Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1547: War of extermination!

The first thousand five hundred and forty-seven chapters of the war of extermination!

On the sky, that cold and ruthless voice, there is no room for negotiation, like death sentenced.

"How could this be?"

"Is the demons crazy? Have you ever considered the end of such a grandiose genocide?"

"what is this?"

There was a panic in the Ancestral City.

Patriarch Shuiyue's face was also unprecedentedly solemn and angry.

There are many races in the God Realm. Although there are many contradictions, they are only small frictions, and there will be no real wars. Things like annihilation are almost impossible to happen.

Move the whole body with one move.

If the Demon Race annihilates the Aqua Race, most of the other races will not stand idly by, and will not give the Demon Race a chance to gradually cannibalize and annex them, especially the Human Race headed by the Void Empress.

"Is the devil emperor intending to provoke a war among the tens of thousands of races?" The chief Shuiyue asked the three titled demon ancestors in a deep voice while holding a bead of good fortune.

"There can only be one master in this God Realm, and that is the Devil Emperor!" Raksha Demon Ancestor replied coldly and domineeringly.


Jiang Dongliu sneered and said: "Not to mention that there is a female emperor, the devil's conspiracy will not succeed, just talk about the Shui Clan, you will not be able to destroy it, I have notified my father and grandfather to urge you to retreat quickly."

"Don't talk about dreams of the Mozu, I have already notified my father and grandfather." Liu Wuji also said.

"Are you God Ancestor on the River, God Ancestor Liu?" The Demon Ancestor of Raksha glanced lightly at Jiang Dongliu and Liu Wuji, and said, "I'm afraid that your father and ancestor will not be able to protect themselves at this moment."


This sentence is undoubtedly a one-stone wave.

The fathers of Jiang Dongliu, Liu Wuji, and Yang Zheng all existed as ancestors and ruled a kingdom of God, while Jiang Dongliu and them were actually princes of the kingdom of God.

At this moment, the Demon Ancestor of Raksha said that their father and grandfather could not rush to support, that is to say, their kingdom of God has also encountered a huge threat.

"It seems that the Devil Emperor came prepared this time." Patriarch Shuiyue's complexion completely chilled.

When things have reached this point, there is no room left.

There is only one battle, only the death battle!

Suddenly, Patriarch Shuiyue remembered the news from Awakening that the Shui nationality did not exist in later generations, and his mood became extremely heavy. The current crisis was mostly left to history by the Shui nationality, the last touch of color.

Wake up standing in front of the Water Spirit Palace, his mood is not good, he knows that the aquatic clan will be destroyed, but never expected that he would witness all this with his own eyes, and even want to be in it.

The change came too suddenly.

The demon army was overwhelmed, and the three titled demon ancestors came together, there was no sign beforehand.

"Devil Strike!"

The three titled demon ancestors, Raksha, Moye, and Saqi, stood in the shape of a character, and under his feet, a circular formation appeared, densely covered with countless complicated patterns.

Marks formed between his hands, emitting a jet black halo.

At a certain moment, the three of them struck out their respective marks and merged in the center. The light was radiant. Then the sky trembled violently, and the last huge formation emerged.

The black formation covered tens of thousands of miles, overwhelming the world, revealing an indescribable sense of depth, the devilish energy was strong to the extreme, and the magical law was surging.


Suddenly, at the center of that huge formation, a huge black beam of light bombarded down towards the ancestral city.

At the same time, many elders of the Shui people appeared in various places in the ancestral city. Everyone's cultivation base was extremely deep. Standing on the wall or in the tower was the key to the formation.

Accompanied by the patriarch Shuiyue standing on the barrier of the blue water curtain, the whole body burst into bright light, and the great defense formation of the ancestral city was completely activated.

The immense power swarmed out like a raging wave, and slammed into the jet black beam of light falling down.

For an instant, the world fell into a strangely silent state, as if space was frozen and time was frozen.

This is the illusion that the force collides too fiercely, which causes the ear to lose hearing.

After a brief silence, there was a deafening roar, as if nine days of thunder was blasting in the ears, which made the chest dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

And the aftermath of the force born at the time of the explosion spread in all directions, centering on the ancestral city, I don't know how vast the mountains and rivers and land were destroyed.

If it weren't for the defense of the city, the first blow would be enough to wipe out most of the creatures in the ancestral city.

The clash between the three titled demon ancestors and the high-level Shui clan headed by the Shuiyue patriarch, the movement caused by it is too terrifying, as if the heavens are angering the world.

In front of such great power of heaven and earth, everyone in the ancestral city felt a deep sense of insignificance.

People are nervous, sweaty palms and backs of hands, staring at the confrontation in mid-air, which determines their life and death.

In midair, the patriarch Shuiyue and the others resisted the first wave of offensive by the three titled demon ancestors, but the dark beam of light did not disappear.

In the huge and boundless formation on the sky, a steady flow of power was injected into the jet-black light beam, constantly exerting pressure on the great defense formation.

Shui Clan has been in business for countless years and has a profound background, but in the face of the menacing Demon Clan, it is barely able to remain unbreakable, but this is only temporary.

The huge and boundless Demon Race Array can continuously mobilize the mighty force to come, and constantly consume the power of the Guardian Array. If this continues, it will only happen sooner or later that the Guardian Array is breached.

A worse scene appeared. In countless corners of the Ancestral City, an elite demon race rushed out, mercilessly murderous, like the same killing machine, but all foreigners were killed by thunder.

These demon elites, through the Tianshui event, lurked into the ancestral city, and suddenly broke out at this moment, like the last straw that crushed the camel, causing the whole city to fall into a huge state of panic.



Countless heartbreaking screams sounded in the streets and alleys of the ancestral city.

There are thousands of these elite demon races, like a tiger wolf teacher, unstoppable.

After killing the people around them, they rushed towards some towers and city walls.

Towers and city walls are the key places of the great defense formation. They are the eyes. Once they are destroyed, the power of the great defense formation will continue to be weakened.

By then, the aquarium will be destroyed.

"Stop them!"

The women and men of the Shui Clan, one by one, in grief and anger, with red eyes, rushed towards the demon army, but they were fighting each other, and they were not opponents to the strictly organized demon army.


"Boom boom boom!"

In just one face, many aquatic members were beheaded. It was terrible and very desolate.

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