Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1321: Tongtian Mountain!

Five years of retreat.

Waking up in the sword dragon wall, stayed for two years.

The nine chapters of sword intent were cultivated to the completion of the sixth chapter of sword intent, which was only a line away from the seventh.

According to the rules of the four star regions, after practicing to the sixth chapter of the sword intent, he can be called a "sword saint".

Awakening is now a well-deserved sword saint.

In the third year, he wandered between Daolongbi and Shenlongbi.

In the body dragon wall, he practiced the dragon fighting technique to the fourth volume. With the physical body alone, he can stimulate the power of the five dragons, which can compete with ordinary sages.

In the Daolongbi, he comprehended Dao Fa, confirmed with himself, changed the fourth form of the nine **** cicadas, the cicada sword form, thoroughly comprehending.

In the last two years, Su Xing walked into Shenglongbi.

Use the Holy Spirit Lake here to improve your own cultivation.

In just two years of effort, his deity and the ancestor dragon avatar, wholeheartedly refine the energy in the Holy Spirit Lake, and his cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the peak of the ninth-order Saint King.

In the past five years, awakening, whether it is physical body, Taoism, sword intent, or cultivation base, has all greatly improved.

He is now hundreds of times more powerful than before.

Naturally, he was full of confidence in that Lunwu Conference.

Fatty and Ji Yuyue have also made rapid progress in the past five years.

Fatty's cultivation base, just like waking up, also reached the peak of the ninth-order Saint King.

But Ji Yuyue actually showed signs of breaking through to the level of the sage, which was frightening.

You must know that from the Saint King Realm to the Saint King Realm, it is a leap of a great realm. Many people have stopped at the peak of the ninth stage of the Saint King in their entire lives and missed the Saint King Realm.

Even the talent of Tian Zong needs many years of accumulation to be qualified to attack the Saint Monarch Realm.

And Ji Yuyue seemed to not need to accumulate anything.

After waking up and calming down, she gradually analyzed that Ji Yuyue's abnormality was mostly related to her Thousand-Bone Divine Body, that kind of special physique, even now that she woke up, she couldn't see through.

In addition, the fat man had obtained the Heavenly Fire Pirates Holy Method, and the origin of the earth, heart, spirit and fire in his body was already blended with each other. In terms of combat power, it was much improved than before.

For this reason, the thief **** allowed Fatty and Su Xing to participate in the martial arts conference.

The Tianjiao on Pirate Stars were still a bit uncomfortable.

Awaken defeated the eight great thieves one by one, so that they lost their temper. Why should the fat man participate in the martial arts conference instead of them?

The fat man is also simply.

A few days ago, with a group of Pirates Tianjiao, ran out of Pirates for a battle.

When he returned, the fat man was arrogant and arrogant, like a rooster that had won a battle, while a group of star thief Tianjiao, like eggplants beaten by frost, was completely stunned.

Before leaving the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain, he woke up and went to Jiulong Mountain City and exchanged all the Dragon Coins on him for cultivation resources and treasures of heaven and earth.

No one knows how much he exchanged.

All I know is that Thief God's face is not very good-looking. He clenched and loosened his hands, loosened and clenched, as if he had endured to the extreme, and wanted to slap him to death.

Waking up without fear.

He is the one who wants to participate in the martial arts conference, he does not believe in the **** of thieves and dares to move him.

A few days later.

The Pirate God took Thousand Illusion Thief Saint, Aba Thief God, Sky Fire Thief Saint, as well as Awakening, Ji Yuyue, and Fatty, and left Pirate Star.

When leaving, they were riding in the teleportation array.

When he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that he had come to a desolate star, where the temperature was extremely low, as if full of unpredictable danger.

"It is estimated that it is similar to Yuanci Mountain."

"This old guy is more cunning than the loach, and I don't know how much it hides in such a secret retreat."

Wake up secretly slander.

On this desolate and lonely star, there is also a teleportation formation.

Waiting until the wake and others took the teleportation formation to leave, they found that they had arrived in a mansion.

His holy soul covered it and found that this was a rather prosperous planet.

But this is not the end of a group of people.

After that, he took the teleportation array more than a dozen times, and finally stopped.

A group of people appeared outside a prosperous planet, and in front of that, there was an unimaginable mountain standing in the starry sky.

It is thousands of miles high, as if it can pierce the starry sky and reach the realm of God.

Countless planets are flying around the huge mountain.

This is the center of the Zixiao Starfield, Tongtian Mountain.

In front of the Heavenly God Mountain, the planet looks very small, extremely majestic, spectacular, and shocking.

"In addition to being extremely majestic, this Tongtian sacred mountain has many unique features."

"Its location happens to be in the center of the Zixiao Star Territory. It gathers the luck of the entire Zixiao Star Territory, and it will never fail."

"Each generation of domain owners will sit on the Heavenly Sacred Mountain and spend countless years operating it. It is impossible to say how many secrets are hidden inside the mountain."

"Cultivating here also has great benefits, even if it is only in the Jiuliu Mountain Region, it is far better than ordinary planets."

Thief was quite emotional.

From the bottom to the top, Tongtian Mountain is divided into ten regions.

Separately, the Jiuliu Mountain Area and the Baliu Mountain Area... to the first-class mountain area, and then to the mountain top shrine.

Among them, the three mountain regions of Jiuliu, Baliu, and Qiliu are located at the foot of the mountain, while Liuliu, Wuliu, and Siliu are located on the mountainside, and the third mountain is up close to the top of the mountain.

The mountaintop shrine belongs to the domain lord Li Tianxiao.

"Finally saw the legendary Tongtian Mountain!"

"I heard that even in the Jiuliu Mountain Region, if you stay for one day, you still need to spend 10 Holy Spirit Sources."

"When you arrive in the Liuliu Mountain Region, the cost of one day is all up to 100 Holy Spirit Source."

"Upon the third stream, the cost is at least a thousand holy spirit sources to start."

The fat man slapped his tongue while narrating.

The area of ​​Tongtian Mountain is huge, tens of thousands of times larger than the planet, and the population it can hold is countless.

And everyone needs to pay the source of the Holy Spirit every day.

Taking a comprehensive calculation, this income alone is enough to make Domain Lord Li Tianxiao sit on countless wealth.

"Could it be that so many people want to be the domain master!"

"It's just that this domain owner is not so easy to be a master."

"The four star regions, although they are not a godless land, to become gods, they also need to participate in good fortune, and they have extremely martial arts talents."

Wake up with a slight emotion.

But Ji Yuyue beside him didn't feel anything.

As this person, I don’t know how many times I have been here since.

Think about it again, Gouchen domain lord Bei Longqi is very fond of Ji Yuyue. With this level of identity, he wakes up and guesses that for others, the four domain masters that are rarely seen in a hundred, Ji Yuyue is probably seen. A lot. As for why Ji Yuyue is so special, Awakening couldn't figure it out, but he vaguely noticed that the Thief God around him seemed to know something, but the latter's cunning and cunning would not reveal a word.

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