Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1335: Pierce the sky!

Tongtian Shenshan, Mohaiwan.

In the rocky area where the rays of light flow, led by the domain lord Li Tianxiao, many strong people of the Zixiao Star Region sit on the ground, sitting and talking, and the atmosphere is peaceful.

At a certain moment, Li Tianxiao gently nodded towards the Yutian official in the lower head position.

Yu Tianguan got up, came to the edge of Mohai Bend, holding a square gold seal, with holy power enveloping it, and a sacred breath.


The deep golden holy light flew out from the square gold seal, pierced the barrier of the magic sea, and established a spatial passage.

Soon after, in that space channel, a Tianjiao flew out.

The guards of the Shrine, who had been waiting on the side, took away the storage bags that had been distributed before, and placed them in a tray, waiting for the results to be tested.


"It's Shang Yan from the Shang clan, the 11th super master on the Heavenly Kings Ranking."

"Looking at his expression, most of the time he came home full."


The 7th time of the magic sea has come, and many Tianjiao return, and people are naturally very concerned.

In particular, the leading figures of this generation of major forces are the focus of much attention. Everyone who appears will inevitably attract cheers.

Because they are the favorites to win.

If nothing happens, the champion of this martial arts conference will emerge among them.

"The leader of the Sui generation, Sui Longchao is back."

"The sword of the Sect Sword Sect, Cang Lengxiao is back!"

"Little Princess Ji family, Ji Yuyue is back too!"


After a short half-day, the space tunnel began to close.

Although there were a lot of cheers, there were also many forces who looked sad and not happy.

Tens of thousands of people have entered the Demon Sea, but now less than half of them have returned. The remaining people are naturally left in the Demon Sea forever.

"It's so boring!"

"Nothing at all."

In the crowd, Ji Yuyue started to complain after meeting Su Xing and Fatty.

According to what Ji Yuyue said, she was taken by the space tunnel to the corner of the sea in the magic sea.

The Cape of Wang sea area is a relatively calm sea area in the Demon Sea, where most of the Demon Clan living there are of average fighting strength, and it is the sea area that people most hope to go to in every martial arts conference.

But obviously, Ji Yuyue didn't like it.

There was no other reason, it was too calm.

In the past seven days, after killing some of the average demons, she didn't encounter any interesting things, and she felt very boring.

Regarding this complaint, both Wake and Fatty shook their heads, not knowing what to say. "

"Have you noticed that Little Sage King Baihu hasn't come back?"

"There is also the Little Jade King of the Jade Mountain Sword Sect, the Blue Dragon Saint Son of the Dragon Ring Holy Land, the devil of the Heavenly Ghost Pope..."

I don't know if I don't mention it.

People suddenly discovered that many of the leaders of the second-rate and first-rate forces had not returned, and even all the arrogances of the first-rate forces had been wiped out.

Suddenly there was an uproar.

It should be noted that the leading figures of the second-rate and first-rate forces are mostly the top 100 players on the list of kings of heaven. Now a dozen or so people have disappeared at once. This has never happened in previous years.

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on?"

Someone asked.

Everyone wants to know the reason behind this incident.

"Report to the Palace Master that Little Saint King was killed by the awakening of the stolen star."

"Report to the Sect Master that the Blue Dragon Saint Child was also killed by the awakening of the Pirate Star."

"Report to the leader that the devils were also killed by awakening."


Some of the arrogances who had survived back from the Mohai reported the situation to their suzerain one after another.

"Who is awakening?"

"Unexpectedly killed so many leading Tianjiao all at once!"

"My God! This guy is going to pierce the sky!"

On the long coastline of Mohai Bend, there were countless discussions in those countless corners.

Most people know very little about awakening, so naturally they are extremely curious at this moment.

"Who is awakening!"

But on the rocky terrain where the rays of light flowed, a large number of great figures stood up one after another, with a deep breath, looking extremely angry.

Tianjiao, the leader of each force, has spent countless efforts to cultivate and carry a lot of hope. If it falls, years of hard work will naturally be wasted, and hope will also be shattered.

Such a blow is naturally very heavy.

"Pirate God!"

"We need an explanation on this matter!"

A great figure, one after another, cast their eyes on the Thief God who was sitting behind the jade table.

Just now, they heard very clearly that the awakening came from Pirates.

For a time, the atmosphere became tense.

"Should I fight?" The fat man's face was earthy, with a look of fear: "Can Thief God be able to fight?"

"Do not worry!"

"How can Pirate God be a talented person, how can he be afraid of a few suzerain-level figures?"

It is rare to wake up to say good things about Thief God once, and the voice is very loud. According to his estimation, the Thief God sitting on it should be able to hear clearly.

Sure enough, God Thief's face trembled unconsciously, and he turned his head and gave him a vicious look.

How many suzerain-level figures?

There are more than a dozen great sovereigns!

Moreover, there are still several inside, and their cultivation bases have reached the level of a demigod.

After the Pirate star cursed Awakening hundreds of times in his heart, he slowly stood up, his face calm and calm and said: "What do you mean by this?"

"Li Xingfeng, what are you pretending to be confused? Little Saint King Baihu is dead, it's impossible to just let it go."

The lord of the White Tiger Sacred Palace, Bai Yuan, stared at the Pirate God angrily.

Bai Yuan is a demigod, extremely powerful.

"That's right! How can the devil of the pope **** die for no reason?"

The Sovereign of Heavenly Ghost Pope, his body is shrouded in black robe, his body is filled with black mist, his breath is cold and strong, and he is also a demigod.

"The Son of Canglong has been carefully cultivated for hundreds of years, and I need an explanation for my Dragon Ring Holy Land!"

The lord of the Dragon Ring Holy Land is an old man, but full of energy, full of energy, and also a demigod, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, like a human emperor, whose majesty cannot be looked at directly.

"My Little Jade King of Jade Mountain Sword Sect cannot die in vain."

Another suzerain-level figure spoke.

The existence of three demigods, together with many suzerains, put pressure on them.

This scene alone is enough to shock countless people.

However, the Pirate God did not panic at all, as if he had already been commonplace for such big scenes, and said confidently: "Which martial arts conference will not kill a few people? The heir skills he cultivated are inferior to others, who is blamed?"

"Li Xingfeng, you are deceiving too much!"

There was a burst of bursts that sounded one after another, like rolling thunder blasting in people's ears. The Thief God's unrelenting retreat caused the existence of the three demigods, as well as many sect masters, to almost explode the pot, one by one angry.

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