Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1399: Conquer the gods!

"Boom bang bang!"

In the empty space, there are sometimes dull noises.

One after another, the figures were awakened and thrown to the altar one after another.

He possesses the power of Nine Dragons, which is very terrifying. Even if the gravity here is strong, he can still accurately throw others on the altar beyond ten thousand feet.

Although everyone fell in pain, they were painful and happy.

"What are you doing?"

Ji Yuyue looked at the salty pig's hand stretched out from Wake with a look of alertness.


Su Xing smiled awkwardly, and threw a **** the altar like a stone. It seemed very impolite. At this moment, everyone else passed, and he didn't need to lose Ji Yuyue.

After thinking about it, he awoke and said, "Then I will hold you over!"

"It's almost the same!"

Ji Yuyue wrinkled her cute little nose.

It is inevitable that the beautiful lady is a little charming when she is in her arms. Ji Yuyue has a graceful figure, exhales like blue, with a faint scent, which makes people feel a little confused.

After waking up and calming down, try not to think too much. After three or five steps of sprint, the body rushed out like a cannonball, and it drew a parabola in mid-air. Accompanied by a loud bang, both feet stood steadily. on the ground.

"The treatment of beautiful women is different!"

Li Zhouxing curled his lips and joked.


"If you have the ability, you will also become a female. Anyway, this kind of secret technique is not particularly difficult to obtain. Maybe after you become a female, you will become a awakened sweetheart."

Ji Yuyue smiled.

A row of black lines appeared on your forehead when you woke up. Why do you bother to talk to yourself?

Li Zhouxing also retreated directly. This scale was too big to dare to talk any more, he was almost getting goose bumps.

But after a few jokes, everyone found that the rather awkward relationship between Su Xing and Ji Yuyue seemed to have eased somewhat.

During this period of time, everyone also vaguely felt that before Wake up and Ji Yuyue were estranged a little, they had some guesses in their hearts, but they didn't try to find out.

After all, people don’t have much to say about this kind of thing.

The place where everyone is located is on the first step, and there are no luminous guards guarding them.

According to the radiance of the guards, they can be distinguished by their god-level. From the second step up to hundreds of levels, they are all yellow-level gods, and the radiance is earthy yellow.

Everyone is dissatisfied, after all, they have already come here, and naturally want to obtain a higher level of gods.

"These yellow-level gods guards are not particularly strong, let's just rush through." After Su Xing finished speaking, he took the lead and jumped to the second step.

The guard of the yellow-level **** species, the strength is equivalent to a sixth-order sage.

Awakening reveals the demi-god combat power of the flesh, which is naturally where you are looking, but these yellow-level gods guards, although they are invincible, have extremely powerful life-saving capabilities.

A group of people followed closely, after a fierce battle, they soon came to hundreds of steps.

They are in the area where the guards of the Yellow-level gods are bordered with the guards of the Profound-level gods, which is fairly safe.

These gods guards will not attack as long as you don't break into the steps where they are.

"carry on!"

Waking up, there is no plan to stay too much.

The mysterious guardian of the gods, the strength is equivalent to a seventh-order holy monarch.

But obviously, this is not enough to stop the awakening.

He led everyone and quickly came to the 500th step.

On the top of his head is an earth-level god-seed, and under his feet is a mysterious-level god-seed. This is a wonderful position.

"The higher the **** level, the smaller the number."

"The yellow-level gods have the most species, tens of thousands. At the profound level, there are only a few hundred left, and there are even fewer earth-level gods, only a dozen."

"Heaven-level gods...seems to have only three?"

Everyone was observing the surroundings, the earth-level gods guards exuding golden light were rare in number, but only a dozen figures.

There were only three guards from the heavenly gods with a purple-gold halo, standing there.

"It doesn't seem to be that simple to subdue these gods!" When everyone was thinking about what kind of gods to subdue, he woke up thoughtfully. He stretched out his hand and grabbed an earth-level gods. .

These gods originally turned into guards, but under the rudimentary form of the awakened law-forbidden realm, they quickly disappeared and turned into the original form of the gods.

The golden light of the earth-level **** species, exuding extremely turbulent power fluctuations, is sacred and extraordinary.

"Li Shuiyi, you come and try refining!" Wake let Li Shui sit down and press this earth-level god-seed into Li Shuiyi's body.


In an instant, the earth-level gods flew out of Li Shui's body again, trying to escape, but was awakened and caught.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was taken aback.

"It can't be refined!"

Li Shui stood up, shook his head and said, "God planted into the body, as if it were a higher-level living body. It came into my body. It seemed that he didn't look down on me... Then he fled away."

"Sure enough!"

Reawakening nodded, affirming his own guess, that is, saying: "The fusion of the **** seed should be related to the cultivation base and aptitude. If you are not strong enough, the **** seed will not be fused."

Li Shui couldn't help feeling depressed. The chance was in front of him, but he couldn't have it. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

"Don't get discouraged!" Su Xing patted Li Shuiyi on the shoulder, and said with relief: "We still have seven years to use to polish ourselves. It may not be impossible to integrate the earth-level gods."

"Furthermore, the Profound-level God Seed is already very powerful. If you can completely digest its essence, you can become a God Child of the Second Tribulation."

Li Shui raised his head and smiled: "Don't worry! I'm not that vulnerable."

Everyone was thinking about what kind of gods they should integrate.

Among the crowd, the nine Li Family Tianjiaos, including Li Shuiyi, Li Shanshi, and Li Yusheng, were slightly less qualified, but there should be no problem in fusing the Profound-level gods.

The aptitudes of Li Zhouxing, Cang Lengxiao, and Shang Yan are much higher, and they have the opportunity to integrate the land-level gods.

Sui Longchao and Xiaoshiwang are 100% capable of fusing the earth-level gods.

And Ji Yuyue, possessing a thousand-bones divine body, has already shaped the foundation of the divine spirit, and just like waking up, any level of divine species can merge.

"Wake up, take us to see it too." Sui Longchao and Xiaoshi Wang said while looking at Wake up.

A person has only one chance to fuse the god-seed in their life. They are not willing to fuse the earth-level god-seed, and want to fight it, trying to fuse the heaven-level god-seed.

"it is good!"

Wake up and nodded.

At the moment, he took Ji Yuyue, Sui Longchao, and Xiaoshi Wang, and ran toward the upper steps again.

As for the others, they stayed on the five hundredth step. It is impossible for them to integrate the heaven-level gods, and there are only three heaven-level gods, and it is meaningless to continue climbing.

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