Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1459: Inner area!

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-nine chapters inner surrounding area!

Destroy the Shenhuo faction first, and then recruit Awakening and others...

Liu Qingshan's grand plan is underway.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to throw out the position of deputy sect master, of course, with his awakened strength, it was indeed more than enough to be the deputy sect master of Yuqing Sect.

However, Suwa directly refused.

No room left.

Simply neat.

Liu Qingshan ate a big closed door, naturally very upset in his heart, and his face sank.

Su Xing shook his head and said, "It's not arbitrary, but we have our own plans."

Liu Qingshan was taken aback, and said, "Do you want to build your own influence?"

"Almost!" Awakening could not be denied.

"Haha! It's not bad to think of it."

Liu Qingshan smiled sarcastically, failed to recruit, and added a potential competitor. Naturally, he was in a bad mood. He said coldly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. It's not that simple to build a martial art."

"We don't mean to compete with you." Su Xing said.

"Really? Then we will come to Japan for a long time." Liu Qingshan left a word and led the team away.

He has just destroyed the Divine Fire faction, and it is in the limelight. It is not suitable to start with them at this time, so as not to make other people cheaper. The most important thing is that even if you destroy them, there is no huge benefit.

"This Liu Qingshan is not a good crop!" Yu Tianguan muttered looking at Liu Qingshan and their leaving back.

"The competition in the gods is cruel, how can there be a few good things?" Thief shook his head.

"Yuqing Sect has just destroyed the Shenhuo faction, and the foundation has not been firmly established, so there is no time to deal with us. When they stabilize their feet, I am afraid they will not let us stay in the River Spirit Valley." Ji Changkong said.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore?

Yuqingmen would not allow it to wake them up as a potential threat and stay in their territory forever.

"The periphery of this god's meteor mountain range has been divided by countless sects. We have no pure land at all. Only by improving our strength can we not fear other sects.

After waking up for a while, he said: "In addition, we must also seize the time to find the space node. It is best to find it within ten years. After this time, Yuyue and the others should be able to fly up."

After some deliberation, everyone finally made a decision.

After waking up to go out to practice, looking for the space node, other people stay in this area to practice. After looting the treasure house of the Shenhuo Sect, everyone's cultivation resources are enough to support about ten years.

The only problem is that Suwaken is more worried about stealing the gods and them, after all, not long ago, several people were captured by the Shenhuo faction.

"Don't worry! Now our cultivation base is restored, but it is not so easy to deal with, and Yuqingmen wants to establish a firm foundation, it is not an overnight effort, and there is no time to pay attention to us." Ji Changkong said.

"Just take care of yourself, leave it to me here."

The thief rolled his eyes and said, "The cultivation base is restored. Give me a little bit of time. Even if Liu Qingshan comes back, I can guarantee that he won't be able to touch one of us."

Waking up, remembering the various methods the Thief God had left when he was in the four major star regions, he couldn't help nodding.

Eliminate the Thief God, neither Li Tianxiao nor Beilongqi are easy to follow, otherwise they will not become domain masters. They used to be restricted by their cultivation base. Now they have recovered without any restraint. If others want to deal with them, it is not. Such an easy thing.

"In that case, after nine years, let's gather here again." Wake no longer talked about it, and turned to leave. They have been in the God Realm for more than a year, and in another nine years or so, almost ten years have passed.


The Shenyue Mountain Range is vast and endless.

No one knows how big the outer area is.

In the outer border zone, there are many sect forces, such as Shenhuo Sect and Yuqing Sect, but these two sects are actually only the bottom of many sects.

"Where will the space node be?" Wake up and leave Xi Linggu, while flying, thinking about it, "If I were a mother, where would I choose to place the space node?"

After a long while, Wake suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and there was already a guess.

Inner area!

If he is a mother, he will choose to place the space node in the inner area.

Because there are horrible sky monsters in the Profound God Realm living in the inner surrounding area, there are few people, and it is not easy to spot the space nodes.

As for the core area, although there are fewer people and more secretive, it is also too dangerous. With the ability to wake them up, it is almost impossible to reach.

The outer area is even worse. There are too many people and it is easy to be noticed.

Only the inner area is the most relevant.

Su Xing felt that his guess should be basically correct.

But even if you guess it right, it is not easy to find the space node.

First of all, the inner surrounding area is so vast that it is difficult to detect everywhere. Secondly, the sky monster beasts in the Profound God Realm are extremely terrifying, and once they wake up, they will almost die.

"In the inner surrounding area, it is impossible that every place has the Sky Monster Beast of the Profound God Realm. As long as you be careful, there should be no problem." Su Xing thought for a moment and decided to go to the inner surrounding area.

Not only is it necessary to find space nodes, but also to give ourselves a greater temper.

Coming to the God Realm, encountering the God Fire Sect, realizing the cruelty of the God Realm competition, and awakening the desire for strength has become stronger.

What's more, he still wants to find revenge for those giants who conspired against his mother back then, which requires a powerful and unmatched force.

After the cultivation base was restored, most of the Sky Demon Beasts in the outer area could not be threatened to wake up. Those Sky Demon Beasts that could threaten him were very scarce and it was very troublesome to find them.

In the inner surrounding area, not only the Sky Monster Beasts of the Profound God Realm, but the other Sky Monster Beasts of the God-Communication Realm are generally much stronger than the outer regions, and are more suitable for tempering and awakening.

Wake up to fly in a straight line and hurry up.

After three months, his pace gradually slowed down.

Ahead, the mountains are majestic, the sky and the earth are vast, revealing a wild and ancient atmosphere, as if among the mountains, there is something that is hidden in the world, which is palpitating.

This is the inner surrounding area of ​​the Shenyue Mountain Range.


The awakened spirit was covered, overlooking the mountains and forests tens of thousands of miles ahead. At a certain moment, the spirit suddenly returned, and a terrifying roar sounded in his ears.

Among the mountains, a giant python stood upright, with a body length of more than ten thousand meters, like a stone pillar that passed the sky, exuding a terrifying and **** atmosphere.

From the two pupils of the python, a faint green light beam shone out, as if the sky was directly falling.

"Mojing Sky Demon Python!" Wake's pupils suddenly shrank. When the Thieves ransacked the Divine Fire faction, they took away many ancient books by the way, and Wake had read them.

Those ancient books and materials recorded a lot of things about the God Realm, giving them a comprehensive understanding of the God Realm, including many sky monsters.

The Mojing Sky Demon Python is a very powerful Sky Demon Beast.

In adulthood, his strength reached the Profound God Realm.

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