Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1453: The repair is restored!

On the golden devil's abdomen, cracks spread like a spider web.


The golden scorpion roared, its tail cocked, and countless stings spewed out through the air, landing like a gallop.

The awakening would have long been expected, and the moment he attacked, he began to dodge in advance.


Numerous poisonous thorns pierced into the golden devil's abdomen. This was obviously an accidental injury. The golden devil's scorpion itself was not afraid of its own toxins. The penetrating power of the poisonous scorpion should not be underestimated.

This is undoubtedly worsening the fragile abdomen.

Taking this opportunity, the awakening came out again, using the dragon fighting technique, a series of attacks fell, and finally the golden devil's abdomen was torn apart.

This sky demon beast struggled desperately, but all its internal organs were shattered, and its vitality was completely shattered.

After a while, there was no interest.

"If the shell of this golden devil scorpion is sold, it will definitely be worth a large amount of crystals. No wonder there are many sect forces outside of this God's Fall Mountain Range."

"Backing and eating mountains is also feasible in the God Realm."

The demon pill that awakened to dig out the golden magic scorpion was a golden bead that exuded a sacred breath.

Taking the demon pill, awakening urges the Jiutiandi divine art to refine.

After re-cultivating the realm, he has completely mastered this technique, and the speed of cultivation is at least a hundred times faster than before. It will take at least a few years for this demon pill to be replaced by someone else.

However, in just one day, the refining and refining was completed, and the cultivation base recovered by 10%.

Then he urged the fire to refine the magical technique and absorb the flesh and blood essence of the golden scorpion.

Several days passed this time before it was over.

"The golden devil scorpion has strong defensive power, and the most valuable is its outer shell. It is the best material for building armor and other defensive artifacts, and flesh and blood essence is the second."

The hegemony of refining divine art with fire can actually absorb the essence of the golden scorpion shell.

However, the speed will be much slower, and I can't bear to wake up so much.

It would be more cost-effective to sell these shells and exchange them for cultivation resources.

After waking up for a while, he realized that his physical strength had increased to 23 dragon strength, which was worse than the refining sky demon ape.

This is also normal. In terms of the essence of flesh and blood, the golden devil scorpion is not comparable to the sky demon ape.

Take away the shell of the golden magic scorpion, wake up and leave here to find the next sky monster.

The Divine Meteorite Mountain Range is vast, and there are countless Sky Monster Beasts. I don't worry about finding the Sky Monster Beast at all. What I should worry about most is encountering extremely powerful Sky Monster Beasts and some dangerous places.

Waking up without greed for advancement, he fought steadily and steadily step by step. When he sensed the dangerous place, he avoided it from afar, and when he encountered the terrifying sky monster beast, he also fled directly.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

In the mountain, awakened and sat cross-legged, refining a demon pill of a sky demon beast.

As the energy in the demon core rushed into his body like a torrent, his cultivation base aura became stronger and stronger.


At a certain moment, that demon pill shattered, and the energy essence that it had been used as was already drained.

At the same time, a powerful wave of strength of cultivation level spread from the body of the awakening body, directly shaking the surrounding mountains.

"The cultivation base has finally recovered." Awakening condensed his breath, he couldn't help but exhale heavily. It has been more than a year since he came to the God Realm. He finally adapted completely and his cultivation was completely restored.

Of course, the reason why the progress is so fast is due to his hard work over the past six months.

In the past six months, he would refine one or two Sky Monster Beasts every month on average, and obtained a lot of Monster Pills.

In addition, absorbing the flesh and blood essence of those Sky Monster Beasts, his physical strength has also advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the power of 50 dragons.

"With physical strength alone, I can fight the fifth-order gods of the Tongshen Realm." With a squeeze of Su Xing's fists, he felt explosive power.

Of course, what he is currently the most powerful is his cultivation base.

Although his cultivation realm is only at the first level of the God Realm, he is a **** child of the Five Tribulations, and he has shaped the source of good fortune, and his combat power is definitely not inferior to the sixth level of the God Realm.

"It's time to go back!" Su Xing turned and left, flying towards the direction of Xi Linggu.


Xi Linggu!

As half a year passed, Thief God and the others made rapid progress.

Ji Changkong's cultivation base was fully restored, Thief God recovered 90%, Yutianguan, Beilongqi, and Li Tianxiao recovered about 80%, and within a few months, they could fully recover.

However, they no longer have this time.

Because a large number of people and horses appeared outside of Xiling Valley.

The costumes they wore had flame patterns painted on their chests, and they belonged to the Shenhuo faction.

Moreover, it is not ordinary people, but high-level people.

Obviously, Lin Xuanyu, elder Kong Yan and others disappeared for half a year. The Shenhuo Sect not only became suspicious, but also investigated Xi Linggu.

"Who are you? You dare to fight against my Shenhuo faction, and report your name quickly." The one who spoke was a middle-aged man wearing a purple gown.

His name is Zishan, he is the deputy sect master of the Shenhuo Sect, and his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the God-Throughout Realm.

Excluding the Deputy Sect Master of Zishan, there are also five elders of the Shenhuo Sect who came here this time, and their cultivation bases are generally at the third level of the God-Through the God Realm.

This power was many times stronger than Elder Lin Xuanyu and Kong Yan before.

"This Shenhuo faction came very quickly!" Everyone's expressions sank, and the situation is so severe that even if they all recover their cultivation bases, they are not opponents of the Shenhuo faction.

What's more, now only Ji Changkong has recovered.

"Zhangkong, let's not call to wake up and come back." Thief God said with a deep breath.

"Yeah!" Ji Changkong nodded. He understood the meaning of stealing the gods. This was a death catastrophe, and it would not help to wake up. It would be better to let him escape the catastrophe and leave a fire for the lower realm.

"I will detonate the formation of Xi Linggu in a moment. Then we will take the opportunity to rush out and escape separately. The farther we can escape, the better." Thief God said.

"I hope we can see you again." Li Tianxiao sighed. They came to the God Realm and thought they could show their ambitions and see the endless grace of God.

I don't know, I encountered this kind of death before it even started.

"Let's start then!" The Thief God's face was awe-inspiring, and the light surging between his hands, countless runes spewed out and landed everywhere in the Valley of the Spirit.


Following the thief god's soft drink, the formation surrounding the valley of the river suddenly exploded with a powerful aura, and then exploded with a rumbling explosion.

In the past six months, the Pirate God has arranged a lot of formations, intended to strengthen the defense of Xi Linggu, and it is fully detonated at this moment, and the power of the birth is very impressive.

The people of the Shenhuo faction did not expect that they would find this scene and fall into restlessness for a while.

Especially the disciples of that kind of Shenhuo faction, they immediately felt the crisis of death, and their complexions changed drastically.

"Go!" Seeing this, God Thief and the others immediately rushed out of the Stream Spirit Valley and fled in all directions.

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