Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1560: Thousands of beasts are home!

The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapters return to the nest!

The eighth-level cultivation base of the Profound God Realm, the false **** of the Five Tribulations.

The addition of the two makes Ding Xi's combat power very close to the fourth level of the True God Realm.

And He Zhanpeng, only the cultivation base of the first-order peak of the True God Realm, has not yet entered the second-order of the True God Realm, and he is naturally far from Ding Xi's opponent.

Because of this, he felt very frightened by the fluctuations in Ding Xi's body.


Ding Xi was startled, and then shook his head: "Brother Su, can this guy surrender honestly? I think it's better to kill it! Wouldn't it be better to avoid future troubles?"

He Zhanpeng took a deep breath, feeling cold in his hands and feet, and hurriedly said: "Two gods, I am also the head of the family anyway, so naturally I will keep my promise. If I say surrender, I will definitely not be unwilling."

The sword is on his neck, and He Zhanpeng knows that if he is not loyal at this time, he will be in a different place next moment.

"I don't say anything, I don't like trouble. It's easy to kill with one sword." Ding Xi shook his head, showing no signs of shaking.

He Zhanpeng's complexion changed, and under his teeth, he took out a jet black pill and swallowed it quickly, and his whole body was immediately covered by a black mist.

"The two gods, this is the **** of rotten pill, specifically for the gods and souls, I swear with the gods of rotten pill that I will never have two hearts with them, otherwise the gods and souls will corrode and die."

After talking in one breath, the black mist quickly disappeared into He Zhanpeng's mind.

"So! Let's save your life!" Ding Xi took the sword and stood. He knew very well about the God of Rotten Pill, because his mother took the God of Rotten Pill. This pill has spirituality. If you take an oath, you can't break it.

Because once you violated it, the God of Rotten Pill will feel it, and it will start to corrode the soul, even if the gods descend, there is no cure.


Hearing this, He Zhanpeng sighed, only to realize that his whole body was wet with sweat.

The head of a dignified family, sitting on a state and possessing endless glory and wealth, he really didn't want to die.

Su Xing watched all this quietly. At the end, he gave Ding Xi a faint glance. After spending some time together with Jiang Dongliu and others, it seemed that he had become much more cunning.

How can he fail to see that Ding Xi was just scaring He Zhanpeng just now, the purpose is to make the latter dare not have two minds.

"You should withdraw first!" Seeing that Ding Xi's expression was strange when he woke up, he waved back He Zhanpeng.

"Yes!" He Zhanpeng was relieved, he was anxious to leave early, and he really didn't want these two evil stars to stay together.

"Something in your mind?" Su Xing asked, staring at Ding Xi.

"I want to go back to Cangyun Prefecture." Ding Xi nodded, "My mother is there alone, I don't worry."

"You can take your mother to Tianxing Shenshan, where it will be much safer." Su Xing suggested.

"Okay!" Ding Xi thought for a while, then agreed.

The two agreed that during the Tianxing Shenshan round, they separated temporarily, and Wake and set off to return to Tianxue Shenshan, while Ding Xi went to the Dead Spirit Mountain in Cangyun Prefecture.


Divine Fall Mountain Range, Dragon Nest!

After a few years, there have been many changes here.

The overthrow of large mountains and forests, thousands of miles of scorched earth, seems to have experienced the baptism of fierce fighting.

In addition, on the way to waking up, I haven't seen any traces of the sky monsters, and even the dragon nests with many sky monsters are now walking through the mountains and sky, looking desolate and lonely.

Such abnormal phenomena made the awakening mood heavy and could not help speeding up the journey.

Finally, he passed through the realm of space rebellion and returned to the Heavenly Awakening Mountain. He soon discovered that the Thief God and others were safe and sound, and the mountain was more lively than before, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Pirate God's use of the space node is indeed more powerful than me, and even his father has come to the gods." Suwa found many familiar figures.

After Awakening made the Heavenly Awaken Mountain into his own world of good fortune, the rules of heaven and earth here have been changed to some extent.

The Pirate God re-uses the space node to form a huge teleportation array that crosses the two realms, so that people who do not become gods in the lower realms can also enter the gods.

This move undoubtedly has many benefits.

With the unique conditions of the God Realm, the cultivation speed will be faster than that of the Lower Realm, allowing more people to easily become gods.

Apocalyptic Peak, the awakened residence.

The crowd gathered together.

Awakening gave Lu Jiang’s forging skills and Luban bow’s formation to the Pirate God.

The Pirate God first glanced at the formation of Luban bow, and he was ecstatic. If he had obtained the most precious treasure, he read Lu Jiang's forging skills, and he was shaking with excitement.

"Boy, with these two things, at most ten years, I can make the Heavenly Awakening Mountain become solid, even if the gods come, I won't get the slightest benefit."

The Thief God was full of confidence, paused, and then said: "Moreover, once the God's Royal Dragon Armor is built, our overall strength is equivalent to several times."

Hearing this, everyone naturally shined.

"If you need anything, just let the He family and Xue Danfeng cooperate fully." Su Xing is used to being a hand shopkeeper, and is not interested in these things. He believes that the cleverness of Pirate God does not need him to worry about.

"By the way, the strangeness in the God's Falling Mountain Range, do you know what's going on?" Su Xing asked.

"This matter started more than a year ago."

"Those sky demon beasts didn't know what was going on, and they rushed towards the core area of ​​the Shenyue Mountain Range. Such scenes are simply destroying the world!"

The thief had lingering fears on his face.

If it weren't for the obstacles of the Space Rebellion Realm, under the horrible scene of ten thousand beasts returning to their nests, the awakening of the mountain would not be safe.

"Do you know the reason?" Su Xing frowned.

"I don't know, it would be an accident. We dare not walk out of the Heavenly Sacred Mountain." Thief God shook his head.

Su Xing nodded, agreeing with the practice of stealing the gods. After all, Tian Xing Shenshan is very important and should not be lost.

However, since he came back, he naturally wanted to investigate.

Being in the Shenyue Mountain Range, there was an uncertain factor next to it, which always made him worry.

A few days later, Wake up and set off.

Before setting off, he left the time-traveler's "time picture scroll". A ten-fold difference in time flow would increase the efficiency of one’s cultivation tenfold out of thin air.

This is obviously of great benefit to the improvement of the strength of everyone on the Heavenly Awakening Mountain.

If this continues, within a few years, the background of Tianxue Shenshan will be comparable to He Jia, or even surpass it.

At that time, the people on the Heavenly Awakening God Mountain could go out, wander around, sharpen themselves, and be regarded as truly gaining a foothold in the God Realm.

And unlike now, you can only stay in the awakening mountain.

Although the cultivation conditions of Tianxing Shenshan are getting better and better, cultivation cannot be blindly closed, and tempering is also very necessary.

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