Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1535: All show their magic!

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-five chapters each show their magical powers!


On the left and right sides, as the two smashing waves like mountains slapped down, the bridge of God shone brightly through the void, carrying a group of people awakened, and quickly disappearing in place.

"This sacred bridge is similar to the void passage, but it is more convenient. It can be built in an instant. It is really magical." Thousands of miles away, the figures of Wake and others resurfaced.

Jiang Dongliu and the others were obviously used to it, but the three of them were surprised.

Lu Ban bow and other methods show that his attainments in formation have reached an extremely high level.

"If the Pirate God learns the Luban bow formation..." Su Xing shook his head, the idea is tempting, but how could the Luban bow formation simply be taught?

"Wang Ergouzi, is your nose broken? How come there are aquatic elites?" Jiang Dongliu looked at the high and turbulent waves in front of him, falling towards them, and couldn't help but bark at Wang Yu.

"Wang! I just said that there are fewer aquatic elites in this route, and I didn't say that there is no resistance at all." Wang Yu retorted.

"I come!"

Yang Zheng stood up and took a step forward. He appeared in front of the raging mountain-like waves. Immediately within his body, he burst out a halo of yellowish yellow. Thousands of them quickly converged and turned into one. An earthen wall that rises above the clouds.


The raging sea like a mountain rushed down with its shocking power, as if the roar of an earthquake in the sky, but it didn't actually tear the heavy soil wall.

"Lu Ban bow, what the **** are you doing, continue to build the **** bridge, do you really think how long I can last?" Yang Zheng stood under the soil wall, his face flushed, and grinned toward Lu Ban bow.

"What's the hurry? You can hold at least 30 breaths, why don't you let me sing a song first..."

"Sing loudly, you big-headed ghost, hurry up and work, and then ink, close the door and let the king go."

"Wang! Why take me again."


In the noisy, Lu Ban bow once again built a sacred bridge.


The light flashed, and everyone disappeared again.

"Three hundred miles to the east, there are three elite aquarists!"

"Liuzi, shoot him!"

"Two hundred miles to the north, there are five elite aquarists!"

"Liuzi, keep shooting!"

Close to the central area of ​​the first dimension, a series of dark green arrows concealed in the void, and every time they appeared, an elite aquatic race would be shot down from the void.

Liu Wou-ki's archery skills are exquisite.

The arrow has no false hair and is powerful.

With Wang Yu's extremely keen sense of smell, it is a perfect match, clearing many obstacles along the way.

However, Jiang Dongliu was not in a hurry to let everyone rush into the central area, because at the entrance to the second dimension, there were many elite aquatic people and their defense forces were very strong.

"Luban bow, hurry up and arrange it. It's time to watch the show." Jiang Dongliu took out a chair from his storage bag, ran to the top of a mountain and sat down, looking at Erlang's legs.

Liu Wou-ki even took out a wicker chair, put his head in his hands, and lay there with a look of leisurely pleasure.

With a big swing of Lu Ban's bow, a flag emerged in a row, and quickly hid in the void, enshrouding everyone. From the outside, everyone disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

This is a very subtle concealment formation.

After doing all this, Lu Ban Gong also took out a stool and gathered among the crowd, some with wine, some with delicious food, all of them were intoxicated and had fun.

This look, where it looks like participating in a Tianshui event, is simply a visit to the mountains and water.

"Life is so long, it's a song to wine!" Lu Ban sang with a bow.

"Wang! You sing again, I will bite off half a catty of your meat." Wang Yu barked his teeth, and Lu Ban bowed his singing so badly, he got goose bumps all over.

Lu Ban Gong ignored him, and continued to scream intoxicated.


Wang Yu really rushed forward and bit his mouth.

But Lu Ban's bow is not afraid, you bite you, I sing mine, nerves are not ordinary.

Wang Yu foamed at the mouth and was defeated.

He was completely disgusted by Lu Ban Gong's singing.

Su Xing's face trembled, but after a few days of contact, she has already understood the behavior style of Jiang Dongliu and others, which is not too strange.

"These scumbags!"

Outside the ancestral city, the patriarch Shuiyue sitting on the island, looking at this scene, his face couldn't help but become dark. It was a great Tianshui event because of these guys.


At a certain moment, Jiang Dongliu's eyes lit up.

Everyone looked towards the east one after another, and a group of people quickly slammed into the entrance of the teleportation formation with the momentum of thunder.


Fierce fighting broke out instantly.

"It's Yifan!"

Su Xing's gaze condensed, and the head of the team was wearing a black suit, the most powerful arrogant of the generation, Yi Fan.

Ant Fan's cultivation base is extremely vigorous, and with one simple move, it can burst out extremely terrifying powers and lift aquatic elites away.

In front of him, any magical technique seemed to lose its meaning.

Despite the thousands of ways, I broke it by myself.

"Ten will drop in one force!"

Jiang Dongliu and the others, their expressions also became solemn.

The divine ant family is born with incomparably powerful and unparalleled power. Antfan is one of the best. His power is so powerful that he can crush the opponent directly without any magical skills.


Suddenly, in the southern sky, an extremely dazzling light illuminates the heavens and the earth, exuding an extremely domineering and fierce aura, like a thunder, rushing into the elite of the aquarium, and a large number of elite aquatics are caught between the fingers. Boom.

"The Gunner!"

Jiang Dongliu and others changed their expressions again.

The Demon Gunmaster, that is very likely, even more powerful than the existence of Ant Fan, ranking among the top ten arrogances of the Demon Race, ranking ninth.

The demon clan minions are all over the **** realm, and their strength is profound.

Among the countless members of the demons, being able to rank ninth among the top ten arrogances is a supreme glory and means that the future of the gunlord is unlimited.

The word "Jiangjun" means that he is certain that he can step into the realm of the gods and grow into the king of the guns in the future.


Under the siege of Qiangjun and Yifan, the elites of the aquarium quickly showed signs of not supporting.

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great, even if the elites of the aquarium use the laws of the water system, even if they occupy an advantage in numbers, it doesn't make much sense.

Qiangjun and Yifan, like a tiger entering a flock, are unstoppable.

"Let's take action too." Jiang Dongliu slowly got up, looked at Gunlord and Ant Fan, quickly stepped into the teleportation formation, went to the second dimension, and gradually put away his cynicism, there was a fierce warfare in his body, faintly Spilled out.

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