Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1584: Shirahane Shrine

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-four chapters Baiyu Kingdom of God!

As a **** of existence, the pillar of the Bei Family, Bei Tianzhi is respected.

Under normal circumstances, everyone calls him "Northern ancestor", but members of the North family call him more cordially, calling him "old ancestor".

But now, awakening is by name.

Obviously, this fell in Bei Xuan's eyes, it was disrespectful, and his face suddenly sank.

"He is your ancestor, not mine." Su Xing shook his head. He has no favor or dislike for Bei Tianzhi. This is just a cooperative relationship, and naturally he doesn't feel inferior.

"Where did the wild boy come from, so rampant."

"On the site of the North Family, he dare to be so tough, doesn't he know how to write death words?"

"Haha! Watch it! This kid is very quick, and he will pay a painful price for his arrogance."

A group of Gods of the Three Tribulations sneered.

It doesn't matter to offend Bei Xuan, but since he is disrespectful to Bei Tian and has no intention of repenting at all, the consequences will be serious.

Although everyone doesn't know that Bei Tianzhi is there now, he must be closely watching everything that happens here. Wouldn't he be angry when he saw this scene?

However, everyone waited for a while, but they didn't see Bei Tianzhi's intention to lower their anger, and they were puzzled for a while.

It was Bei Xuan, with a flash of astonishment on his face.

"Is it because the cycle of life and death is about to open, and the ancestors have to put the overall situation as the most important, so they can't bear it?" Bei Xuan thought in his heart.

He didn't think that waking up was something extraordinary that made Bei Tianzhi ignore his impoliteness.

"This Su Mu is a bit arrogant." In a certain palace, Bei Tianzhi did see this scene, but at his height, he was not angry at this little thing.

Compared with it, obviously the cycle of life and death is more important.

Although Suwaken was not from the northern family, he had walked out from the northern divine realm. If he broke through the cycle of life and death, he would follow the light and be prosperous.

"It seems that Bei Tianzhi didn't ask for it. Let's go together, right?" Wake up through Bei Xuan's expression, already knowing the answer.

In this regard, it is not too surprising.

After all, even if Bei Tianzhi forced any request and entered the cycle of life and death, the other party would be beyond reach, so it would be better not to ask.

But Bei Xuan and these Three Tribulations Divine Sons accompany each other, and when they say it sounds good, they hug each other to keep warm, and when they say it sounds bad, they use each other.

Wake up too lazy to care about these, even less lazy to get involved in it.

Soldiers are valuable.

It’s far better to be with a group of people you can’t trust than to walk with someone close to you, trust each other completely, and entrust your back to each other.

"Boy, since you are so arrogant, why don't we go to the ring to play a game?" Bei Xuan directly invited the fight, already directly torn his face.

But after the ring, there is no other place to fight.

Because their cultivation base is too powerful, it is easy to be devastated by the mountain.

"Not interested!" Su Xing shook his head. With his mind, he didn't even bother to make a fight of spirit. After leaving a word, he walked towards Qianqing Palace with Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi.

Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi didn't speak, and they never intervened in these things, and made decisions solely by waking up.

"Bah! I thought it was so powerful, it turned out to be just a mouthful."

"It is estimated that it is the Three Tribulations at most. What kind of masters are still pretending to be there? Who has not survived the Three Tribulations?"

"He hasn't understood his situation yet. He can be arrogant and arrogant in other places, but when he enters the cycle of life and death, all he encounters are true celestial arrogances. Even the dragon has to hold it, and the tiger has to lie down. As before, it won’t survive for three days at all."

A group of gods of the Three Tribulations, seeing that they were awakening and avoiding but not fighting, their faces were immediately full of contempt, and they scolded any ugly words.

As the pride of heaven, each of them, in their own state, is a generation that is proud of the heroes, and they are full of arrogance in their hearts, and are praised, admired, and admired by countless people.

However, after walking into Dongfu City, knowing the abnormality of the cycle of life and death, one by one had reduced his own arrogance. After all, arrogance seemed worthless compared to his life.

Seeing the appearance of awakening now, I mistakenly thought that awakening had not yet figured out the situation, and had not adapted to the cruelty of the cycle of life and death.

"It's okay! Entering the cycle of life and death, he will know how stupid his state of mind is."

Bei Xuan stared at Wake's back, his eyes narrowed. He could almost foresee what a miserable end would be in the cycle of life and death with the arrogant awakening.

Three days passed in a flash.

Along with Beitianzhi's figure, appeared on the ring in the center of the square, the palaces around the square were also opened one after another, and everyone stepped out.

For three days, everyone adjusted their mentality.

There is eagerness to try, expectation, hope, but also some anxiety.

The cycle of life and death is indeed tempting, but it is also unpredictable, like a deadly poison, but it is extremely delicious and difficult to refuse.

"set off!"

Bei Tian Zhi's words are concise and concise, and did not describe any rules about the cycle of life and death. This is because everyone has already understood the cycle of life and death before coming here.

Soon after, everyone came to a palace on the mountainside.

This entire palace is actually a huge teleportation array, which can travel thousands of miles away.

Along with the dazzling light rising into the sky, this teleportation formation started to operate, everyone stepped into it, and their figures quickly disappeared.

White Feather Kingdom.

This kingdom of God, which controls the thirteen lower **** realms, is undoubtedly a behemoth among the many **** realms nearby, but there are many such kingdoms in the northern part of the **** realm.

White Feather City is the capital of the White Feather Kingdom.

Its huge scale is far better than Dongfu City. It occupies a vast area, equivalent to the land of a state, which is simply appalling.

After several months, under the leadership of Bei Tianzhi, the group of people awakened, and with the help of countless teleportation formations, during which time they changed to many means of transportation, finally arrived at Baiyu God City.

Looking at it, at the end of the earth, the sky and the ground, the buildings are magnificent, dotted with stars, like the sky full of stars.

This is a three-dimensional giant city.

From the sky to the ground, there are countless buildings.

And on the far sky, there are a group of magnificent buildings faintly, towering like a heavenly palace, with clouds flowing, misty, and divine light like a horse, making them extremely sacred and magnificent.

That is the imperial city of Baiyu Kingdom.

It is the seat of the royal family Bai family who controls this behemoth.

Everyone was shocked.

Most of them have noble status, and their power is the overlord of a state, especially Beixuan, which can be described as the first arrogant of the North family, and their status is even more respected.

However, when everyone arrives here, they have the feeling of a country bumpkin entering a city.

The eyes are full of surprises, and there are beautiful scenery everywhere in the sky and underground.

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