Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1415: God of War!

Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian were protected by blood fog when they crossed the catastrophe, and their injuries were much lighter than waking up, and the recovery speed was naturally faster.

As the two got up, their gazes turned towards the awakening, as if two sword lights came directly, cold and sharp.

"Brother, your situation is not good! Those two guys, although they are not very strong, they are still more than enough to deal with you. Hurry up and destroy the mark on the cliff. I will help you solve them." The suppressed The man hurriedly said.

"Why do you want to help me, you can also let them both destroy the mark for you!" Su Xing said, although the situation is crisis, he already wants to understand the situation.

"They have an aura that I don't like very much, and they don't deserve to bear my Shi Haotian's favor." The suppressed person said proudly.

"You are quite principled!" Su Xing's mouth twitched. When did he still follow principles? Isn't this a dead brain!

However, after this contact, he also gradually felt that the other party's tone of speech or the leaked aura did not look like that kind of vicious person.

"The last question, who suppressed you here?" Suwa said.

"I can't say his name, it will be felt by him. I can only tell you that it is the same as you think." The suppressed person became serious for the first time.

"Okay! I see." Su Xing nodded, and said no more. At this time, his injuries gradually recovered, and Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian also rushed towards him.


Awakening leaped up and appeared at the top of the cliff, hunting in the gale, his long hair flying, facing the two gods, there was no fear in his face.

"Hey! Brother, how did you decide on earth? Just say it!" Under the cliff, the man's voice appeared in his awakened mind again, but he ignored it.

"What's the situation?" The man was depressed. "Little beast, can you still provoke Heavenly Tribulation?" Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian watched awakening coldly. They chased them for several months, spanning endless distances. Even the old nest was destroyed here, and it was finally here. Stopped from waking up, my heart is naturally very happy


"I'm thinking, is the gods shackles really impossible to break?" Su Xing's eyes were exquisite, and his fighting spirit was vigorous and fierce. At a certain moment, there were countless cracks in his body.

It was as if the porcelain was broken.

In fact, it is the awakened natal star that is cracking, just like a bud in bud, which is beginning to bloom.

As the natal stars cracked, the aura of the laws of the gods contained within it quickly spewed out, scouring the awakened whole body, and a strong force emerged spontaneously.

Demigod Realm!

Waking up at this moment, he actually broke through to the realm of a demigod.

You know, it took only half a year for him to break through to the ninth-order sage, and now he breaks through again, this is simply appalling.

This is not only because awakening his own cultivation talent is an invaluable asset, but also because he is now cultivating the Nine Heavens Divine Art, and he has integrated that one supreme **** species.

Even if it was only a preliminary fusion, the supreme **** species and other heaven-defying things, coupled with the Nine Heavens Divine Art, allowed the awakening cultivation speed to reach a terrifying level.

Stepping into the semi-god realm, awakening immediately felt that it was dozens of times stronger than before.

In the past, when he faced Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian, it was as if an ant was facing a giant, and a mortal was facing a god, without the slightest resistance.

But now, although the sense of danger still exists, it is not as strong, at least when he clenched his fist, the desire for a battle already emerged in his heart.

"This guy, the shackles of the gods are not so easy to break, no matter how many tribulations, the gods are useless, you must have a breath of good fortune in order to break the shackles of the gods!" Under the cliff, the man muttered to himself.

"I don't know how high the sky is! Since you want to fight, then I will play with you." Qi Fengtian smiled coldly, his figure flashed, and he appeared not far from waking up, pressing down with a palm.

A seemingly simple palm, but with the power of the laws of Shinto circling around, revealing an unspeakable sacred meaning.

Changing to other sacred cultivators, facing the power of this palm, they will be instantly obliterated. No matter what methods they use, they will be useless, because the power of the rules of the Holy Path in their bodies will be perfectly suppressed and will not be effective.

However, awakening is still vigorously fighting.


He ran his cultivation base and used the eighth sword intent. With a sword slashed out, a brilliant sword light suddenly appeared, and it slammed into the palm of the void.


Amid the huge roar, his awakened body flew out three thousand miles away, but his breath floated violently and he didn't mean to be injured.

He blocked Qi Fengtian's palm!

"How is this possible?" Ye Liancheng was stunned. This situation was beyond his imagination.

"There is still a very strange energy in this kid. Although it is very weak, the power of the rules of the holy way that he masters is different from other people, and it can stop the erosion of the power of the laws of the gods." Qi Fengtian said solemnly. "Fortune aura, this guy actually has a fortune aura." The person below the cliff was also very shocked, but his eyesight was obviously much higher than Qi Fengtian and Ye Liancheng, and he recognized Suwaken body, vaguely. That emerged

What kind of existence is the energy?

"I don't believe it, you are only a mere half-god, and you can turn against the sky." Qi Fengtian's eyes sank, his cultivation level exploded, and a scene of connecting the sea and the sky appeared around him.

He urged his own Shendao method, Haitianrong.

The turbulent waves are violent, and they are rolling out, pressing toward awakening.

Awakening without dodge or avoiding, the cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, and the eighth chapter of the sword intent was fully displayed. The sword light was like a horse training, flying out continuously, and colliding with the waves.


The horrible explosion was deafening.

Although Qi Fengtian's strength has fully exploded, he still can't suppress his awakening, and the two are equally matched.

This is shocking!

This shows that the awakened combat power has already broken the shackles of Shinto.

"This son must never stay!" Ye Liancheng's eyes were cold, his murderous intent surged wildly, and his awakening performance now gave him a great shock. With a demigod cultivation level, he can fight the gods.

If the cultivation base that waits to wake up, breaks through to the **** level, who else is his opponent in this lower realm?

"call out!"

Ye Liancheng's figure turned into a black shadow and disappeared from the same place. At this time, he could no longer care about a fair fight, and strangling the awakening was the most important thing.

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