Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1378: Five planet balls!

Five days later!

When Wake and Fatty came to the area where the Five Planetary Sphere was located, dozens of huge ships and countless elite troops were stationed in this starry sky.

This force is very powerful, the backbone is the Li family and the rest are the solo martial artists who have joined in more than a year.

And in front of that, there are five huge planets, showing five different colors. It is the five planetary balls, which contain the five rich natural forces of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

"Wake up, you finally came."

Li Zhouxing, Ji Yuyue, Ruan Dao Thief Saint and others rushed over after seeing Wake up flying.

The matter is very important and needs to be determined by him himself.

"Tell me about the situation!" Su Xing said straightforwardly.

"These five planetary **** were discovered by Li Shuiyi and the others a month ago, and then they encountered resistance from the indigenous people inside. Fortunately, they did not go deep and escaped safely."

"We have explored these days. On these five planets, each planet contains a treasure, which is the fruit of the five elements in ancient books."

"The five elements of Tao fruit are divided into five types, namely Golden Path Fruit, Wood Path Fruit, Water Path Fruit, Fire Path Fruit, and Earth Path Fruit. The greatest effect is to temper the flesh."

"If you refine the Five Elements Tao fruit one by one, you will have the opportunity to cultivate the Five Elements Saint Body, and you can become a **** in your flesh."


Li Zhouxing told the opportunity and began to clarify the situation.

"The natives on the five planets are the five elements."

"Their cultivation base is not high, but their physical strength is very powerful, and even a demigod with the power of the Nine Dragons exists, but there is a broken sword stealing the saint, we still have the confidence to break it."

"The key is that the five elements clinging to the planet will not come out. If we fight on the planet, the planet will be greatly destroyed, and the ecosystem may collapse."

"If that were the case, the value of the five planetary ball would be greatly reduced."

"So my suggestion is peace talk!"

After Li Zhouxing finished speaking in one breath, he looked towards awakening and asked what he meant.

"Where is the Five Elements Race? What is their intention?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know. Since half a month ago, the flesh demigod of the Jinxing clan existed and fought a battle with the Sword Pirate Saint outside the starry sky, and he never came out again." Li Zhouxing shook his head, which was also a headache. The place.

If you can't figure out the other party's intentions, it will be much more difficult to negotiate.

"Talk to peace!"

Wake up quickly made a decision.

The Five Elements Dao Fruit is of great value, and it is simply a chance to become a god. If it is destroyed, it would be a pity.

"Then I will send someone to communicate with them!" Li Zhouxing said.

"I'll go!" Li Shuiyi took the initiative to ask Ying, and explained: "The golden planet I entered first has a better understanding of the situation inside, so it is easier to communicate."

"Not bad!"

Su Xing nodded towards Li Shui.

After more than a year of hard work, the latter has completely lost the pampering and domineering that belonged to the children of the big clan, and has become calm and capable.

Not only Li Shuiyi, but the rest of the Li Family Tianjiao have also changed a lot, each of them is extremely full of energy and spirit, like a team of elite teachers on the battlefield, revealing the meaning of a tiger and wolf.

"You are here, don't conflict with them, and they will not embarrass you." Su Xing entrusted.

"Don't worry! I was silly before, but now I am not stupid." Li Shui grinned and turned and flew towards the golden planet.

Everyone waited in peace.

Half a day later, when Li Shui returned, he hesitated and said: "The demigod agreed, but he only allows you to go alone."

"No!" Li Zhouxing hurriedly shook his head, "This is too dangerous."

"Yeah! If the other party coerces you, we can only cast a rat avoidance."

"Don't wake up impulsively!"

Others also discouraged.

"As soon as Li Shui can go, I can go too."

Su Xing smiled slightly: "Don't worry! Since the other party wants to negotiate, there will be no danger. Let me go alone, probably because we are afraid of some conspiracy."

In the end, awakening or going to the golden planet alone.

The golden planet is shining with golden light, looking from the starry sky, the gas of gold and stone strikes, revealing a sharp aura.

As the distance gets closer, the golden planet is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, he woke up and set foot on the land of the Golden Planet. The earth here showed a light metallic color and had an extremely hard texture. As a result, there were very few trees here. Looking around, the four fields were mostly bare.

"It's no wonder that Golden Path Fruit can be born here." Su Xing nodded slightly and suddenly looked forward. In that open area, thousands of figures fell from the sky.


It was as if thousands of shells landed, the earth was shaking endlessly, the dust was flying, and the momentum was amazing.

Afterwards, a group of figures walked out of the dust, their facial features and appearance were the same as humans, but their skin had some light golden texture, revealing a sharp and powerful breath.

Especially the headed old man, his beard and hair are all white, but he gives people an extremely vigorous taste. He is about three meters tall and gives people a sense of majestic oppression like a mountain.

"It seems that this is the demigod of the Jin Xing clan, right?" Su Xing smiled slightly, and the opponent's dismissal of the show had no effect on him.

"Jin Xing Clan, Jin Shen." The old man said, full of breath, unbearable his appearance, just feel the breath, just like a mature man.

"It turns out that it is Senior Jin Chen, who wakes up below, is the master of this starry sky." Su Xing introduced herself.

"Master of shit!"

"We Jinxing family don't approve it."

Behind the old man, many young men of the Jinxing clan spoke one after another, all with disdain.

"Ha ha!"

The old man smiled and said without a smile: "Young man, according to your opinion, our Five Elements tribe will all surrender to you?"

Su Xing nodded and said: "It is true!"

"Really a young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth." The old man's face sank, no matter who it was, a master suddenly appeared out of thin air, and he couldn't get better.

What's more, the opponent is not old, no matter how enchanting, the strength is probably not high.

"Gold Master, kill him!"

"Let this arrogant kid see who is the master!"

The men of the Jinxing clan were full of murderous expressions.

The five elements of the five planetary **** each have a master, namely the gold master, the wood master, the water master, the fire master, and the earth master. Among them, the gold master has the highest cultivation base and the strongest combat power.

"Young man, have you seen the fate of angering my Jinxing Clan Erlang?" The old man smiled coldly.

"is it?"

"I only saw that you angered my fate." Not only did Suwaken not be afraid, but took a step forward. His gaze passed over many Jinxing men, and finally fell on the old man, saying loudly: "If you If you want to fight, then fight!"

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