Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1433: Killing!


Where that figure passed, people turned upside down, boats shattered, and giant beasts died. This scene was like a meteorite falling from the sky, tearing the sky into a path of fire, which was very shocking.

So that everyone on the battlefield stopped their movements without freedom, and Qi Qi looked at him.

In the end, that figure fell outside of Beidi City.

It is also at this time that people can see his face clearly.

With delicate facial features, slender figure, wearing a black brocade dress, among the stalwarts, there is another kind of heroic flavor.


"It's awakening!"

Countless exclamations sounded inside and outside the Beidi City.

Even though he had been away for decades, he had left too many shocking achievements at the beginning, which is still remembered. Many people recognized him in the first time.

No one thought that the person who had disappeared for decades would actually appear again, and it was so timely that it was the time when Beidicheng was alive and dead.

"Father, Luozu, Master, big guys, don't be unharmed!" Su Xing walked into Beidi City, looked at familiar faces, and couldn't help but smile.

Although everyone was very embarrassed and all of them were injured, they finally had no worries about their lives. This made Awaken breathe a sigh of relief, and finally did not let the most tragic thing happen.

"Wake up, if you come back at this time, you don't know if it is a blessing or a curse!" Luo Zu smiled bitterly.


Su Chaohai, Tianji Shengjun and others couldn't help but sigh.

They still don't know the strength of awakening, and feel that his return will only increase casualties.

"Is Qingxue okay?" Su Xing asked the question he cared most.

"Fortunately!" Luo Zu nodded.


Hearing this, Suwaken couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't explain too much, and turned to look at the dark army outside, his eyes suddenly cold.

"Little beast, it's just right that you are here. Let's destroy it with Beidi City!" Yu Wentuo's gaze fell on Su Xing with countless miles away.

"It is your royal family that should be destroyed!" Su Xing stepped out and walked out of Beidi City.

"Awake, don't be impulsive!" Luo Zu and others hurriedly stopped.

"Don't worry! You stay in the Northern Emperor City and leave the rest to me." Su Xing's eyes were firm, and at a certain moment he rushed out of the Northern Emperor City, and his power suddenly exploded.


The physical essence billowed out like a cloud of lead, covering all directions, bringing an unspeakable sense of oppression.

The awakening at this moment was like a great giant, overwhelming countless people on the battlefield with the momentum of one person. When people faced him, they suddenly felt a sense of insignificance in their hearts, as if they were facing a god.

"How is this going?"

Countless people were shocked, but they didn't know why.

The civilization of Central Shenlu was very lost, and very little was known about the physical realm. Everyone was extremely palpitating, but from the awakened body, they could not perceive any fluctuations in the strength of cultivation, and they were full of doubts for a while.

"The person who pretends to be the gods and the ghosts, kill him for me, cut the awakened head, and seal the seat of the city lord of the North Imperial City." Yuwen Tuo shouted.


For a time, countless people rushed towards waking up.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, not to mention the position of the lord of the Northern Emperor City, the temptation is too great.


Su Xing looked at the unprecedented Sen Han, facing the tens of thousands of people swarming in, without the slightest intention of retreating, he raised his fist and rushed forward.


He punched it out, and the void almost collapsed. Within the fist gang, all people and things were turned into powder, which was completely a tiger entering the flock.

It is not necessary for the power of the ten dragons to be fully revealed, the power of the Nine Dragons alone forms an absolute crush.

The boat is as fragile as tofu dregs, and the sacred artifacts are like paper. Under such terrifying physical power, all Taoisms have no meaning.

Break the law with one force!

Wake up with his own power, pushing tens of thousands of troops horizontally, moving forward incessantly, as if death is coming, the scene is extremely terrifying.

"What kind of power this kid has mastered can actually become so powerful." Yuwen Tuo was frightened.

"Don't worry about those, the four of us shot together, we don't believe that he can't be killed." Liu Wusheng said.


"Thousands of troops are ahead, and if the four of us join hands, unless he is a god, he will definitely die."

Yuwentuo, Liu Wusheng, Nanlinghou, and the Lord joined forces to rush towards awakening.

The four great ninth-level peak sages are extremely terrifying under their combined strength, even Luozu, it is very likely to be directly bombarded and killed under one face.


Yuwen Tuo took the first shot, and the hand of the star picker was dazzling, but at that moment, all the light was annihilated. The Daoist aura belonging to the hand of the star picker, as if being imprisoned.

"How is this possible?" Yuwen Tuo was shocked.

"Kill you today, and when the matter here is resolved, I will destroy the royal family." Awakening tone was cold, abandoned the others, and rushed directly to Yuwen Tuo.

He only displayed the power of Nine Dragons, but it was not Yuwentuo's ability to resist, but the rudimentary form of the forbidden law domain completely suppressed Yuwentuo's Taoist aura.

"Physical strength, you are pure physical strength!" At close range, Yuwen Tuo finally sensed the source of the power and breath of awakening, and this was even more shocking.

"How can the physical strength be so powerful and incomparable?" Liu Wusheng, Nanlinghou, and the Lord were also shocked.

"Your vision is too low, so naturally you don't know the power of your physical body." Su Xing was too lazy to explain anything, and slammed out with a punch, even if Yuwen Tuo exhausted all his efforts, he couldn't resist it.


A generation of emperor Yu Wentuo, a majestic character in people's eyes that cannot be seen directly, was awakened with a simple punch and blasted cleanly, his body turned into a blood mist and diffused.

"It's your turn!" Su Xing turned around, looking at Liu Wusheng, Nan Linghou, and the Lord one by one.


At this moment, the three of them finally realized how terrible it was to wake up, and instantly lost the heart to fight again, just want to escape as far as possible.

"In front of me, can you escape?"

When countless people were still in shock, Wake took the lead to catch up. The nearest Nanlinghou, who was the nearest to him, said to himself: "Originally, your life should be left to Li Xiaosa."

"However, I have lost that patience, so you can go to death."


Nan Linghou roared, desperately exploding out of his own holy technique, but it was useless.

There was a bang.

As a blood mist rose up, Nanlinghou, the lord of the Southern Emperor, was also slammed and killed by awakening with a punch. "Lord, it's your turn." Wake Gu Jing Wubo, his eyes locked on the lord of the Shenbing Merchant League. At this moment, he is incarnate as a life-threatening Yama. Whoever he is staring at will be inevitable. To die.

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