Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1467: Intrigue!

One thousand four hundred and sixty-seven chapters intrigue!


The bodies of Su Xing and Hu Yanzheng moved back apart and stabilized almost at the same time.

In this process, he regained his eyesight and hand quickly, and had already put away the Heavenly Illusion God Orb.

"It's you, kid! You came to the realm of the gods!" After Hu Yanzheng saw his awakened face clearly, he couldn't help but startled, and a thick anger emerged in his bright and black eyes.

Hu Yanzheng naturally hated the awakening that had wiped out his blood god's body and life essence, and he wished to cramp the awakening and shatter the corpse.

But soon, Hu Yanzheng also realized that he had lost his temper and showed signs of flaws.

The identity of the blood ancestor must not be exposed, otherwise, once the sword ancestor, tyrant ancestor, and five element ancestor learn about it, he will definitely take action and completely kill him to avoid future troubles.

"Do you recognize that I am from the lower realm at a glance?" Su Xing's expression was startled, and suddenly his heart moved, and he took out a blood bottle that Shi Haotian had handed him before he left.

There is a faint blood mist hidden in the bottle.

Uncovering the cork, the ray of blood mist floated towards Hu Yanzheng.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Su Xing was shocked, and there were not many people who could recognize him at a glance. He suspected that the blood ancestor was on the head for the first time. The blood bottle that Shi Haotian gave him, the blood mist hidden in it, can be identified. The breath of blood ancestors.

This is to prevent the blood ancestor from making a comeback.

The blood mist drifted towards Hu Yanzheng, and his identity could naturally be confirmed.

It's just that when I wake up, I didn't expect that the blood ancestors rose so fast that only the soul was left to escape at the beginning, but now it has become alive again.

"Little devil, what if you recognize me, kill you, no one will know my identity." Hu Yanzheng flashed murderously in his eyes.

"Do you think you are not the original you, can you still be fierce?" Su Xing shook his head. After the initial shock, he has calmed down at this moment and said: "Furthermore, if I can kill you, I can kill you a second time. ."

"Really? You want to fight with me even with your fourth-order cultivation base of the God-passing Realm?" Hu Yanzheng twitched and smiled contemptuously.

After waking up to cultivate the **** of good fortune, his aura became very cryptic, and most people couldn't see through his specific cultivation level, but could only see some roughly.

But Hu Yanzheng is obviously no longer in the list, his eyesight is so fierce, and only through a short confrontation, he can accurately judge the realm of awakening.


Hu Yanzheng stretched out his arms, his body gushing out with majestic divine power, looking at his awakening, calmly and confidently said: "Little devil, I don't know if my seventh-level cultivation base of the god-passing realm can deal with you?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. I have survived five calamities, and I am a **** child of the Five Tribulations."

As an ordinary person, Hu Yanzheng would not be so gaffe.

But he had a deep hatred for Wake in his heart, and wanted to use his greatest advantage to let Wake die in despair.

"Is the seventh-level Tongshen Realm still a Five Tribulations Divine Child?" Su Xing couldn't help but frown. The true divine child who survived the Heaven Tribulation is a very special existence, they can ignore the gap between the great realms.

In other words, Hu Yanzheng's combat power is likely to reach the third rank of the Profound God Realm.

"The old **** has become a kid, and his tone has not changed." Su Xing shook his head and smiled faintly.

"What do you call me?" Hu Yanzheng was furious, his dignified blood ancestor, an ancient existence that has lived for endless years, has turned into a kid in his awakened eyes?

This matter is a great insult to him.

"Little kid, do you want me to take a picture of you in a mirror to see what you look like?" Su wakes up for a while, then smiles and asks: "By the way, have you weaned this year?"



Hu Yanzheng was going crazy, even if he looked like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy now, he would have been weaned a long time ago. Obviously he was awake to disgust him on purpose.

However, Hu Yanzheng has always been entangled in the matter of appearance.

His dignified blood ancestor, staring at a powder-carved jade, with a beautiful face, how decent is he?


Hu Yanzheng seemed to have lost his reason, like crazy like a demon, and rushed towards awakening. His hands turned into blood, crystal clear, like carved blood agate, the inner power rushed, exuding a powerful aura.

The corner of Su Xing's mouth was hooked, without dodge, and with one hand pinched the sword art, the faith holy sword whizzed out, swiping a sword light on the face, and the divine power burst out violently, destroying Hu Yanzheng's attack like a rotten one, and finally smashed in On his chest.


Hu Yanzheng's body was torn apart, but there was no bleeding mist, but disappeared invisible.

This is incredible.

The dignified blood ancestor is so fragile?

Was he beheaded without using physical power when he was awakened?

"Little devil, you were fooled." At the same moment, behind waking up, Hu Yanzheng's voice sounded like a ghost from hell, strange and unpredictable.

Obviously, Hu Yanzheng's appearance of being angry and irrational is completely pretending. Maybe he doesn't like to wake up and call him a little kid, but how can the dignified blood ancestor lose his reason because of this?

He was just scheming. He was just acting just now, deliberately misleading to wake up, the body has quietly walked around behind wake up, performing lore.

This not only requires an excellent on-the-spot adaptability, but also a weird and unpredictable body technique. Obviously, Hu Yanzheng has both.


A **** mark appeared in Hu Yanzheng's palm, exuding a deep and terrifying aura. With the slap of the palm, the surrounding space was distorted and shocked.

Obviously, this is a lore.

It's just that he wakes up and doesn't panic, as if he had expected it, he turned calmly, secretly prepared a punch and shot out.

This punch was straightforward, simple and rude, without the slightest fancy, but it gave people a taste of great simplicity, and its power was terrifying.


The fist gang collided with the scarlet mark, and a terrible shock wave of power was born, which caused the body to tremble and flew out backwards.

"What a cunning kid!" Hu Yanzheng looked cold, and realized that he hadn't tricked him into waking up.

"Both each other!" Su Xing's mouth twitched and said lightly: "Boy, I suggest you look in the mirror more if you have nothing to do. If you practice in the mirror, your acting skills will be better than it is now. Maybe you can fool me."

"These two people..."

Xue Ling, who was staying in the celestial illusion orb, witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and could not help being stunned, only feeling that his brain was messed up and could hardly understand.

In a short period of time, Wake and Hu Yanzheng had a series of intrigues, one tactical and the other calmly trying to give the opponent a fatal blow.

However, the smiles on their faces still feel like spring breeze.

Xue Ling had a chill, feeling that in front of these two people, she was like a pure little sheep, if she was eaten inadvertently, she would celebrate for each other.

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