Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1413: The fourth thunder robbery!

With the strength of his feet, he rushed at full speed for several days, enough to cross a galaxy.

In other words, just outside the forbidden area of ​​the gods, its vast area is comparable to a galaxy, which is extremely exaggerated.

It is hard to imagine how boundless the depths of the forbidden land of the gods are.

But anyway, at the moment of awakening, he has stepped into the depths of the forbidden land of the gods.

The sky is depressed and low, and the dense clouds are dark red, staying all year round, bringing a full sense of oppression.

The earth is even more desolate, and there is a absorbing force spilling out.

This inhaling power is not shy, the cultivation base, physical essence and even soul thoughts, once it leaks out, all will be swallowed up, just like rainwater has been sprayed on the desert, and it disappears in an instant.

Su Xing was secretly frightened, not daring to let his soul and thoughts out, and his physical essence was quickly restrained. He just used his cultivation base to drive his way. Undoubtedly, the loss of his cultivation base became very severe, several times larger than usual.

And at this moment, it is impossible to get supplies from the outside world, let alone mobilize the power of the surrounding world.

However, he was not too worried.

This time, he ransacked the nests of Qi Fengtian and Ye Liancheng. Now he has countless cultivation resources. For a long time, he doesn't need to worry about the loss of his cultivation.

In the rear, Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian also chased in, completely swearing not to stop without reaching their goals, but their soul thoughts were also retracted from their bodies, obviously very afraid of the peculiar suction power.

Without their soul thoughts, they couldn't continue to lock in and wake up.

But the strong gods, relying on the perception of Qi, within a certain range, it is easy to find awakening.

Awakening no longer runs in a straight line, his speed is much worse than that of Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian, and he will be easily overtaken if he chases straight in a straight line.

Choosing to walk in a roundabout way can make Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian take many detours. After all, the perception of Qi is much shorter, and it is not as convenient and easy to use as Soul Mind.

This time, awakening persisted for half a month.

Half a month later, he was still found by Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian, and the two immediately rushed towards him.

"Can't escape!" Su Xing stood on the edge of a cliff. Under the cliff, there was an unfathomable abyss, which was tens of thousands of meters wide. The land opposite was a high plateau.

On the plateau, the mountains are ups and downs, and there were many palaces built on it. They are magnificent, like a heavenly palace, which shows the extremely prosperous scene of the year.

However, it has now been reduced to a dilapidated ruin, which has been desolate for a long time, and it is completely dilapidated.


The awakened body ejected like a cannonball, straddling the cliff, and appeared on a mountain peak on the edge of the plateau.

At the same time, where he stood just now, two figures appeared, full of murderous aura, it was Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian.

"Little beast, you continue to run away!" The two men stared at awakening in hatred, wishing to take him off.

With the strength of the gods, this equal distance is close at hand, and it can take a person's life in the hand.

In other words, there is no escape from waking up, and the end of the road has been reached.

"I don't know, whether the gods can withstand the catastrophe!" Su Xing did not answer, just muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?" Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian looked suspicious.


The answer to them was a terrifying thunder.

I saw the sky was torn into a **** crack, the surrounding red clouds were all swallowed and destroyed, the next moment, a rolling blood-colored thundercloud landed.


A huge thunder, like a blood-colored centipede with a length of ten million meters, lay horizontally in the sky and fell down.

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian's expressions changed, and they didn't expect that their awakening would trigger the catastrophe.

The distance between the two of them is not close, but it is not too far. If they are ordinary creatures, they will not be noticed by the catastrophe, but they are different. They are gods, or the masters of a region, and they have the luck of a region. .

This kind of existence is the easiest to be noticed by the robbery, like a beacon in the dark night.


The catastrophe in the void instantly noticed Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian. In an instant, the **** crack expanded rapidly, and finally tore the entire sky in half.

And the big crack at this moment is simply a huge abyss, echoing the abyss on the ground.

At the same time, there was a terrifying breath brewing in the big crack, as if it was about to land a huge doomsday and it would be difficult.

Wake up in awe.

Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian's expressions became more serious than ever, and they didn't even bother to wake up.

Heavenly Tribulation has been completed, and their breath has been sensed. At this moment, no matter where they flee, it has no effect, and we need to face Heavenly Tribulation.

The only way is to survive this catastrophe before it is possible to survive.

At this time, the first **** thunder that belonged to the awakening had already struck him, but his fighting spirit was strong and he easily resisted.

Incorporating the supreme **** species, his combat power has reached the level of the pseudo-four-caliber god-child. This heavenly calamity only turned his pseudo-four-feeling god-child into a true four-caliber god-child.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation varies from person to person.

Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian are both gods, and their heavenly calamity is many times more powerful than the awakened heavenly calamity. They are terrifying and contain extremely terrifying spirits.

Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian were separated from each other, and they did not dare to cross the tribulation together, which would cause the power of the tribulation to merge, the lethality was even more terrible, and it was almost death.

"These two people are both gods, they are in their prime of life, and it is the first time to cross the sky. Their power is relatively weak, maybe they can be carried down." Su Xing's eyes flashed, this time he killed Ye Liancheng and Qi Fengtian. This is an excellent opportunity that must not be missed.


When the second tribulation came, Awakening locked Qi Fengtian, his body turned into an afterimage and charged towards Qi Fengtian.

"Little beast, are you crazy?" Qi Fengtian was shocked, just a awakening, he naturally is not afraid, but the key is that there is a catastrophe on top of his awakening head!

Once the awakened Heavenly Tribulation merges with one's own Heavenly Tribulation, its power will be greatly increased.


Qi Fengtian did not dare to stay at all, and retreated towards the rear.

Awakening and chasing after him, even if he can't catch up with Qi Fengtian, the worst will make Qi Fengtian unable to fight the catastrophe wholeheartedly, and the risk factor will be greatly increased.

"Little beast, you still don't stop!" Qi Fengtian's face was frightened, facing the catastrophe while trying to avoid and wake up, the pressure suddenly increased.

"Aren't you going to kill me? What are you running now?" Su Xing said coldly. "You..." Qi Fengtian was depressed and wanted to vomit blood. At this moment, a catastrophe from above his head crashed down, causing him to shake his body and almost fell to the ground.

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