Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1331: Holy Fire!

"That kid, I want you to stop, are you deaf?"

"This group of magic carps, we have been tracking for half a day, they belong to us."

"Stop immediately, and hand over all the magic seeds you get, I will consider letting you go."

Several figures far away in the sky realized that awakening did not stop because of their drinking, and they were furious.

Unfortunately, awakening is still deaf.

The magic carp is a thing of no owner. How can it be said that it belongs to whom?

Besides, the speed of the magic carp is not fast, as long as it sees it, it can catch up quickly, so why take half a day?

Since knowing it is an excuse, waking up is naturally too lazy to bother.

Before he hunted these magic carps, he also expected that he might encounter trouble.

Because there are too many magic carps, there must be a lot of movement in the fierce battle, and it is a quick way to get results, and people will definitely be jealous.

Waking up without a rush, swept away the remaining magic carp before the opponent arrived.

And those few figures did not speak again for a while, but their expressions were very cold, and there was even more cold glow in their eyes.

Killing in the Demon Sea is not a big deal.

The previous martial arts conferences, this magic sea, are the best places to resolve personal grievances.


When Su Xing slashed the last demon carp, the several figures happened to come not far away from him. A total of six people, from the same force, were very tacitly involved, trapping Xing Xing in the middle.

Su Xing glanced at it. The strength of these six people is very good, especially two of them, their cultivation base aura is extremely strong, far surpassing ordinary Saint King realm masters.

"Boy, you are really arrogant! You dare to **** food in front of our Holy Fire Sect."

The headed young man said with a gloomy expression.

His name is Qi Yan, he is the holy son of the Sacred Fire, and he is also the 450th master on the list of heavenly kings.

Five hundred on the list of kings of heaven is a barrier.

Passing this hurdle, it shows that you have the battle power of the saint king.

With the cultivation base of the Saint King Realm, it is extremely rare to have the battle power of the Saint Monarch level.

Because the realm gap between the Saint King Realm and the Saint King Level is huge, it is difficult to cross, and being able to become a Saint King is very talented.

This point can't be changed even after waking up, and his taboo area has been greatly compressed.

God forbid, it is impossible to break this barrier.

"Brother, don't talk so much nonsense, I'm here to guitar him."

The person who spoke, named Wang Yu, ranked 523th in the Heavenly Kings Ranking, was the strongest existence among the six, excluding Qi Yan.

"it is good!"

Qi Yan nodded, as if he was waking up to death.


Wang Yu grinned, and his body turned into an afterimage, appearing in the air several thousand meters above Wake's head. With his big hand, a fire dragon roared out, setting off a fiery wave, almost burning the void.

The Sacred Fire is a first-class power.

Although it cannot be compared with the Sui clan, Ji clan, Shangzong Jianpai, and Shang clan among the first-class forces, it is also the existence of Megatron.

The Sacred Fire is famous all over the world because of its uniqueness in Tianhuo Avenue.

The Heavenly Fire Thief Sage, who had been in contact with Awakening, was once a disciple of the Holy Fire Sect. Later, he became a star thief and joined the Holy Fire Sect.

Tianhuo Dadao is one of the few existences who are not afraid of close combat.

This is also the reason why Wang Yu, even though he saw the magic carp killed with physical strength just now, still didn't deliberately stretch the distance.


The fire dragon roared fiercely, swooped down, but plunged into the air, evaporating a large area of ​​seawater in the nearby area, revealing a huge pit.

"Wang Yu, be careful!"

Qi Yan exclaimed, his eyesight was even older, and he still caught the awakened figure.

In fact, without Qi Yan's reminder, Wang Yu felt something was wrong after the first shot, and hurriedly used the holy power, and layers of fire walls appeared around his body to defend himself.


Also at this moment, Su Xing Lianren's fist suddenly appeared, accompanied by a huge sound, his fists blasted out.


In fact, the wall of fire, which is extremely defensive, is as fragile as tofu at this moment, crushing easily in the fist.

"The power of five dragons!"

Qi Yan exclaimed again.

As he woke down with a fist, his body's essence was rolling behind him, turning into a five-headed true dragon phantom, the scene was extremely terrifying.


The fist gang was like a broken bamboo. After destroying the defensive wall of fire, it slammed on Wang Yu's chest. Suddenly, Wang Yu's body burst and turned into a rain of blood.

For a moment, the scene fell into a strange silence.

One punch to kill Wang Yu, ranked 523th on the Heavenly Kings Ranking? This is incredible.

Including Qi Yan, the other four sacred flames teach Tianjiao, all with shocking faces.

"Let's do it together and kill him!"

Qi Yan's face was pale.

He never dreamed that an unknown kid he met suddenly possessed such a powerful physical power.

The power of five dragons!

This shows that the opponent's physical strength has already reached the level of a saint.


The other four Holy Fire Cult Tianjiao who came back to their senses also drank coldly.

Although they were shocked by the strength revealed by Awakening, they had no intention of shrinking.

After all, their saint son Qi Yan also possesses saint king-level combat power, and the other four are also masters within a thousand on the list of heavenly kings. They cooperate with each other and take action together, even if the saint king will end in hatred.

Unfortunately, they encountered a awakening.


Fierce fighting broke out instantly.

But this time, awakening did not use physical power again.


With the dazzling sword light, the whole area of ​​thousands of miles was enveloped, and the whole world was completely transformed into a vast ocean of sword intent.

After a while, he woke up and left that piece of water.

Behind him, Qi Yan and the four Holy Fire Cult Tianjiao had completely disappeared.

"Killing and surpassing goods is really the simplest way to gain wealth and achievements."

After walking tens of thousands of miles, he awoke and glanced at some of the extra storage bags in his hand, and shook his head.

Among them, six storage bags were used by Qi Yan's six people to place the magic seeds. Awakening transferred all of them to his own storage bags. At first glance, there were about 500 magic seeds.

There is also a demon seed, exuding the aura of the holy monarch realm.

In this way, he now has more than a thousand demon seeds of the Saint King realm, and a dozen demon seeds of the first rank of Saint King.

Get rid of the demons, Qi Yan and the others have a lot of wealth. There are about tens of thousands of low-grade Holy Spirit sources. As for other miscellaneous things, they don't bother to look at them when they wake up.

"The Son of God is dead. The Holy Fire's participation in the Wushu Conference this time is basically annihilated."

Su Xing shook his head without thinking about it.

When Qi Yan and others wanted to kill him, the ending was doomed. Half a day later, his awakening pace slowed down, and he came to an area of ​​islands.

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