Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1512: Mizusawa Kingdom!

Chapter 1512: The Kingdom of Mizusawa!

Quiet for a while.

Luo Qingxue said leisurely: "I think that most of the third-rank gods will not flow to the surface. We have seen it in the past few days, and we have not gained anything at all."

"Also in history, it has been difficult for anyone to get it, which shows that."

"Therefore, anyone who gets a third-rank **** habitation stone usually has a special opportunity, such as this cave entrance."

Both Su Xing and Ding Xi understood what Luo Qingxue meant, and Luo Qingxue's analysis was indeed reasonable.

If the third-rank sacred stone, like the previous sacred stones, can be found on the surface of the river bed, it would not be said to be rare.

"Then let's go in and take a look!" Su Xing smiled.

"Good!" Ding Xi nodded.

Then the three of them dashed into the entrance of the cave, Luo Qingxue, who was walking at the back, moved the stone statue with divine power to cover the entrance of the cave and did a good job of hiding.

Everything in the Tianhe Jedi contains a special energy that makes it impossible for the soul to search for it. In this case, the chance of finding the hole under the stone statue is very small.

Before Luo Qingxue, with the mentality of trying, only accidentally discovered this hole.

The entrance of the cave was dark and deep, and the further down, the wider the passage, and the imaginary siege of poisonous beasts did not happen, everything seemed very quiet.

The passage in the entrance of the cave is quite long, and the three people walked for about an hour before reaching the end.

You know, even if they didn't let go of their speed, they didn't know how many miles they walked after an hour, and they definitely went deep into the riverbed.

At this moment, the eyes suddenly opened up, this is a very vast underground cave.

In the center is an altar, one hundred feet wide and ten feet high. The whole body is made of crystal jade, exuding a light blue halo.

Below the altar, clusters of colorful spars are suspended, moving slowly around the altar like stars.

"Three-Rank God Habitat!"

The three of them couldn't help but brighten up, their expressions excited.

There are more than one hundred pieces of the third-grade gods' habitat stones that are known to be quite rare.

"Look there, there is still something on the altar." Luo Qingxue whispered. On the altar, there was a cloud of blue light intertwined with countless mysterious runes, giving a very extraordinary feeling. .

"It seems to be a heritage of divine art. It is said that the aquatic people in the ancient years are very extraordinary, especially their town divine art, the kingdom of waters, which is powerful and capable of both offense and defense." Ding Xi said.

Awakened in his heart, "Could it be said that the one on the altar is the inheritance of the'Shuize Kingdom'?"

Ding Xi nodded, "It's very possible!"

Luo Qingxue smiled and said: "Let's take the third-rank **** habitation stone first. As for the Shuize Kingdom, you two will compete!"

After her fusion of the Chaos Phoenix Heart, her physique became a fire attribute, while the waters of the kingdom of water was a magical technique of water attributes, which was not suitable for her cultivation.

"I guess I'm hanging out too!" Ding Xi smiled bitterly. Although he was very enthusiastic about Shuize Nation, he understood the law of death, and the situation was not much better than that of Luo Qingxue.


Suddenly, behind the altar, a low roar sounded.

Then a behemoth slowly came into view.

This is a poisonous beast that looks like a centipede, but it grows with nine scorpion-like tails. Its body is only a few tens of feet long, but it exudes terrible pressure.

It was hidden behind the altar before, and they did not notice when they woke up. They heard the movement at this moment and rushed out.

"Scorpion tail centipede!"

The trio's complexion sank. On their way, they had also encountered a scorpion-tailed centipede, but at most they encountered a scorpion-tailed centipede with three tails.

But there are nine tails on this end!

Each time the scorpion-tailed centipede morphed into a tail, it represented an increase in its strength.

In other words, this scorpion-tailed centipede with nine tails possesses a ninth-level cultivation base of the Profound God Realm.

Poisonous beasts are inherently difficult to deal with, their bodies are very strong and difficult to damage, and their toxicity is fierce, and they cannot be contaminated, otherwise they will easily turn into a pool of blood.

The poisonous beast of the ninth rank of the Profound God Realm was even more terrifying.


The scorpion-tailed centipede twisted its body and rushed towards the awakened three people. Its nine scorpion tails danced wildly, shooting out a series of poisonous needles, dense like rain, and the offensive was frightening.

"Qingxue retreat!" Su Xing was afraid that Luo Qingxue might be infected with poison, and a gentle force burst out from her palm, pushing Luo Qingxue away.

Luo Qingxue took advantage of the situation to urge the nine changes of the divine cicada, her body turned into an afterimage, and she swept back to the passage behind her.

"call out!"

A bright and cold sword light, carrying a strong breath of death, rolled out, collided with the long poisonous needle, and made a series of explosions.

Ding Xi had already started, directly using the power of the law of death, obviously not daring to be careless.


The scorpion-tailed centipede rushed forward and opened its blood basin to bite towards Dingxi. At this moment, a translucent sword-shaped mark emerged, stirring its wings and carrying the sound of wind and thunder, and penetrated into the scorpion-tailed centipede's mouth.

Wake up, urged the cicada sword style to resolve Ding Xi's crisis.

It stands to reason that with the power of the cicada sword, it is enough to penetrate the mouth of the scorpion tail centipede, but this is not the case. The scorpion tail centipede is extremely poisonous, and it actually corrodes the sword-shaped mark forcibly.

However, the surging divine power also injured the scorpion tail centipede's mouth, spraying out dark blood.

Both Awakening and Ding Xi dodge, afraid to be splashed by the blood.

"This thing can't be killed at all, let's take it and leave, there is no need to waste time." Su Xing looked at the scorpion-tailed centipede rushing towards them again, and said to Ding Xi.

"Your body is fast, you go get it, I will help you withstand it." Ding Xi said.

"You don't want Mizusawa Kingdom?" Su Xing asked in surprise.

"I have just observed that the inheritance has spirituality. With the law of death that I have understood, it is estimated that I will be rejected by it, and it is useless to go." Ding Xi shook his head.

"Okay, then!" Wake was not hypocritical, and wrote down this favor, and then flashed towards the altar.


Seeing this, the scorpion-tailed centipede rushed to wake up.

"Beast! Your opponent is me." Ding Xi grinned, and suddenly bit his finger, using the finger as a sword, slashing at the scorpion-tailed centipede.

A gray sword beam emerged, exuding a sense of destructive power, as if it could destroy all existence in the world.

Helicopter-tailed centipede felt the danger and became fierce, biting at the gray sword gangway head-on.

"This is a ruined sword, is it so easy to be corroded by you?" Ding Xi sneered, his face was pale, obviously using this sword would be a heavy burden on him.

However, the power of this sword is indeed extremely terrifying.

I saw the gray sword gang piercing through, and the body of the scorpion-tailed centipede was directly blown out, and slammed into the rock wall of the cave, causing the whole cave to shake.

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