Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1366: The Remnant Sword Thief Saint appears!

"Little beast, do you think you can kill me?"

"As long as my holy soul is still there, I can reshape my body soon."

"Brother, don't kill him, wait for me to reshape my body, and I must personally smash him into pieces..."

Ji Lanbing hated the sky, she had never suffered such a big loss in her life, and even her body was destroyed, and she was bound to take revenge.

"Don't worry!" Ji Lanshan nodded with a gloomy expression. Suwaken actually destroyed Ji Lanbing's body in front of him, making him more murderous.

Suddenly, Ji Lanbing's holy soul felt the thick shadow of death enveloped. She looked back and found that her awakened eyes became pitch black like ink, like two huge abysses with no bottom.

A majestic suction force flew out from the two vortexes, acting on her holy soul, pulling her step by step into the abyss.


Ji Lanbing was terrified and screamed sadly.


Ji Lanshan's complexion also changed drastically. All this happened so fast that even he had no time to stop it.

Waking up unmoved, as if he had become a death reaping life.

Suddenly, Ji Lanbing's holy soul quickly swelled, and the Heavenly Soul Order engraved in her holy soul exuded an extremely violent aura.

The Heavenly Soul Order is both a life-saving and a killer method.

When the core member's soul is in danger of being unable to escape, the Heavenly Soul Token will provoke the holy soul and burst completely.


After the terrifying loud noise, the land of thousands of miles was caught in an endless storm, and terrible power raged.

This is the power of soul explosion, quite amazing.

But the awakening had been expected, had avoided in advance, and was not injured.


Ji Lanshan roared in anger. He only had this one sister, who had been regarded as the jewel in his palm since he was a child, and also developed Ji Lanbing's domineering temperament.

Now, in front of him, Su Xing not only destroyed Ji Lanbing's physical body, but also her holy soul was also wiped out. This was truly death.

Even if the gods descended to the earth, they were powerless.

"Wake up, I want you to die!" Ji Lanbing's eyes were scarlet, and he stared fiercely at the awakening that was more than 10,000 miles away. The breath of the ninth-order holy monarch was revealed, and the void was distorted and terrifying.


Li Zhouxing rushed over, grabbed him to wake up, and wanted to escape in a boat with him.

"Can't leave!"

"The ninth-order sage is unfathomable."

"This happened because of me, you leave first."

Su Xing shook his head and refused.

"That won't work, I'm not someone who left my companions alone, then face it together." Li Zhouxing also simply turned his mind and stood with Su Xing.


Rolling coercion quickly advanced, Ji Lanshan rushed with the momentum of thunder.

Just as Wake and Li Zhouxing were preparing to fight to the death, a spatula swept from the side quickly, cutting off all the coercion of Ji Lanshan, as if splitting the entire starry sky in half.


Ji Lanshan was undecided in shock, and the sharp blade of light made him feel the crisis of death.

You know, he is a dignified ninth-tier sage. Unless he is a demigod, how many people can threaten his life?


With a flash of light, a figure appeared in the middle area between Awakening, Li Zhouxing and Ji Lanshan.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a gray gown, his face was vicissitudes of life, his hair casually draped over his shoulders, his eyes were deep, and there was a sense of deadness.

"The Remnant Sword Thief Saint!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, and the person who came was the Remnant Sword Thief Sage, one of the Eight Thief Sages.

In the ranking of the strength of the eight thieves, the broken sword thieves ranked second.

If it weren't for the lack of the Sword Thief's state of mind, even if it was ranked first, the Tianji Thief from the Ghost Race would not be his opponent.

His swordsmanship is amazing and brilliant, and he is overwhelming a generation of talents.

Obviously, the wizard of Heaven and Earth, who steals nerves, had long anticipated the crisis of awakening from this trip, so he arranged for the **** of the **** of the sword stealer.

"You two step back!" The Sword Thief Saint waved to the two of Wake. He had prepared to take action before, but he didn't know that Wake had caused Thunder Tribulation and solved the problem by himself.

At this moment, the appearance of Ji Lanshan forced the Remnant Dao Thief Saint to appear.

"it is good!"

Su Xing and Li Zhouxing boarded the ship and sailed away from here.

"Can Sword Pirate Saint stop Ji Lanshan?" Li Zhouxing asked on the deck.

"It's easy." Su Xing smiled slightly. He fought against the Sword Thief. Although the Sword Thief suppressed his cultivation at that time, it is not difficult to see that his strength is mostly terrifying.

"Since Ji Lanshan can be blocked, why do we need to retreat?" Li Zhouxing asked puzzledly.

"It is estimated that he is afraid of hurting us. He is lacking in his state of mind, and his sword does not distinguish between the enemy and us." Su Xing concluded.

The two retreated to a hundred thousand miles away before stopping.

This distance is already very far away, but when the cultivation base reaches their level, the sight is also extremely exaggerated. It is still very simple to see the situation in the distance clearly.

"Remnant knife, long time no see!" Ji Lanshan said, his face was a bit complicated. He had also challenged Remnant knife back then, but he failed with one move.

He was frustrated with this enemy.

However, he didn't want to let go of waking up, and after so many years of cultivation, he felt a little shameful.

"Do we know each other?" Can Dao Thief Saint looked confused.

"Three thousand years ago, you and I had a battle outside Frost City. Have you forgotten?" Ji Lanshan had to remind him. "Forgot." The Remnant Dao Thief Sheng shook his head. For Ji Lanbing, he was a life enemy and wanted to defeat him in his dreams, but to the Remnant Dao Thief, Ji Lanbing was a small character like that back then. One knife at a time, I don’t know how many I defeated, where to record

So much?


"Skills can be killed, not insulted!"

"Remnant knife, I am no longer who I was back then, just let me see what level of strength you have reached over the years."

Ji Lanshan was furious, and he regarded the "forgetfulness" of the Sword Pirate Saint as naked contempt.


The cultivation base belonging to the ninth-order holy monarch was fully released, and Ji Lanshan's momentum reached the peak in an instant. He cultivated one of the Ji clan's sacred methods, Wanling Sheshan Method.

Shan Tianjiao has also practiced this divine way.

But at this moment, as Ji Lanshan cast the spell, countless mountains suddenly appeared in the starry sky behind him, each of which was extremely high, and counted exactly one hundred thousand.

One hundred thousand mountains, magnificent, I don't know how powerful the Bushan Tianjiao is.


Thousands of thousands of mountains roared, like a gust of wind and rain, coming over to the Remnant Sword Thief Saint.


It was also at this time that the broken sword thieves raised the broken sword in his hand and slashed it out. After a short time, there was an incomparably bright light of the sword emerging, dazzling and profound. The domineering aura filled the world, and the other Dao Fa auras in this starry sky were all suppressed, leaving only endless sword paths.

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