Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1436: Siege alone!

Su Xing gave a detailed introduction to the four star regions, because in the near future, everyone will go to the four star regions.

Compared with the central Shenlu, the cultivation system of the four star regions is more complete, and they possess the laws of God's way and have the hope of becoming a god.

"Unexpectedly, there are places like four star regions in the vast starry sky."

"This starry sky is really vast and magical."

Obviously, everyone was extremely shocked after listening to the introduction of Wake.

After being shocked, their faces showed fascination again, especially young people such as Dong Fengxue, Li Xiaosa, Guan Jujiu, etc., whose eyes were so bright that they might wish to go to the four star regions immediately.

Later, Su Xing informed the Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Ji about Liu Wusheng's stealing Dragon Tooth Jade and the destruction of the Void Ancient Clan.

After the Divine King heard this, he couldn't help falling into silence, and then the old tears burst forth.

His grievances were washed away, and Mosang, the patriarch of the Ancient Void Clan, had already fully understood it, but the Ancient Void Clan was destroyed.

That was the home of Tianji Shengjun, where he had lived since childhood, and he had many nostalgias in his heart.

Then he awakened and handed the Dragon Tooth Jade to the Heavenly Lord.

He has explored this dragon tooth jade, and it seems that it is really carved from dragon tooth. It is very extraordinary. It contains the mystery of space. With the help of dragon tooth jade to use space spells, its power will increase a lot.

Heavenly Sovereign wanted to hand the Dragon Tooth Jade to Su Xing, because Su Xing also touched the Space Avenue, but in the end he refused.

The reason for this is that he has his own consideration.

From the beginning of the five elements of Tianxin, to the Secret Technique of Hole Void, and the touch of the Great Dao of Space, and finally the Heart of Chaos Phoenix... All of this was not understood before awakening.

But now, it is gradually understood.

This is a cultivation path her mother arranged for him, and he can eventually grow into an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the giants of the gods.

But as he woke up and began to practice, he unknowingly walked out of his own way.

There are many reasons for this, there are mistakes, and more of it is to follow the original heart.

Who exactly is her mother? I'm not sure for the time being when she wakes up, but one thing is for sure. Most of them have already taken part in good fortune and used to be an extremely powerful existence.

However, even his mother's existence is impossible to predict.

The most difficult to understand is the human heart.

Concubine Tantai, it is impossible to see through the awakened heart of martial arts.

So, intentionally or unintentionally, Awakening gradually abandoned. His mother arranged the road for him. He did not continue to explore the magical effects of the five elements of Tianxin, nor did he put all his energy on the road of enlightenment space.

This time, he gave up the great opportunity of Chaos Phoenix Heart.

Regarding all this, he didn't think of it at the beginning of waking up. He was walking and suddenly understood, and then he took the opportunity to follow his heart.

His way is the way of heaven.

In the future, Awakening may also continue to understand the Great Dao of Space, to understand his mother's inheritance and Taoism, but he will not regard those as his own pursuits and goals.

His quest is not to become a giant in the God Realm, but from ancient and modern times, the lower realm of the God Realm, and no one has reached that realm, the Emperor Realm!

This realm, the Empress Void also failed.

She has the name of the Empress, but she is not far from the real Emperor Realm.

Like the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race.

Never really stepped into the imperial realm.

Three days later!

Heavenly Emperor God City.

The royal family attacked Beidi City, united many big forces, mobilized countless soldiers and horses, thousands of holy repairs, and countless buildings and war beasts. But now, only one ship has arrived in the wake of the attack on the Emperor God City. .

Get rid of the Luozu who was guarding the Beidi City, including the old man Tianyan, who awakened familiar people were all on this ship, but they were all watching the show.

The only real siege is to wake up!

Siege by one person.

But in the Heavenly Emperor God City, there are tens of thousands of troops, as well as countless war beasts, boats, and so on. They are neat and solemn, and in the midst of killing, there is a sense of depression and a defensive posture.

Obviously, what happened before Beidi City has been passed back to the Heavenly Emperor God City.

The Tiandu Rotating Formation that enveloped the God City of the Heavenly Emperor was a god-level magic formation with extremely strong defensive power and claimed to be able to block the footsteps of the gods.

At this moment, Tiandu's large circle of rotation has been completely opened, the formation is thick and heavy, not only has the defensive ability extremely strong, but also has a terrible attack ability.

Wake up out of the ship, stepped into the void, and walked towards the Emperor God City.

In the Heavenly Emperor God City, countless people are watching this scene, watching the awakening of the same young deity.

No one spoke, the atmosphere seemed extremely depressing, like the sky under dense clouds.


Suddenly, a huge roar sounded like a thunder.

In the large circle of Tiandu, a wide beam of light rushed out, bombarding to wake up.

A strange scene appeared, those light beams containing terrifying power, when they came to the front of the awakening, they automatically disappeared invisible.

Beside him, there is a strange field that isolates all Dao Fa breath.

The power contained in those beams of light comes from the rules of the holy way, and in the face of today's awakening, the rules of the holy way obviously have no effect.

He didn't rush and walked towards the Heavenly Emperor God City step by step, giving people an unimaginable sense of oppression.

This feeling is like an army of hundreds of millions of ordinary people who have encountered a god. Although ordinary people have an absolute advantage in number, this gap in life level cannot be made up by the number of people.

No matter how many attacks from ordinary people, it is hard to hurt a god.

Finally, Awakening came to the junction of Tiandu's rotation formation. In the attention of countless people, he slowly raised his fist, and then slammed down towards the formation barrier in front of him.


As he smashed this fist, his physical body's energy tumbling surging, turned into a real dragon phantom, looking up to the sky and let out a terrifying roar.


Where the fist gang passed, the seemingly indestructible formation barrier shattered at the sound, as if a hammer had smashed the glass.

The Tiandu Rotating Array collapsed completely. In an instant, the Heavenly Emperor God City lost all its protective capabilities and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

"The god-level formation of the godless land is really fragile." He woke up leisurely and shook his head gently.

If it is a complete God-level formation, it can indeed hinder him for a moment, and it takes a lot of hands and feet to break it, but the central Shenlu is known as a godless land, and there is no law of God's way here.

Without the support of the laws of the gods, the power of the god-level formation could not be displayed, and it could not stop the awakening. "If anyone wants to die, let them go. If they don't want to die, go away!" Su Xing glanced at the endless army ahead with cold eyes.

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