Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1577: Longshan!

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-seven chapters Longshan!


The four waves, like a mountain ridge, contained extremely majestic power, and they slammed down, causing the entire Dragon Tail City to tremble violently.

At the center of the burst of power, Zhou Jiyuan's and Lin Lang's magical skills were crushed into powder for the first time, and then their body guard's light was ruthlessly torn apart, and finally their bodies exploded into blood mist. Shenhun was imprisoned and crushed into powder.

The two dignified sect masters, respectively in charge of the two states, disappeared, and their souls were scattered.

This also announced that Xuan Jingzong and Tianbaozong were destroyed.

Countless people in Longcheng looked at the young figure standing in the void, shocked beyond words.

Breaking into the dragon city alone, slashing the dragons, killing the true gods, slaying the sect master...This pile, piece by piece, is a very dazzling record, which is a shocking move.

Su Mu, the name, has been thoroughly remembered by everyone, and all beings cannot forget it.

"Su Mu, you are indeed a genius of Tianzong, even if ordinary people wear that armor, it is impossible for them to have the power of yours."

Qi Tiankuo's voice was full of majesty, which came far from Longshou City.

Su Xing's gaze penetrated thousands of miles and landed on Qi Tiankuo standing on a big mountain. If he remembered correctly, Ding Xi seemed to have mentioned that on the way before he came, that mountain, named Longshan, is the important place of the Qi family. .

"Unfortunately, you will never escape death today."

Qi Tiankuo's voice sounded again, his expression calm and calm, there was no fluctuation due to the death of Zhou Jiyuan, Lin Lang and others.

After seeing the full burst of awakening power, he can still be so calm and confident that he looks a little abnormal, and he must rely on it.

"With the Dragon Mountain under your feet?" Su Xing walked towards the Dragon Head City step by step, with a torch-like gaze. From the Dragon Mountain, he found some unusual auras.

"Good eyesight!" Qi Tiankuo couldn't comment, his eyes flashed with crazy colors, and he grinned and said, "Su Mu, you forced me to do everything."

Suddenly, he stepped heavily on it, and the whole Longshan trembled suddenly, the huge boulder on it fell, the palace fell apart, the verdant ancient trees were all lifted up, and the smoke was all over the sky, rising into the sky.

As a gust of wind blew up, the smoke and dust quickly dissipated. At this time, people suddenly discovered that the appearance of Longshan had changed drastically, with countless flesh and blood squirming and intertwined, as if it was made up of countless dragons, intertwined, and it was unspeakable. The hideous meaning.

This is not a ghostly dragon evolving from divine power, but a real dragon with flesh and blood, but not the purest true dragon, but some earth dragons, blue dragons and so on with mixed blood.

Even so, it is a big deal.

Especially the dragons that make up Longshan are extremely numerous, thousands of them.

Undoubtedly, this is a huge project.

On the bodies of those giant dragons, there are countless **** runes inscribed, which are complex and profound, revealing a sense of evil.

"I just said, why can't I find the base of the eyes of the Wanlong Homing Formation, it was here." Su Xing suddenly realized that the so-called Wanlong Homing Formation, Longshan is the dragon's nest, the eyes of the Wanlong Guiding Formation. It is the source of its core strength.

"It's not too late for you to understand." Qi Tiankuo smiled evilly, and his feet seemed to grow on Longshan, blending with the whole Longshan.

The next moment, he opened his mouth, his mouth quickly enlarged, surpassing his body, and finally it was as big as a mountain, forming a huge vortex.

"Wanlong comes home!"

Accompanied by the sound that seemed to come from the nether hell, a huge swallowing force emerged from the mouth of the vast blood basin.

In the next moment, huge lines appeared on the street floor in Longcheng, exuding a **** glow, extending to Longshan.



The screams resounded throughout the dragon city.

The body of the people in it swelled uncontrollably, and eventually burst, turning into a cloud of blood mist, blending into the blood-colored veins under the feet, and then quickly flowing to Longshan.

In an instant, an unknown number of people were killed, turning Dragon City into a purgatory on earth.

Qi Tiankuo's move was tantamount to sacrificing the entire Dragon City in blood, reducing countless people in it to his rations and making his power more and more powerful.

No one thought that the dignified leader of the Qi family, the uncrowned king of Kitakyushu, was so evil, no different from the demons.

"Su Mu, save us!"

"Su Mu, please, stop Qi Tiankuo quickly."


More and more people began to ask for help.

Facing Qi Tiankuo, whose evil and fierceness were completely exposed, everyone could only pin their hopes on awakening.

This is a bit ironic. A moment ago, many of them wanted to wake up and die.

The awakening expression was cold and sharp, neither agreed nor opposed. It was not that he had no sympathy, but he also had some points... But in the end, he nodded and agreed.

Even if there is no help from everyone, Qi Tiankuo will kill him.

Furthermore, if Qi Tiankuo is allowed to kill, his power will only become stronger and stronger, and then it will be dangerous to wake up.

Saving others is also saving oneself.

"Lead the other people in the city, the farther away from the blood-colored lines on the ground, the better, try to save your lives." Su Xing instructed some of the masters of the Profound God Realm.

He had just probed it again, and the blood-colored lines on the ground possessed a weird power that could detonate the source of the god's body. The closer the distance, the more dangerous.


Those Profound God Realm masters hurriedly followed their instructions.

They have a high level of cultivation, and for the time being they can resist the weird power in the blood-colored lines, but for a long time, it will be inevitable.

Awakening no longer hesitated, he rose into the air, cast the unfolding mountain seal, and slammed down towards the huge dragon mountain with a fierce palm. Suddenly, the torrent of power in the mountain seal erupted, setting off horrible fluctuations.

"Oh oh oh!"

At the same time, countless ferocious dragons roared in Longshan, and giant dragons rushed out, like countless octopus tentacles, facing the seal of the mountain.


Accompanied by the horrible explosion, the power of the mountain seal was constantly being eroded.

Su Xing's face sinks slightly. After Qi Tiankuo merges with Longshan, the latter's power has already reached the height of the sixth level of the True God Realm. The countless dragons in Longshan are equivalent to a part of his body. They are huge and extremely difficult.

Moreover, possessing a very powerful regeneration ability, even if the dragon head is cut off by the awakening, it will grow back soon.

The awakening cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, urging the waters of the kingdom, and surrounding Longshan, the offensive was like a squally rain, trying to crush Qi Tiankuo, and the extremely fierce force raged in all directions, turning the vicinity of Longshan into ruins.

"Patriarch save me!"

The members of the Qi family screamed bitterly.

However, the lofty Patriarch in their eyes was completely indifferent, and even used the Wanlong homing formation to swallow all their vitality and blood.

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