Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1328: On the Wu Conference begins!

"The so-called anti-realm re-cultivation is to forcibly break up the foundation of one's cultivation, return to the starting point, and re-cultivation."

"The biggest advantage is that through two trainings, the foundation of martial arts is extremely solid, far surpassing other martial arts, but the process is also full of many dangers and tests."

Ji Yuyue explained.

"Unexpectedly, Ji Changkong actually did this."

Wake up secretly surprised.

It takes great determination and perseverance to break up the hard-working cultivation base, return to the original point and start all over again. This requires great determination and perseverance. It is no easier than achieving the position of a god. Ji Changkong can do this, and he is worthy of the name of the son of god.

Su Xing estimated that even in the ranks of gods, Ji Changkong was also among the best.

"He also had to do it."

"A hundred years ago, Ji Changkong ascended to the seat of champions and entered the temple of the shrine to learn Taoism, but what he learned was too complicated, causing the original foundation of cultivation to show signs of collapse."

"So he simply didn't do two things, and carried out a rebuild."

Ji Yuyue took a deep look at Su Xing and said: "Wake up, if you get the championship, you must learn from Ji Changkong's experience and lessons."

"I know!"

Wake up and nodded.

If the anti-realm reconstruction is successful, it is naturally good, but it is not necessary for him, his foundation is extremely solid, every step is flawless, and there is no need to rebuild.

Moreover, he needed to find the Chaos Phoenix Heart, and there was no time to spend hundreds of years.

The next month was calm.

Su Xing originally thought that after Bai Yufei left, his brother Baihu Xiaoshengwang would probably come to ask for trouble, but didn't want to. There was no such thing.

"This little white tiger saint king is a person."

Wake nodded secretly.

He guessed that the opponent was mostly through Bai Yufei's injuries and saw some clues, and he was unwilling to have more trouble before the Wushu conference, and chose to forbear it temporarily.

Finally, it was the day of the Wushu Conference.

Early in the morning, a group of people headed by Thief God walked down from Kaisheng Pavilion.

The thief glanced at the open area at the foot of the mountain and said lightly: "This year is not bad!"

"Fatty shot, I don't have that free time!"

Su Xing pouted, knowing that what the Thief God was referring to was that he had not blocked the gate of the mountain when he opened the Saint Pavilion this year, so he was unwilling to admit that he had done the thing of a gatekeeper.

The Pirate God didn't care, just patted the awakened shoulder: "That God Spirit Order is very helpful to Pirate Star, you can figure it out."

"This old guy is really making the idea of ​​the gods."

The corner of his mouth twitched.

A group of people set off.

The Tongtian Mountain is boundless, and each mountain region is as big as a galaxy. If you rely on other means of transportation, you will only see it if you want to travel through the mountain region. I don't know how many years it will take.

However, under the management of countless domain masters, many large teleportation arrays and even spatial tunnels have been established to connect many mountains. As long as you have enough money, transportation will be very convenient.

The group of people took a large teleportation array and arrived at Mohai Bend in the first-class mountain area.

This is the place where the Onwu Conference is held.

The endless coastline stretches like the edge of a huge moon.

As far as I can see, the sea is pitch-black, and the magical energy is surging, but it is restrained by the powerful magic circle, and it can't invade the shore at all.

The boundless ocean is the Demon Sea, a place bordering the Demon Realm.

But unlike the entrance of Mo Yuan in the Central God Lu, this bordering place is quite strange, and its function is more like a trial place for the two realms of humans and demons.

On that long coastline, countless black and crushed heads have already gathered.

Looking around, it is as if the magic sea is spreading ashore, the waves formed by the silhouettes are rolling, and a very lively and noisy atmosphere is also coming to the face.

Especially, on that coastline, a piece of rocky terrain stands majestic and majestic, vast and steep, which is the most eye-catching.

On that piece of high-altitude rocky terrain, there are many palaces built, solemn and sacred, surrounded by a large number of shrine guards, wearing golden armor, solemn and majestic.

An open area on the rock, red carpeted floor, surrounded by many jade tables and chairs, neatly and orderly, and sitting behind those tables and chairs are all big people.

Even the person sitting at the end has the cultivation base of the ninth-tier peak of the saint.

As for the people who are close to the aloft, resplendent throne, almost all are half-god powerhouses.

These semi-god powerhouses are all ancestor-level figures in the major forces. They are old antiques who have lived for countless years, and their strength is unfathomable.

At the edge of the coastline below them, the land emptied by a large group of shrine guards, stood all major forces, preparing to participate in the martial arts conference.

Such as Sui Longchao of the Sui clan, Shang Yan of the Shang clan, Cang Lengxiao of the Shangzong Jian Sect, and the four great arrogances of the Ji clan are all listed.

They are the group with the highest voices to win the championship.

But after removing them, the breath of others is also obscure and inexplicable, which should not be underestimated.

No one can guarantee whether the major forces will have hidden means to cultivate dark horses secretly and prepare to fight out.

On the periphery of these people, there are regular people from the major forces. There are older generations of strong people, and there are also young talents who come to watch the battle and increase their knowledge.

At first glance at Su Xing, the number of people participating in the Wushu Conference alone reached tens of thousands.

You know, not everyone can participate in the Wushu Conference. Every player here is carefully selected by the major forces, and the number is still so large.

And more, it was the crowd of spectators who could not see the end of the battle.

The Martial Arts Conference is a grand event that will pass through the heavens and mountains, once in a century.

It is the platform for the young talents to become famous all over the world.

It is a good opportunity for spectators to celebrate and increase their knowledge.

It is a fighting arena for major forces to change the structure and seek profits.

"Pirate God, don't come to nothing!"

As the Thief God arrived at a jade table not far below the emperor's seat, someone next to him began to say hello.

"Pirate God, I heard that you opened the Saint Pavilion this year, and you haven't been blocked by the gate!"

Someone spoke again.

At that time, the Pirate God created the Pirate Star with his own power. He was the most dazzling talent of that era, and his sharp edge crushed countless people of his generation.

Naturally, many people feel unhappy.

For Thief Star and Thief God, they are even looking for opportunities to suppress them.

In previous martial arts conferences, the opening of the saint pavilion was not only a competition between the younger generation, but also the reason for the disgusting thieves of the ancestors behind it.

This is also the reason why God Thief must awaken and throw it under the mountain this year.

He wants to draw some people's faces by waking up!

"I hope someone will gamble!"

"It's a pity, it seems that none of your families have any promising juniors this year!" The Thief God smiled and looked around.

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