Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1439: The origin of the Void Ancients!

At this moment, the people of Tiandi God City saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw Yuwen Cangyuan, who had already been cultivated as a god-powered goddess, displaying the star-picking hand that enveloped the entire imperial city with terrifying power, but in the next moment, he was torn apart by a savage punch from the wake.

Awakening is like a terrifying ancient beast from the prehistoric era, possessing unparalleled physical power.

"Boom!" After the hand of the star picker was torn apart, he awoke and quickly came to Yuwen Cangyuan, his physical strength exuding a breath of supreme sharpness, still the dragon sword scroll in dragon fighting, with a punch. Boom out, destroy Yuwen Cangyuan’s countless life-saving cards, boom

Hit his body.

In an instant, Yuwen Cangyuan was struck by lightning, and there were countless crackling noises in his body, blood and flesh, bones, cultivation bases, gods... all covered with countless cracks.

"How can your power be so powerful!" Yuwen Cangyuan was horrified, and he finally realized how big the gap between himself and awakening was.

"Don't say that you are just a false god, even if you have created a complete **** source, I will still have a way to kill you." Su Xing looked indifferent and turned around and left.


Behind him, Yuwen Cangyuan's body burst, turned into a cloud of blood, and completely vanished.

The punch that awakened not only used the power of ten dragons, but also drew the dragon sword scroll. Its lethality was extremely terrible, and it directly shattered all the vitality of Yuwen Cangyuan.


When he came to the front of the Tiandu Rotating Formation, he didn't need to actively break the formation when he was awakened. Under the influence of the forbidden law domain, the formation enchantment automatically dissipated. After he completely left, he slowly resumed closing.

"From today onwards, the Yuwen imperial clan has been destroyed, but there are rebels who will kill them without mercy." Wake looked at not far away, and the helm of the major forces from the Emperor God City said calmly.

"Follow the decree of God Su!"

The helms of the major forces knelt to the ground one after another, not daring to disobey half of their words.

Even Yuwen Cangyuan, who was cultivated as a master of God, is dead, and the power of awakening is as high as the sky. Who dares to resist?

Furthermore, for the major forces, it is just a change of master, and the others have not changed much.

Su Xing nodded and said no more, he turned and flew upstairs, and then flew into the imperial city with the people headed by the old man Tianyan and the sage Tianji.

"Master, the old patriarch of Mosang is still alive." The awakened pseudo-spirit spread out and was soon found, an old man with white beard and hair in a prison.

He had seen this old man on the fragment of the sky stele on the empty mountain, and he recognized it at a glance.

"Where?" The Heavenly King was immediately excited, but he only cultivated the Holy Soul, and there were many restrictions in the imperial city, blocking the exploration of the Holy Soul, and Mosang could not be found for a while.

"I'll take you there!" Su Xing thought for a while, looked at the old man Tianyan, and said: "Old man Tianyan, I will leave it to you to deal with this matter."

"Don't worry!" The old man Tian Yan nodded and said, "I will contact Luo Lingkong, and I will discuss the future arrangements for the Emperor God City."

"Okay!" Su Xing didn't say much, and flew to the depths of the imperial city together with the Heavenly Lord.

The imperial city is divided into inner and outer cities. The outer city is the ruling place of the royal family, also known as the imperial palace, dominated by the Qianqing Palace, while the inner city is the residence of the royal family.

In order to stop the awakening, the elite of the royal family are all out. There are still a lot of people in the inner city, but they have no fighting power, and everyone has seen it. The scene of awakening and killing Yuwen Cangyuan is even more silent for his arrival.

Regarding this, Su Xing did not kill any more, and was too lazy to pay attention, and gave it all to the old man Tian Yan to deal with. He came to a big mountain, ignored the guards here, and went straight into a cave.

Soon after, I met Mozambique.

"Patriarch!" Tianji Shengjun knelt down, emotional.

"God, I wronged you back then, I don't deserve to be the patriarch!" Mo Sang's beard and hair were all white, the old tears were running, and there was endless regret in his heart.

If it weren't for his wrong judgment at the time, Heavenly King Sage would not have been driven out of the Empty Silent Mountain, and there would be no subsequent Liu Wusheng rebellion and the destruction of the Void Ancient Clan.

After a while, the two talents are over.

At this moment, Mo Sang was looking towards the awakening. His old eyes suddenly burst into light, carefully looking up and down for awakening. At a certain moment, he displayed a mark again and flew towards the awakening.

The awakening did not stop, a strange scene happened, the mark fell on the awakening body, and the light burst suddenly, as if he had sensed the aura of the same clan.


Mo Sang suddenly knelt to wake up, trembling with excitement, and shouted: "Old slave Mo Sang, see Young Master!"


He awakened for a moment. He originally wanted to learn something about the Void Ancients through Mosang. He didn't expect this to happen, and he was unavoidably surprised.

The Tianji Shengjun next to him was also shocked, not knowing why.

Wake up: "Old Patriarch of Mosang, get up and talk to me carefully!"

Mo Sang stood up and said respectfully: "Thank you, Young Master. About decades ago, the master once came back and gave me a portrait of Young Master and the'spiritual blood mark' just now. I can Identify the identity of the young master."

"A few decades ago!" Su Xing's face was moved, and he calculated from time that it was his mother, Concubine Tantai, who came to the central Shenlu only after she got out of trouble in Sichuan.

"The mother at that time should have recovered some memories and thought of something." Su Xing's heart rippled and asked: "Then what is the relationship between your Void Ancients and my mother?"

Mo San said: "I don’t know how long the ancient Void Clan has been inherited. I only know that the patriarchs of the past will remember the master’s voice, face and appearance, as well as the spatial Taoism handed down by the master, in order to pass on all this to Shao the host."

Su Xing asked again: "Then are you and my mother related by blood?"

Mossang shook his head and said: "How can the master exist? How can we be related to us? We have been transformed by the master so that we know how to use some spatial techniques, but compared with the real spatial avenue, it is just a little bit of fur. "

Wake up and asked: "Then when did my mother leave the deserted mountain, did she leave any words, such as where she went?"

Mosan said: "The master was in the Empty Silence Mountain at the beginning, and after staying for three years, she left. She didn't tell me where I went, but said, if you find the young master, let me give you this thing."

While talking, Mo Sauna produced a rectangular and simple wooden box and presented it with both hands to wake up.

"What is this?" Amidst the awakening doubts, there was some expectation. He slowly opened the wooden box, and after a short time, a light rushed out, enveloping the awakening with a force of spatial movement.

"Huh!" In the next moment, his figure disappeared and was submerged in the wooden box.

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