Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1360: Daoling God Jade!

Shrine, Yuntai Hall!

The expanse of the cloud is wafting, the green lotus is scattered, the atmosphere of Taoism turns into white clouds and hangs in the sky, here is called the cloud pool.

The Yunchi is like the sea, with a vast area, with an island in the center, scattered and dotted with platforms, and it is the Yuntai Hall.

This is the highest point of the divine palace, and is known as the closest place to the God Realm in the Purple Star Region.

In this kind of place, the perception of the aura of heaven will become extremely keen.

At this moment, Su Xing was sitting cross-legged on a white jade platform, her eyes closed tightly, as if she was feeling something.

Not far below him, domain lord Li Tianxiao and Yu Tianguan were watching.

After a long time, Su Xing opened his eyes, shook his head towards the two of them, and said, "I didn't perceive anything."

After the First World War of Li Cheng, Wake followed Yutianguan to the Yuntai Hall. Along the way, Yutianguan told him the guess that the awakening would affect the heavens. Then the two met Li Tianxiao and began this perception.

According to Li Tianxiao's idea, he wanted to use Yuntai Temple to wake up and perceive some mysterious secrets.

But the secret is still too mysterious after all.

Waking up was not successful.


Li Tianxiao stretched out his hand and waved, a simple jade pendant slowly drifting towards awakening.

"The material of this'Daoling God Jade' floated from the depths of the forbidden grounds of the gods. It is extremely extraordinary. After adding many seals, it can deceive your aura."

Li Tianxiao explained: "But it can only be deceived for a short time. As your cultivation level improves, your aura will still leak out."

Reawakening holding the Daoling Divine Jade, he immediately felt a desolate and wild aura rushing toward his face, and the smell of the prosperous avenue, which immediately shocked.

As for the formation in Daoling God Jade, it doesn't seem to be very important.

"This spiritual realm is too precious." Su Xing intentionally refused. The material of this spiritual jade is a kind of treasure and extremely precious.

"Qinghong and my unconvincing descendants have inherited your favor. How can I be stingy as the domain master?" Li Tianxiao smiled slightly.

"Okay!" Awakening was not too hypocritical, he really needed this jade pendant to hoodwink his aura. Li Tianxiao was open-minded and would not attack him, but it was not necessarily true that he would not be able to target Chen and Apocalypse.

Once those two were aware of it and hunted down the awakening, there was almost no way to escape.

"Before your cultivation level reaches the ninth-order holy monarch, the dao spirit divine jade can cover your aura, but once you become the ninth-order holy monarch, then the dao spirit divine jade will fail. At this point, you have to Remember." Li Tianxiao asked.

After staying for a while, he awoke and left the shrine and returned to Kaisheng Pavilion.

"Wake up, this is a letter from God Thief to you." Saint Chiming greeted him and handed a letter to Wake up.

When I opened it, I saw that the content in my heart was very simple. The Yuheng galaxy was short of manpower. I hope I can help.

"This old guy, wants me to be a coolie?" Su Xing's mouth twitched, but he decided to go to the Yuheng Galaxy to take a look.

There are still two years left before the opening of the God's Blessed Land. He needs to cross the sky and enter the realm of the holy monarch, and he needs to leave the Tongtian Mountain.

Ji Yuyue and Fatty are also in the Yuheng Galaxy. They haven't seen each other in three years, so it's time to reunite.

In addition, if awakening wants people from the central Shenlu to come to the four star regions, the most suitable place to stay is the Yuheng Galaxy, and he also needs to go and see in advance.

A few days later, Awaken left the Heavenly Sacred Mountain, accompanied by Li Zhouxing. The latter practiced the Nine Dragon Heavenly Tribulation. When he was awakened and crossed the Heavenly Tribulation, he was watching on the side, which was extremely beneficial to practicing this divine way.


Erliu mountain area, first-class mountain area.

More than a dozen large forces are closely watching the movement of awakening.

"Wake up and leave Tongtian Shenshan, accompanied by only one young man."

"Awakening has arrived at Hei Jiao Star, and has taken the teleportation array to leave."

"Wake up and arrived at the Seahorse Galaxy. Through route analysis, it should be to the Yuheng Galaxy."

After waking up and leaving, countless intelligence and confidence spread out.

Half a month later, on the edge of the Jade Dragon galaxy, on a dead planet, countless figures emerged from the major forces, each being controlled by a powerful sage.

Ji Lanbing, the four guardian elders of the four sacred palaces of the demon domain, the heavy mountain sage of the Yushan Jianzong, the five dragon elders of the Dragon Ring Holy Land, the gray-clothed ghosts of the Heavenly Ghost Pope, and so on.

At first glance, there are actually more than a dozen powerful people gathered here.

"Little beast, let's see where you escape this time." A hint of happiness appeared on Ji Lanbing's face. After the battle of the Wushu Conference, the Ji clan held a clan meeting because of the awakening.

After the vote, the Ji clan’s overall will no longer continued to target awakening, but there was no intention of wooing it, which was regarded as a kind of indifference.

But Ji Lanbing obviously disagrees with this decision, but she can only get the support of the Ninth Patriarch and the Eighth Patriarch, and the seven ancestors above are indifferent, which makes Ji Lanbing helpless.

However, this doesn't mean that she will let her wake up. She secretly sent someone to stay in Tongtian Mountain, always paying attention to the movement of her wake up.

This time I received the news that I knew that I would leave the Tongtian Mountain and head to the Yuheng Galaxy, and immediately led the confidant.

"This time, we have to wake up and hardly fly!"

Not only Ji Lanbing, but the other major forces have similar ideas.

Many of the Tianjiao under their sect died in the hands of Reawakening. This time it was for revenge.

The Son of God could not deter them either, after all, Pirates had a shallow background, after all, the Son of God hadn't grown up yet, and could completely kill them.


"In three more hours, awakening will arrive here!"

A spy came back from the front to pass on information.


"The big guy hides it."

Countless figures fluttered, each choosing a place to hide. In a short moment, this lonely planet became empty.

And in the planet, there are also a hidden nature of the magic circle, it is difficult to find any clues when the holy soul sweeps here.

Three hours later!

An elegant and luxurious ship approached, and on that deck stood two young people, it was Wake and Li Zhouxing.

The Yuheng galaxy was developed not long ago, and it was not the site of stealing stars before, so God of stealing has not yet established a complete teleportation array system. There are a lot of distances in the middle, and it needs to be on foot.

Of course, in this so-called walking, there will also be a tool like a boat, and the speed is not slow.

"In about half a month, you should be able to reach the Yuheng galaxy." Li Zhouxing estimated, and when he woke up, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Knowing what he meant, Su Xing nodded with a smile: "It has been brewed, and can break through at any time."


Suddenly, Wake and Li Zhouxing were taken aback, and looked at the dead planet. The perception of the two of them far surpasses ordinary holy cultivation. Although the details cannot be ascertained, they can feel a touch of heart palpitations from the dead planet at that moment, and they can't help but be surprised.

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