dead end. There is always a ray of life, such as the green fruit in the city wall pass.

As long as you find that gleam of life, you can cross the Netherworld.

After half an hour, everyone returned. Everyone had something to gain, such as leaves, trees, soil, and even stones...

Su Xing glanced at a big rock in Bei Xuan's arms and couldn't help but said, "Are you sure this thing is useful?"



The others couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Bei Xuan's face was black as charcoal, he actually didn't want to come back holding a big rock, but a group of guys around him picked up everything they could, and in the end only the rock was left.

Compared to returning empty-handed, he felt that picking up a stone would make him feel more at ease.


Bei Xuan threw the stone out, and it sank quickly without any accident. Ordinary waters could not hold the stone, let alone the quiet sea area with extremely weak buoyancy?

"It's okay! It's also possible that the color of your stone is not good. Why don't you go back and pick up another one?" A Three Tribulations God Child hugged Bei Xuan's shoulders and joked.


Bei Xuan cursed with a black face, he is not an idiot, doing this stupid thing once is enough.


There was another roar of laughter.

Next, everyone threw out what they were holding. There were dry branches, unknown dark wood, broad leaves, and so on.

As a result, all sank.

No object can float in the sea.

Everyone can't laugh.

They had tried everything they could use around them, but they were all useless. The imaginary ray of life seemed to be non-existent.

Just as everyone was at a loss, some tiny bubbles appeared in the sea water, and then the rock that had sunk before Beixuan slowly surfaced.

Time seems to be frozen.

Everyone stared at the black stone.

What the **** is this?

Bei Xuan was dumbfounded, and rubbed his eyes vigorously. He thought it was an illusion, but his eyes were almost broken. The black stone was still on the water.


On the coast, Beixuan's unbridled laughter sounded.


He finally experienced the feeling of exultation.

Let you laugh at me one by one, do you understand what it means to do the opposite? Do you understand what is called Da Zhi Ruo Yu?


Everyone looked speechless.

This cycle of life and death can no longer be described as weird, it is simply unreasonable.

"Really... not playing cards according to common sense!"

I don't know what to say when I wake up. Who would have thought that nothing like a feather boat, dry leaves, etc. could not float on the sea, but a stone that looked very heavy did it?

This is an ideological misunderstanding.

"Bei Xuan, where did you find the stone?" Luo Qingxue asked. She observed for a while and found that the stone found by Bei Xuan was somewhat different from the ordinary stone.

"Three hundred miles away to the south, there is a small mound with rugged rocks and all these kinds of stones." Bei Xuan said.



Soon after, a group of people returned with a **** stone, which looked a little funny, and there were a lot of them in their storage bags for emergencies.


Along with the water splashing, the **** rocks were thrown into the sea. The rocks sank quickly, but after a while, they surfaced again.

Staring carefully, there is a dark lustre flashing inside the stone, exuding a special breath, squeezing out the peculiar energy that belongs to the Nether Sea Region around it.


Everyone no longer hesitated, they jumped up and landed on a dark stone, standing steadily, and as the cultivation base revolved, the stone carried everyone, riding the wind and waves, and swept forward.

"Go ahead at full speed, and the energy in this stone will be consumed." After waking up to feel it, he opened his mouth to remind everyone.

In fact, everyone has discovered this.

They must always pay attention to the energy in the stone, and before it runs out, they must take out another stone to replace it, and everyone has a lot of this stone with them.

However, this Netherworld area does not know exactly how long it is. To be on the safe side, it is natural to hurry.

"This level is more difficult."

Suddenly, the magical effect of the stone, along with the arrival of more and more sons of God, will be discovered sooner or later. It is nothing. The key lies in the energy consumption of the stone.

When everyone enters the Netherworld Sea and discovers this, there will be fierce competition for the stone. At that time, it is inevitable that many people will be buried in this sea.

Moreover, the total amount of this kind of stone is definitely not too much, which makes the elimination rate even more cruel.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, the person walking in the front awakened, a vigilance rose in his heart, and he immediately separated from Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi. At the same time, he caught a glimpse of a huge blue ship in the sea below him, like a head The huge sea beast quickly passed by.

The ship was concealed in the sea, swimming around, like a ghost who was killing it, giving people a very strange feeling.

Soon, the ship went and returned, as if staring at the awakening.

This time, Wake up saw it more realistically. On the deck of the ship, there was a tattered flag on which the three words "ghost ship" were faintly visible.


A faint blue light beam, intertwined into a net, broke through the sea from bottom to top, shrouded to wake up, as if a fisherman was fishing with a fishing net.

Suddenly, when he woke up, there was a feeling of being separated from his body and wanting to be detained.

Astonished in his heart, he urged the black stones under his feet, and moved his body horizontally, avoiding the faint blue net dangerously and dangerously.

When I turned my head, I saw the blue net turning around and chasing him again. At the same time, a voice rang from my awakened mind, full of bewitching, "The soul is back, sent into the sea of ​​darkness..."


Awakening raised his hand and pointed it out, the sword aura burst out with a dazzling light.

An incredible scene appeared.

The fierce sword aura directly penetrated through the faint blue net, without causing any fluctuations, nor any sign of confrontation, as if the two were not in the same time and space at all.

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