Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1570: Cut the true god!

The first thousand five hundred and seventy chapters cut the true god!

History repeats itself.

This was the second time that Zou Wei wanted to destroy a city in front of his awakening.

For the first time, Awaken broke out with strong combat power and successfully intercepted it.

But this time, in the face of Zou Wei who had taken the Burning Blood God Pill and had reached the fourth level of the True God Realm, what did he wake up to intercept?

People shook their heads, no one was optimistic about waking up.

The people in that city were completely desperate, as if the **** of death stretched out his life-killing hand to them.

"Only after taking the Burning Blood Pill, I barely stepped into the fourth level of the True God Realm, and thought I was invincible, so I could be unscrupulous?"

Wake shook his head.

His face was still calm, but deep in his pupils, there was a sharp cold glow.

Zou Wei's strength was not in his eyes, but the other party's harsh methods completely angered him.


As the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor appeared on his body, the next moment, a wave of power emerged in his body, which was much stronger than Zou Wei.

Afterwards, his figure quickly slid under the big handprint that covered the sky, and his right fist rushed towards the sky.


Amid the earth-shattering roar, Zou Wei's large handprints were torn apart like rotten pieces.

In the smoke and dust, the awakened figure walked out step by step, like an ancient **** who opened up the world, his body is immense, and it looks extremely tall and extraordinary.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Every time he took a step, the void shuddered, as if a heavy hammer hit people's hearts, making people feel unusually uncomfortable and depressed.

"Finally can't help it?" Ding Xi caught a glimpse of this scene after getting rid of the boats, and a smile appeared on his face.

From beginning to end, he was the only one who didn't care about the safety of waking up.

It's not that I don't care, but I know that with the **** of the dragon armor, there is no need to worry about anything.

However, before the critical moment, neither Ding Xi nor Awakening would use the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, not because they wanted to hide something, but more, they wanted to solve problems with their own strength.

Although the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor is good, there are more available, and there will be dependence.

Moreover, activating the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor consumes extremely violent divine crystals. After all, using the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor to increase the cultivation base, the majestic power that is born is transformed from the God Crystal.

Therefore, once the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor is used, it is bound to gain something.

"Although the competition in the God Realm is cruel, but the act of slaughtering the common people is still worthy of death." An indifferent voice spit out from the awakening mouth, as if it were a **** of death, sentenced to death.

He stared at Zou Wei with cold eyes. He disappeared as he walked, and when he reappeared, he came to the front of Zou Wei, with a simple mark on his palm, slowly slapped out.


A panic flashed in Zou Wei's eyes, and his awakening at this moment gave him a sense of extreme anxiety. At the moment of crisis, he once again summoned the Aegis of the Stars and activated it.

The dazzling starry sky lay between him and awakening, giving him a sense of security at last.

However, this sense of security soon disappeared.


Amid the deafening explosions, the Earth-Splitting Seal hit the Star Aegis, and the terrifying force rolled and raged, destroying the stars quickly, and even the entire Star Aegis also shook violently.


A crack appeared on the Star Aegis, extending from top to bottom.

It can no longer help Zou Wei through the killing and robbery like before, and it is already overwhelmed.


More cracks appeared, as if a chain reaction had occurred. In an instant, there were dozens of cracks densely covering the surface of the Star Aegis.


At a certain moment, this defensive artifact finally collapsed and was completely torn apart.

At the same time, the fierce and unmatched power seemed to be venting out of the flood from the bank, bombarding Zou Wei's chest, quickly defeating his supernatural power of body protection.


Zou Wei's figure receded one after another, blood spurting out of his mouth.

In a short moment, he withstood dozens or hundreds of power bombardments, all his internal organs were crushed into fleshy flesh, his bones broke countless roots, his divine power spread, and his divine origin was broken.


Zou Wei let out a stern roar.

He wants to save himself, wants to escape.

However, the attack that belonged to the awakening was like a bone gangrene, trampling him into the abyss of death step by step.

When the day and the earth returned to quiet, Zou Wei had disappeared.

His body was in ashes, and his soul was scattered, and he could not die again.


Until this moment, people have come to their senses.

One is that everyone is too shocked, and the other is that everything just said a long time ago, but in fact, tearing Zou Wei's big handprint from awakening, breaking his Aegis of Stars and killing it, is just a snap. thing.

The same is the fourth level of the True God Realm, but awakening has crushed Zou Wei.

After all, Zou Wei only used the Burning Blood Divine Pill to reach the fourth level of the True God Realm. He was just entering this realm for the first time, and the awakening used the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor. I don’t know how clever the method is, and the power he gained is not burning at all. The Blood God Pill is comparable.

"It's your turn?"

Wake up and turn around, eyes falling on Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing.

These two people and Zou Wei are the same raccoon dog, he will definitely not let it go.

"When we are afraid that you will not succeed?" Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing put on an endless posture, and the depression in their hearts is understandable.

Determined to take the Burning Blood God Pill, he thought he could dominate the battle, and crushed his awakening.

As a result, Awakening actually broke out again, and their strength was even more improved than they had improved, and Zou Wei was wiped out in the blink of a finger, both frightened and depressed them.


When the voice fell, Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing rushed towards the rear without hesitation.

They ran away.

The posture just now was completely used to fool awakening.

"How abnormal is this guy."

Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing did have anger in their hearts, but more often they were panic.

Even Zou Wei, who was of similar strength, was obliterated by Awakening. What's the use of the two of them going together? It is simply sending sheep into the mouth.

Since he couldn't fight, he naturally escaped, and he couldn't stay where he was and wait for death.

"Can you leave?"

However, Su Xing did not let go of their plans. Not to mention Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing's numerous crimes, just to say that the strength of these two people, once they are allowed to escape, can be described as endless troubles.

"Leave it to me by Zhou Shixing, you go chasing Qi Sanhai." Ding Xi also understood this, and looked at Zhou Shixing and Qi Sanhai who had fled separately, and said towards the awakening.

"Good!" Su Xing nodded.

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