Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1589: Tianxin Six Team!

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-nine chapters Tianxin six united!

There are also a lot of combo formations on the market, but they are limited and not flexible enough.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to borrow too much power, and it is inconvenient to move, but at this moment, Bai Yu and others' combined attack formation is like a whole.

As Bai Yu moves, the people behind him will also change their directions, which is very mysterious.

"This is the Tianxin Sixth Formation, from Fengwu Fudi."

In the crowd, one of the gods exclaimed and recognized Bai Yu and the others' combined attack formation.

Others couldn't help showing envy when they heard this.

Anything that comes from Fengwu Blessed Land is an extraordinary product. This Tianxin Six Formation is mostly used by Bai Yunfei to return to the Kingdom of Baiyu, allowing Bai Yu and others to practice and use it to break the cycle of life and death.

Bai Yu and the others are already powerful, and they are generally the gods of the Four Tribulations. Now they have the Tianxin Six Formations. Their chances of breaking through the cycle of life and death are much greater than others.

"Unfortunately, if our mother hadn't taken Fu Shen Dan and vowed not to teach any of Fengwu Fudi's methods, we would also be able to learn to join forces in this day, and the success rate of breaking through the barrier would be greatly improved."

Ding Xi sighed. Her mother once came from Fengwufudi, and she also mastered many powerful methods and formations, but she did not dare to violate her oath and was unable to teach the law.

"In Fengwufudi, there should be a pill to relieve the **** of corruption and the cursed pill by Aunt Ke. After getting it, Aunt Ke can naturally recover." Su Xing patted Ding Xi on the shoulder and said with relief.

Ding Xi nodded. This was his primary goal in entering Fengwu Fudi.

After Bai Yu killed a strong Heavenly Ghost Clan with a fist, he led a group of relatives and relatives to fly forward, like a sharp knife inserted into the heart of the enemy, killing and attacking with an imposing manner.

Naturally, this also made him quickly noticed by the strong men of the Heavenly Ghost Clan. Soon after, several figures stopped in front of Bai Yu.


Bai Yu spit out a word coldly and boldly shot.

A fierce battle broke out instantly.

This time Bai Yu faced stronger opponents, and there were a lot of them. It was also difficult for him to solve opponents simply and aggressively as before.

Aftermath of forces raged across and wide, causing heavy hurricanes, making the scene extremely chaotic.


Awakening is no longer hidden, there is a huge movement made by Bai Yu, even if he bursts out with all his strength, he will not attract attention, and after he has solved a few heavenly ghosts, he rushes forward.

Ding Xi and Luo Qingxue quickly followed.

Upon seeing this, Bei Xuan also led a group of Three Tribulations Divine Sons and began to break through, but their strength was much weaker, and the progress of the breakthrough was much slower, and the Three Tribulations Divine Sons fell in the process.

But compared to some soldiers who were wiped out, Bei Xuan's situation is relatively good.

The **** sons of the Kingdom of White Feather were eliminated, and the **** sons of other gods also fought fiercely with the heavenly ghost army. Among them, there are many powerful **** sons, blooming with dazzling dazzling light.

After a short while, the three of them rushed out of the army of heavenly ghosts, looking at the fierce battle in the distance, wake up could not help but shook his head. After this battle, I don't know how many gods would die under the army of heavenly ghosts.

It is conservatively estimated that at least 30% of the gods are difficult to break through.

Thirty percent is equivalent to saying that there are about 30,000 **** sons who will die.

You know, these are the lowest gods of the Three Tribulations, who are true arrogances, but at this moment they are reduced to cannon fodder, looking very sad and cruel.

And this is just the first hurdle of the Nine Stages of Life and Death on the cycle of life and death.

The astonishing and cruel elimination rate makes people feel heavy.

Converge his thoughts, wake up and no longer stay, and fly forward along the cycle of life and death.

Behind them, more and more sons of gods broke out. Many of them were already in good condition, and their injuries were serious. Some began to choose a place to hide, retreat and heal their wounds, while others drove non-stop.

Although the three months given by the cycle of life and death is actually quite ample.

But being in the forefront also means seizing the opportunity. There are many benefits. Of course, there may also be great dangers, with mixed advantages and disadvantages.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, Bai Yu and a group of relatives of the emperor and relatives rushed out of the army of heavenly ghosts. With Tianxin six in the formation, Bai Yu was equivalent to wearing the armor of the heavenly dragon, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, this kind of Tianxin Six Formation obviously did not violate the rules of the cycle of life and death and was not considered cheating.

Eliminating Bai Yu, other leaders of the Kingdom of God, also quickly got rid of the army of heavenly ghosts.

"Bai Yu, urge Tianxin to join forces, don't you dare to fight with the heavenly ghost army to the end? It seems that you are nothing but that!" A teasing voice sounded.

A group of people stood in the void, with extraordinary bearing. The leader was a young man with a folding fan in his hand. The suave wind and Yushu were near the wind. The breath of cultivation was also very profound.

"Tianfeng Kingdom, Feng Yuqiu!"

Bai Yu stared at the young man with a torch, and said coldly: "Feng Yuqiu, you are also the thirteenth prince of the Heavenly Wind God Kingdom anyway, so would you only use this means to provoke me?"

"It's really boring!" Feng Yuqiu shook his head, gently waved the folding fan in his hand, and centered on him, a hurricane set off around him, wrapping him and the people behind him, and disappearing instantly in the next moment.

"What a great speed!"

"It's unpredictable. He deserves to be the thirteen princes of the Heavenly Wind God Kingdom, and his understanding of the Wind Element God Dao is simply the pinnacle."

People looked at the place where Feng Yuqiu disappeared, and they couldn't help showing surprise.

Feng Yuqiu is so famous that it is not inferior to Bai Yu.

And its strength is also extremely advanced.

Among the many gods who entered the cycle of life and death this time, one of the few who could threaten Bai Yu.

"Prince Yu, why don't we go quickly too? We won't be taken away by Feng Yuqiu and take away the'Pill of Life and Death'." A young man said beside Bai Yu.

His name is Zong Hao, he is powerful, is a God of Four Tribulations, and his cultivation has entered the realm of true gods, and his comprehensive combat power is second only to that of Bai Yu.

And the clan family, who also has a profound background in the Kingdom of Baiyu, is an authentic relative of the emperor.

"No hurry!" Bai Yu shook his head, and said in a hurry: "How easy is it to get the Pill Bead of Life and Death, it can't be done by Feng Yuqiu alone."

In the eyes of others, having crossed the cycle of life and death and becoming a Taoist is enough to cheer.

But Bai Yu and Feng Yuqiu have big goals and ambitious goals, and they know some secrets that other people don’t know. They not only want to break the cycle of life and death, but also want to win the most valuable thing, the Pill of Life and Death. .

"That's right! Feng Yuqiu is indeed good. Their Heavenly Wind God Kingdom is also an old-fashioned lower God Kingdom. Many people have entered the Fengwufu Land. Unfortunately, none of them can reach Prince Yunfei."

"Naturally, it is impossible for Prince Yunfei to pass back a'Golden Sword of Magic'."

A touch of pride appeared in Zong Hao's eyes.

Speaking of Bai Yunfei, almost every **** cultivator of the Kingdom of Baiyu is proud and proud.

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