Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1471: Calculate each other!

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-one chapters calculate each other!

"The injury has finally recovered. I didn't expect that the little devil's physical combat skills were so terrible, and it could actually destroy the source. I simply cultivated the source of good luck, which is difficult to be destroyed."

Hu Yanzheng thought of the awakening of the Holy Spirit Slayer, but he was a little palpitated. The destructive power made him very jealous. It took a few days before the injury was recovered.


Hu Yanzheng rushed out of the censer, grabbed it, took the censer in his hand, and carefully put it away. Then he looked into the depths of the dragon's nest, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he murmured, "Little devil, now I have defenses. See what you can do with me."


Hu Yanzheng's figure flashed and turned into a puff of black smoke, rushing to the depths of the dragon's nest.

The body technique is driven by the divine power of the cultivation base, and therefore, the cultivation base divine power is many times higher than that of awakening, Hu Yanzheng, the body technique used by the **** trace crane shadow is more flexible and strange than the awakened divine cicada nine changes. some.

Sneaking along the way, relying on the weird and unpredictable posture and Lao Lao's experience, Hu Yanzheng reached the deep entrance of the Dragon Nest very easily.

"That mountain!" Soon, he found the mountain at the end of the horizon, but in the next moment, the mountain also disappeared out of thin air.

However, Hu Yanzheng did not find it strange. On the contrary, he looked excited and murmured: "The space is distorted and the mountain disappears. There is the location of the space node."

Hu Yanzheng didn't rush to do it. He also discovered that there were many Profound God Realm Sky Monster Beasts living in the depths of the Dragon Nest.

It is not an easy task to go through the depths of the dragon's nest and reach the location of the mountain.

The most important thing is that Hu Yanzheng did not find any signs of awakening or fighting, which made him suspicious.

"Little ghost, do you want me to clear the way for you?" A smile appeared on Hu Yanzheng's delicately carved face, his soul spread, looking for the whereabouts of his awakening.

However, nothing was gained.

"It's quite deep!" Hu Yanzheng was not in a hurry. He stretched out his hand and took out a golden token, beautiful in shape and exquisite workmanship, with many peculiar patterns carved on the back.

He used his divine power and injected it into the golden token, and all of the strange patterns on the token suddenly lit up, forming a circle of ripples.

When the ripples calmed down, a picture was formed, in which it was the nine Houtu palace elders who were looking for Hu Yanzheng.

"Elders, I am deep in the dragon's nest in the inner surrounding area. You came here quickly and made a major discovery." Hu Yanzheng spoke to the token, which was obviously a very good communication weapon.

"Little ancestor, please don't move, we will be there soon." Hearing that Hu Yanzheng's position was actually deep in the Dragon Nest, the nine elders of the Houtu Palace were shocked and turned off the communication artifacts. It was coming here non-stop.

"Little devil, since you want me to open the way, it's as you wish, but I'm afraid you can only hide and watch the show." Hu Yanzheng put away the messenger weapon, a smug smile appeared on his delicate and tender face.

With the help of Xue Ling's illusion art, Hu Yanzheng suffered a big loss, but now, Hu Yanzheng obviously wants to give a tooth for a tooth, with the help of the power of the nine elders of the Houtu Palace, directly win the space node.

"Controlling the space node is equivalent to controlling the path to ascendance in the lower realm. That kid has a lot of relatives and friends in the lower realm. If you use them as a bargaining chip, do you worry about him obediently?"

"Hmph! Fight against this ancestor, you are still tender."

There was a hint of expectation in Hu Yanzheng's eyes. He would not kill and wake up directly. It would be too incomprehensible. Instead, he would torture, humiliate, torture, humiliate again...until he was completely relieved.

A few days later, the nine elders of the Houtu Palace arrived, and they were obviously also in the inner surrounding area, otherwise it would be impossible to come so soon.

This elder is very powerful, all in the eighth stage of the Profound God Realm.

If they join forces and display a combined attacking divine formation, they will be even more against the ninth-level master of the Profound God Realm.

This is where Hu Yanzheng's confidence lies.

With this strength, it was enough to forcibly drive a path deep in the dragon's nest to the location of the big mountain.

"Little ancestor, why did you come here? The depths of this dragon's nest are the most dangerous place in the inner surrounding area!" An elder said with a frightened expression, for fear of Hu Yanzheng's accident.

"This is a long story."

Hu Yanzheng was too lazy to explain too much, and said straightforwardly: "Look at the deepest part of the dragon's nest, is there a big mountain that has appeared, and it quickly disappeared."

"Sure enough!" The nine elders stared and saw the mountain, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone who walks into the depths of the dragon's nest will see the mountain once, and then never see it again, full of mystery.

"Little ancestor, have you found anything?" an elder asked.

"Yes!" Hu Yanzheng nodded, and said the words that he had thought up a long time ago. "That big mountain is the territory of the Snow Mountain God Fox Clan. The reason why it can't be seen is because of the Snow Mountain God Fox Clan's Heavenly Magic Technique. influences."

"I have already explored it. There is only one low-powered Snow Mountain God Fox. If we capture it, we can cultivate and strengthen the Houtu Palace."


"It's a snow mountain **** fox!"

Hearing this, the nine elders of Houtu Palace all smiled with joy.

After the Snow Mountain God Fox grows up, the lowest can become the Heavenly God Realm, and the most powerful palace lord of the entire Houtu Palace is no more than the True God Realm.

Even the Beiyin God Realm could not find a Heaven God Realm to exist.

Undoubtedly, once the Snow Mountain God Fox is captured and cultivated, it will definitely lead Hou Tu Palace on the road to prosperity.

Especially, there is a genius and evildoer like Hu Yanzheng in Hou Tu Palace, and they cooperate in pairs, which is incomparable.

"Can you be sure about the little ancestor?" an elder of the Houtu Palace asked.

"Naturally! I had a face-to-face encounter with the Snow Mountain God Fox, but she slipped away and tracked it all the way to this place before losing her track." Hu Yanzheng panicked again.

Obviously, he won't talk about the space node, it involves his secret.

"In that case, let's set off now and capture that snow mountain **** fox." A group of Houtu palace elders were moved by their hearts and wished to rush to the place of the big mountain immediately.

"Good!" Hu Yanzheng nodded.

At the moment, a group of elders of the Houtu Palace opened their way in front.

Nine elders of the eighth stage of the Profound God Realm are naturally very powerful. Even the monsters of the Profound God Realm can't stop them, shaking the mountains along the way and setting off countless battles.

At a certain moment, Hu Yanzheng, who was walking at the back, felt something. Looking back, he happened to see the awakening standing on a hillside. Hu Yanzheng hooked his mouth and made a provocative action.

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