Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1524: The Mizusawa Kingdom in the realm of perfection!

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-four chapters, the kingdom of Mizusawa in the realm of perfection!

Whether it is awakening or Ding Xi, the shot is a killer move.

Because they knew that this battle must not be postponed, and must be resolved quickly, otherwise Qi Huanyu and others came to support it, then it would be difficult for them to leave.

"Kangwu Zhenyuan Mountain!" Zhao Xuehou yelled, his robe bloated, his divine power turned to the extreme, and he displayed a piece of land divine art he had learned throughout his life.

I saw endless rays of light, quickly gathered together and turned into a mountain, covering Zhao Xuehou.

On that majestic mountain, densely covered with many lines, giving people a very strong feeling.


Ding Xi's ruined sword slashed into the mountain, giving birth to a terrifying destructive power, causing the mountain to tremble, and the surrounding ancient trees were overturned by dozens or hundreds of them. The scene was scary.

And through the mountains, you can also see that Zhao Xuehou's bleeding in his mouth was obviously affected.

However, the mountain was not broken.

As long as the mountain is not broken, Zhao Xuehou will not die.

Zhao Xuehou was very smart, he didn't want to fight with Su Xing and Ding Xi at all.


Luo Qingxue also flew over and shot, the fire phoenix skyrocketed, her mouth opened, and a fiery pillar of fire gushed out, bombarding the mountain, but it couldn't shake the mountain at all.

It was not that the Chaos Phoenix Fire was not strong enough, but that Luo Qingxue's cultivation base was too low compared to Zhao Xuehou.

It's like giving a sharp sword to a child. The sword itself is sharp enough, but the child is too weak to show much power.

"I come!"

Awakening prevented Ding Xi from continuing to take action. The latter used the sword of ruin. Although it was powerful, it had a large load on itself. At this time, it should not be too much.


Awakening rose into the sky and came to the front of the mountain, the whole body rushed and shuttled, releasing the azure brilliance, and then there were endless water system divine laws rushing in this world.

After a while, centering on awakening, a huge water area emerged, exuding majestic pressure.

"The waves are surging!"

A leisurely voice was slowly spit out from her mouth.

The next moment, the waters plunged into a violent turmoil, the current surging, the waves piled up, soaring into the sky and the waves, turning into huge water jets, like angry water dragons, flaring their teeth and claws, roaring ferociously, and bombarding the mountains.


The terrifying explosive deafness, and the power fluctuations that it brought up, made the mountains and forests hundreds of miles around become shaken, and many ancient trees were uprooted and flew out.


The rocks shattered and cracked, and the whole mountain was shaking violently, with signs of breaking at any time.

And Zhao Xuehou, who was in the mountains, was coughing up blood, but he also knew that this was a critical moment of life and death, and he did his best to guard the mountains.

The two are in a stalemate.

The waters fill the sky and the mountains are towering.

But if this continues, the mountain is bound to be shattered by the impact.

However, he didn't have so much time to wake up. He had already felt that there were many unmatched breaths on the horizon, which were approaching quickly.

Obviously, those Qi Huanyu had sensed the movement of the confrontation here, and they were coming.

"Hahaha! Su Mu, you don't have time to kill the old man." In the mountains, Zhao Xuehou also felt this and couldn't help laughing out loud.

In a trance, there is still a sense of aftermath.

The Mizusawa Kingdom displayed by Awakening was extremely shocking, making him frightened, and he really felt the death crisis and almost collapsed.

At this point, I was finally determined.

He was confident and could definitely hold on until Qi Huanyu and the others rushed there.

Luo Qingxue frowned.

Ding Xi's face was cold.

Their plan this time is to kill Zhao Xuehou, and severely frustrate the spirit of all the major forces in Kyushu.

As for the eighth-rank elites of the Profound God Realm that were killed, they didn't actually have much impact.

However, neither of them spoke, leaving the decision to wake up.

"Really?" Su Xing looked at Zhao Xuehou, his expression unmoved, at a certain moment, his eyes closed gently, and a very mysterious aura emerged from his body.

At this moment, the surrounding waters seemed to resonate with him.

At this moment, awakening seemed to become a water god.

"Wow!" Suddenly, in that huge water area, peculiar lines appeared, like a fish swimming in the current.

The emergence of these swimming fish patterns has greatly increased the power of the entire water area.


"The Mizusawa Kingdom is the first, complete!"

Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi couldn't help but shine.

At this critical moment, Suwaken actually completed a breakthrough, making the Mizusawa Kingdom the first place in one fell swoop, and realized the state of perfection.

"Zhao Xuehou, you can go to death!" Su Xing opened his eyes and pointed forward with one hand. The fish pattern in the surrounding waters swarmed and rushed into the roaring water dragon.

Suddenly, the water dragon's radiance was radiant, as if it was blessed by a powerful force, and its power suddenly increased greatly.


The terrifying roar was shaking the earth. Under the impact of a series of water dragons, the towering mountain fell apart and collapsed. Zhao Xuehou, who was in it, instantly lost his support. He was hit by a water dragon and flew out like a lightning strike.

His chest was bloody, he didn't know how many bones he had broken, he kept spurting blood from his mouth, and he was already seriously injured.

However, everything did not end there.

A water dragon rushed out, rolled up Zhao Xuehou, twisted it fiercely, and with a click, Zhao Xuehou's body was twisted like a twist, and life quickly passed away.


"My mysterious jade!"

Suddenly, Zhao Xuehou let out a cry of horror.

In his body, a green crystal jade flew out, was rolled up by a water dragon, and quickly came to Wake.

"Sure enough!" Su Xing took the mysterious jade from the mouth of the water dragon, feeling the surging life essence contained in it, and nodded.

He observed meticulously, and through repeated contact with the mysterious jade, he discovered one of its minor drawbacks, that is, it can only be passively stimulated.

Only when the owner is dying, it will gush out a lot of life essence to save lives.

Su Xing just started with a sense of measure. Zhao Xuehou seemed miserable, but in fact, his injuries were not fatal. This also prevented him from activating the mysterious jade and restored himself to his heyday.

And Su Xing took advantage of Zhao Xuehou's weakness and pulled out Xuanji Jade from his body in one fell swoop.

In this way, not only did Zhao Xuehou's hope be severed, but also Xuanjiyu's life-saving trump card was obtained, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.


Su Xing glanced at them, and there were silhouettes emerging from all directions in the sky. With a big wave of his hand, Zhao Xuehou was strangled alive by a water dragon.

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