Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1396: Fall to the bottom!

Tongtian Valley!

With a high-pitched dragon roar, Ancestral Dragon clone appeared and turned into a golden dragon, carrying it awakened and falling downward.

The state of waking up was terrible. After suffering the attack of Lu Tianqian and Xuan Yuqing forcibly, he was originally injured, and then he forced the first form of the sky-breaking warfare, Zhan Fanling.

This style of Zhan Fanling usually requires the power of ten dragons to be used. Wake up and use the power of Nine Dragons to forcefully use it, resulting in severe injuries to the body's vitality, severe pain from the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and signs of falling apart.

It is no exaggeration to say that his physical body is almost facing collapse.

Even so, he still jumped into the Tongtian Valley without hesitation, not for anything else, just for the sentence of living together and dying together.


The Ancestral Dragon clone propped up the astrological holy light to protect the awakening inside.

The aura of the laws of the gods in Tongtian Valley is rich to the extreme, and it is shrouded in a terrifying gravitational field. Any existence under the gods will not be able to fly if they fall here, they will only fall downward, and the speed will increase. Faster.

The mist floating in the midair of the valley was transformed by the laws of God's way, which seemed light and fluttering, but in fact it was unusually strong.

If it hits the fog, it is like hitting a copper wall and iron wall, and the force is very heavy.


"Find everyone!"

Awakening was not thinking about healing, and ignored the gravitational field and fog, urging the Ancestral Dragon clone to fall rapidly, no matter how fast he was, and the wind whistling around his ears, he only looked for the figures of Ji Yuyue and others.

"over there!"

Wake's eyes lit up slightly, and he found Li Zhouxing and other ten Li family arrogances who were falling, and hurriedly came to them.

"Why did you jump in?" Li Zhouxing was startled when he saw his awakening.

"Come up!" Su Xing didn't want to explain more, and dragged Li Zhouxing and the others to the back of the Golden Dragon's avatar of Ancestral Dragon, and said: "You hurry up to heal your injuries, try to mobilize more cultivation strength before falling to the bottom. "

"it is good!"

Li Zhouxing and the others were shocked, and they were also aware of the crisis.

The Ancestral Dragon Clone was falling too fast. When it hit the bottom of the valley, the strength must be extremely terrifying. They will now recover more cultivation base, and the chance of surviving will be even greater.

"Cang Leng Xiao!"

Soon after, he found Cang Lengxiao, Xiaoshiwang, and Sui Longchao again, and dragged them to the back of Zulong clone.

"Heal soon!" After Su Xing said, he continued to look for the figures of Shang Yan and Ji Yuyue, and shortly afterwards found Shang Yan, and while the latter was dumbfounded, he pulled them to the avatar of Zulong.

"Yueyue?" Su Xing asked.

"It's not far below, I saw her indistinctly before." Shang Yan pointed down and said, the fog obscured his vision, and the strong aura of the laws of the gods here, even the false souls were suppressed, let alone the holy souls.

"Okay! Hurry up and heal your injuries!" Suked.

Shang Yan nodded. They were already seriously injured. When they fell, they hit the fog again, and they fell one by one. It's a point to be able to recover a little at this moment.

"Ji Yuyue!"

Su Xing remotely looked down and couldn't help clenching his fists.

The opponent jumped into the Tongtian Valley first, and the speed of the fall was also the fastest. If he wakes up and falls to the bottom of the valley, he will definitely die.

Suddenly, Wake's eyes lit up, and finally found Ji Yuyue, her clothes were stained with blood, her expression blurred, she looked very poignant and she was falling rapidly.

Behind her, there is a black hard ground, which is the bottom of the valley.

Ji Yuyue was already seriously injured, and fell to the bottom at such a terrifying speed, with no possibility of surviving.



"Did I have hallucinations?"

Ji Yuyue also found awakening, her delicate pretty face was full of surprise, and then she mustered up the courage to wake up from falling, shouting word by word: "Su, wake up, I, joy, joy, you ."

She thought it was an illusion and was about to die, so she called out the thoughts that had been hidden deep in her heart for a long time.

Su Xing was stunned, but it was too late to think about it, urging the Ancestral Dragon clone to speed up the fall, taking advantage of Ji Yuyue's second before falling to the bottom of the valley, he hugged the Ancestral Dragon clone.

Afterwards, the strength of Zulong clone's cultivation fully exploded, and the body quickly enlarged, hitting the extremely hard ground at the bottom of the valley.


The huge explosion sound and the terrifying impact made the ears deaf, and only felt the mountain shake.

The avatar of Ancestral Dragon is a thousand-meter-sized, huge head, first hitting the bottom of the valley, and instantly torn apart, then the neck, chest, waist...

This impact was too violent, equivalent to a demigod blow, and the Zulong clone collapsed every inch, from the head to the tail.

And when everyone was awakened, they stood on the tail.

Li Zhouxing and other Li Family Tianjiao, Sui Longchao, Xiaoshiwang, Cang Lengxiao, and Shang Yan all mobilized all available cultivation bases to resist this impact.

Simply, when the thousand-foot-long body of the Ancestral Dragon clone was destroyed, the extremely fierce impact was also greatly weakened, and there was not much left to affect everyone in the end.

Even so, everyone was still shaken, like being struck by lightning, one by one fell off the tail of the ancestor dragon clone.

After a long time, the bottom of the valley fell into silence.

Wake up struggling to get up, looking for everyone one by one, and found that they were only temporarily in a coma. Although each of them was in a terrible state, they finally saved their lives and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And not far away, there was a huge deep pit, which was created when the ancestor dragon clone hit the ground.

As for the avatar of Zulong, it has disappeared.

"The Ancestral Dragon clone turned into a ray of sacred power, returned to my body, and turned into a vision again?" Su Xing looked at her body and couldn't help frowning.

He originally thought that he had turned the Ancestral Dragon clone into a real flesh and blood body, but now it seems that his thoughts at that time were a bit naive, or whimsical.

The so-called flesh and blood body is just a superficial phenomenon, and the origin of Zulong clone is just a vision.

Following this terrifying impact, the disguised flesh and blood body was also ruthlessly torn apart, so it turned into a vision again and returned to the awakened body.

"The Zulong vision and Shenhe vision do not seem to be my own power. It seems to be a certain existence between heaven and earth. Through a special method, the Taoist rules are projected on me."

Su Xing frowned. This was a sudden thought, and he was not sure whether it was true.

But if it is true, it is not a good thing. Just like in You Xuan’s Tyrant Heart, a Tyrant ancestor will suddenly appear. If one day, the awakened ancestral dragon’s vision "resurrects" and the ten ancient gods phantoms in Shenhe’s vision "resurrect", when the time comes , Can you control your own destiny when you wake up?

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