Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1417: Blood ancestor!

"It's not so good!" Shi Haotian shook his hands and couldn't help but shook his head, looking unsatisfied.

But when he woke up, he saw the space around him quickly distorted. This was because the physical power was too terrifying, making the space unbearable signs.


Shi Haotian turned around and fixed his gaze on Wake. More precisely, he stared at the dozen or so storage bags hanging around Wake's waist.

"Well, I'm also your savior, what do you want to do?" Su Xing hurriedly covered his storage bag. This was a huge gain he had finally made, so he was naturally reluctant to be taken away by the other party.

"Brother, how much I can take from you, I will return it ten times in the future, but now, you must give me at least ten storage bags. I need to recover my strength. Otherwise, we will both die here."

Shi Haotian said with a serious face.

Su Xing looked suspicious: "You mean...that existence..."


"He originally passed through Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian, maybe a lot of blood."

"Before, he secretly stolen the power of Heavenly Tribulation. Just now, he took away the gods of Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian. After getting so much, his strength should have recovered a bit."

Shi Haotian stared at the ground beneath his feet, his expression dignified and deep.


He was shocked and realized the seriousness of the situation. He was not stingy at the moment, and gave Shi Haotian all the dozen or so storage bags hanging from his waist.

Although in this way, he became a pauper again, but compared with his life, wealth is nothing.

Compared with the terrifying existence, Suwa Wake was more willing to believe in Shi Haotian. The strength of the latter could easily take him to the storage bag, but he still discussed with him, obviously not bad.

"Ten storage bags are enough. As long as my origin is restored, I can borrow power from the heavens and the earth, and the cycle will continue endlessly."

Shi Haotian waved his hand and returned the other seven storage bags to wake up.

After that, another flame was shot, turning the ten storage bags into a torrent of fiery red, and swallowing them into the abdomen.

Reawakening put away the seven storage bags, and finally did not really become a pauper. The wealth and cultivation resources contained in these seven storage bags are still an astronomical figure.


As Shi Haotian absorbs and refines the ten storage bags he will get from Awakening, his power becomes stronger.

Suddenly, he raised his eyes to the sky and let out a long howl, breaking the clouds in the sky, and then a series of fiery red light beams appeared from the unknown starry sky, shining on Shi Haotian.

Those light beams were transformed by the laws of Shinto, and they were not ordinary laws of Shinto, exuding unparalleled pressure and extremely terrifying.

And undoubtedly, the mighty power of heaven and earth contained in the light beam is also extremely vast.

"Is this still a human?" Su Xing looked shocked.

Shi Haotian absorbed half an hour, and those fiery red light beams gradually dissipated. At this time, instead of any terrifying power fluctuations, Shi Haotian seemed very calm.

This shows that he has complete control over his own power and can send and receive freely. In this state, once he breaks out, he will be even more terrifying.

"This is the real physical martial arts." Su Xing sighed, compared with Shi Haotian, any physical martial arts in the world is simply a joke.

Raising hands and feet, breaking the sky and breaking the earth, suppressing the gods into mortals, this is the style that the physical martial arts should possess.


Shi Haotian's figure flashed and appeared beside Su Wake lightly, saying: "Brother, I will tear the barriers of the gods' forbidden ground later and send you out. I rush to leave as far as possible."

"You won't leave?" Su Xing asked.

"Hey! I've been suppressed here for almost five million years, even the origin is broken, and now I finally get out of trouble, I always have to collect some interest to come back." Shi Haotian looked at the ground under his feet and smiled coldly.

"Five million years!"

This number made me awake for a while.

One million years ago, it was called the ancient era by the four star regions.

Five million years, that was the early days of ancient times, far away from today.

Shi Haotian had been suppressed for five million years, and he could survive. His strength was absolutely terrifying, and he naturally hated the suppression of his existence.

"I won't leave!" Su Xing shook his head and refused.

"Brother, although you do this, I will be very moved, but..."

"That, don't get me wrong, I won't leave because I came to the Forbidden Land of the Gods to find the Chaos Phoenix Heart!"


Shi Haotian was embarrassed for a while, feeling wasted his feelings for nothing.

"Chaotic Phoenix Heart?"

Hearing this name, Shi Haotian was slightly surprised.

"You have been suppressed here for five million years. You should know the Chaos Phoenix Heart, right?" Su Xing asked nervously.

"I know!" Shi Haotian grinned, "If it weren't for that thing, how could he be suppressed in the lower realm if he was a figure of a godly ancestor?"

"That's good!" After hearing this, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief. "Brother, things are not as simple as you think. The Chaos Phoenix Heart contains good fortune. Not to mention your sacred cultivation, even the gods can't conquer it. The suppressed existence here is a giant in the gods. Even he failed, let alone you

! "Shi Haotian persuaded.

"Is it a giant of the gods? He can't succeed, I may not fail!" It is about Luo Qingxue's safety, no matter how difficult it is, there is absolutely no way to give up when he wakes up.

"Haha! Brilliant! If that's the case, then we will join hands to forbid the gods and turn the earth upside down." Shi Haotian laughed.

He is a lawless character, even the gods dared to fight, it can be said that he is not afraid of the sky, and the earth is not afraid. He likes to wake up the perseverance of his body and feels very appetite.

"Blood Ancestor, don't you show up yet?"

"You are too old to walk, so your reaction is so slow?"

Suddenly, Shi Haotian stared at the ground below and started to drink.


The entire land of the forbidden land of the gods trembled at this moment, countless mountain peaks collapsed, the ground cracked, exposing huge ravines, like an abyss.

But in the abyss, **** water came out, very strange.

"Blood Progenitor!"

Su Xing's eyes condensed.

The first time I heard this title, for some reason, these seemingly simple words seemed to have extraordinary meaning.

"That blood ancestor, what realm is it?" Su Xing asked.

"God has nine realms, but the ninth emperor realm is just an illusory legend. No one has ever reached it, so it is actually eight realms."

"These eight realms are respectively the Tongshen Realm, Profound God Realm, True God Realm, Heaven God Realm, Divine Lord Realm, Divine King Realm, Divine Sovereign Realm, and Divine Ancestor Realm."

"Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian's kind of goods are just the worst state of the gods, that is, in your eyes, I am in the fourth state, the gods of the sky."

"As for the blood ancestor, you should be able to guess it by listening to this name!"

Shi Haotian glanced at regaining consciousness. Su Xing's face sank, blood ancestor, with an ancestral name in his name, he was naturally the eighth realm, the **** ancestor realm.

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