Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1323: Block the door!

With the approach of the Wushu Conference, the major forces have basically arrived at Tongtian Mountain.

According to its heritage, they are distributed in different mountain areas.

First-class powers such as the Sui clan, Shang clan, Shangzong Sword Sect, and Ji clan, have their palaces in the first-rate mountains.

As for Pirate Star, the background is lacking, and it is in the Sanliu Mountain Region, which is a third-rate force in people's eyes.

In previous martial arts conferences, most of the results of Pirates ranked bottom.

The Giant Spirit Palace is also a third-rate force, but its performance in the Wushu Conference is much better than that of the Pirate Star, and it is in the middle of the third-rate force.

The brawny men in front of the iron tower came from the giant spirit palace.

Gambling on the mountain gate was an unwritten rule before the Wushu Conference.

It's a warm-up activity.

The major forces will send young Tianjiao to go to the palace of other forces to block the gate and suppress their opponents.

If you avoid but don't fight, you will admit counsel and you will be shameless.

If you lose in battle, you will also lose face.

In the past, Pirates were bullied by other third-rate forces, and they were basically blocked by the mountain gate for a month.

By the time the Wushu Conference started, morale had already fallen to the bottom and turned into a laughing stock. How could there be any thoughts to perform well in the Wushu Conference?

"Are you two deaf?"

"Let you go and inform Tianjiao, the Pirate Star on the mountain, that our Giant Spirit Palace is blocking the door."

The strong men in the Giant Spirit Palace urged.

They have been paying attention to Stealing Stars, just want to come to block the mountain gate for the first time, and they don't want to be taken first by other forces.

By suppressing Pirates, they can increase their morale, show off their strength, and make the Giant Spirit Palace more famous.

"The Pirates Tianjiao are very busy and have no time to pay attention to you."

Wake up plainly, ready to send the other party.

"No time?"

"Puff! This is really the most ridiculous excuse I have ever heard."

"You Shoushan boy, mentally retarded to such a degree?"

The brawny men of the Giant Spirit Palace laughed together.

Wake's face turned dark.

"call out!"

His body disappeared from where he was, and when he reappeared, he came to a group of strong men in the giant spirit palace.

"Boom bang bang!"

With the sound of a series of collisions, a group of brawny men in the Giant Spirit Palace were kicked out like balls.

"With this kind of strength, are you embarrassed to block the mountain gate?"

Su Xing shook his head, turned and walked towards the bamboo house.

The stolen **** sent to guard the mountain gate, he was in a bad mood, these guys in the giant spirit palace, but they hit the muzzle, repeatedly provoked, naturally not polite to wake up.


Unlike waking up and feeling a little boring, the fat man looked interested and rubbed his hands in excitement.

Soon after, the group of brawny men in the giant spirit palace who were knocked into flight went back and forth one after another.

Although they were all embarrassed, they showed no signs of injury, which was shocking.

You must know that although the wake-up action is measured, it is not light. Since the action is taken, it is naturally the purpose of running to prevent the opponent from fighting again.

But I don't want to, these brawny men in the giant spirit palace are extremely powerful in fighting and fighting.

This is related to the "giant spirit change" they practiced.

This is a Dao method that combines the cultivation base and the physical power to practice. It is the palace treasure of the Giant Spirit Palace, which is very unique.

Practicing the giant spirit transformation can greatly increase a person's strength and defense, which is very tough.

"Giant Spirit Body!"

A group of brawny men in the Giant Spirit Palace quickly enlarged in size, and in the blink of an eye, they all turned into giants thousands of feet tall, looking extremely mighty.

And their strength, also at this moment, has been greatly improved.


A brawny man in the Giant Spirit Palace stepped on the ground fiercely, and the ground with a radius of one thousand meters fell into a depth of several feet.

This destructive power is already extremely terrifying.

Because the Tongtian Mountain is different from other places, everything here has undergone the nurturing of the Dao Fa breath and has become very strong and difficult to destroy.

Ordinary sacred repairs can't even cut the ground with one sword.

"That kid, come out for us!"

The strong man in the giant spirit palace roared.

"How about killing a chicken with a sledgehammer?"

"I'm more than enough to deal with you guys."

The fat man let out a long roar, and the flames on his body rose up, and the whole person, like a fire god, rushed towards several strong men in the giant spirit palace.


Fierce fighting broke out instantly.

After a while, a group of strong men in the Giant Spirit Palace all fell to the ground, all scorched, looking particularly embarrassed.

"too weak!"

"None of them are ranked among the ten thousand kings of heaven, so I am embarrassed to block the mountain gate?"

The fat man shook his head, took out a stone stool, and sat in front of a row of bamboo houses with a relaxed expression on his face.

In the distance, more than a hundred figures appeared.

Most of them were attracted by the movement of the fighting.

Everyone is not surprised that the Pirates are blocked by the mountain gate.

But the people in the Juling Palace were completely defeated, and they didn't lose money by stealing chickens, which surprised everyone.

"This year of Pirates, it seems to be different!"

"Unexpectedly, the big men in the Giant Spirit Palace were hitting the ground looking for teeth."

"The Giant Spirit Palace is just a group of brash men with well-developed limbs and simple minds. Winning them is nothing. At best, it can only show that Pirates will not be at the bottom this year."

A young man in a long gown came out and glanced at the fat man with disdain.

"It's the mountain of Luofu Mountain, Luo Liuyun."

"Luofu Mountain ranks among the top ten among the third-rate powers, and it is not comparable to the Giant Spirit Palace."

"And Luo Liuyun is even more of a 7000-ranked master on the Heavenly Kings Ranking. If he makes a move, I'm afraid the fat guy will be unlucky!"

With the opening of Shengge Mountain Gate, more and more people gathered, and Luo Liuyun, the mountain of Luofu Mountain, also stepped out.

He is holding a folding fan, handsome and handsome.

On prostitution, he dumped the fat man for a thousand miles.

In people's minds, Luo Liuyun is also stronger than the obscure fat man.

"Fatty, behave well!"

Wake walked out of the bamboo house.

He originally wanted to retreat quietly, but it was noisy outside, so he couldn't settle down, so he just walked out and cheered the fat man.


"Promise not to shame the second brother."

The fat man smiled confidently.

"That fat man, are you finished?"

Luo Liuyun hooked his mouth and stood a kilometer away from Fatty.

"Fatty is what you can call?"

"I don't want to change my name or my surname if I sit there, I can do it with Fire!"

The fat man sat up from the stone bench suddenly, staring at Luo Liuyun with a bad look.

Luo Liuyun's face sank and said: "I call you a fat man, that is to give you face, don't be shameless."

"Fuck your uncle and shamelessly!"

"Why do you deserve it?"

The fat man followed the Heavenly Fire Pirate Saint, and after practicing the Heavenly Fire Avenue, his temper became a lot hotter.

There was a boom.

Fatty took the lead and rushed towards Luo Liuyun.

The Louvre has always been known for its vagueness and unpredictability. Their Taoism and their understanding of the Avenue of Wind are very extraordinary.

Luo Liuyun's cultivation is the Heavenly Wind Sacred Heart Art, with a vague body and a very fast speed. Facing Fatty's violent punch, Luo Liuyun easily dodged to avoid him, his body turned into an afterimage, and he swept behind Fatty.

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