Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1319: Practicing swordsmanship!

Awakening and flying in the void, approaching the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain, the speed slowed down.

If the planet Pirate Star is a huge god-level formation, then Jiulong Mountain is the core hub of this god-level formation.

The basin below is even more important.

It is also the place most closely protected by the law circle.

Even the demigod exists, and there is no way to force it.

However, Su Xing has a Kowloon Order in his hand, which allows him to travel here unimpeded.

"The protection is so tight, it is a place where treasures are naturally stored. It seems that Thief God is not stingy this time!"

A tick at the corner of his mouth.

The figure flashed, passing through the layers of the array, and came to the interior of the basin.

From the outside, the clouds covered the fog and the rays of light flowed over the basin, but when I really came into the basin, the line of sight was clear, and the fog and rays of light all disappeared.

Looking around, there are quite a few buildings built on the open area in the center of the basin, just like a city, but there are few people, and obviously there are not many people who are qualified to enter this place.

And all around, there are high cliffs.

On those cliffs, there are nine huge caves, which are as deep as a dragon with its mouth open.


Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint also came here, and after seeing waking up, he walked over.

"Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint!"

Wake up and salute.


"I've heard about it."

"The Wushu Conference is an opportunity. If you can get a good ranking in the conference, you will have very rich rewards."

Thousand Magical Pirates are straight to the point.

"That's it!"

Waking up was quite surprised, but not particularly surprised.

Since the Lunwu Conference was hosted by the domain master Li Tianxiao, it naturally couldn't be a trivial one.

Eliminating all forces, the division of resources and interests will be based on the ranking of the conference, and the young talents who participated in the war will naturally have extremely good gains.

"I'll talk about those things later, let me introduce you to the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain!"

"The hinterland of Jiulong Mountain is divided into two areas, one is the Jiulong Mountain City in the center, and the other is the surrounding Nine Dragon Wall."

"In Jiulong Mountain City, there are many very good training resources that can be exchanged with Dragon Coins, and the surrounding Nine Dragon Walls are nine places to break through and earn Dragon Coins."

In fact, the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain is a place of trial.

Anyone who holds the Kowloon Order can enter and practice.

On Pirates, there are not many people who have the Order of Kowloon, no more than 10,000, including the eight great robbers, the old thieves, and the young princes.

These ten thousand people can be regarded as the group with the strongest strength and the greatest potential in Thieves.

Dragon coins, a kind of hard currency in circulation in the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain, will be automatically deposited in the Jiulong Order.

"It turns out that so many people have the Kowloon Order."

"I just said, how could Thief God be so generous."

After hearing the explanation of Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint, Awaken couldn't help but slander himself.

He had thought that he had the Kowloon Order by himself, obviously he was thinking too much.

"Never mind!"

"Then go to the Nine Dragon Wall area and take a look."

Su Xing didn't have any dragon coins, and when he went to Jiulong Mountain City, he couldn't exchange anything, so he didn't bother to look at it.


"Are there nine sword intents here?"

Soon after, when he awoke and stopped in front of a huge dragon head cave, he was shocked.

This dragon head cave is filled with glowing rays of light inside, and is lingering.

And those glowing lights are not ordinary glowing lights, but a manifestation of kendo notches.

These kendo notches are exactly the same as the first notches of the sword intent recorded on the roll of gluttonous animal skins obtained from awakening, but they appear more vivid and clear.

In this way, it is easier to comprehend.

"I wonder how many of the nine sword intents are recorded in this dragon head cave?"

"Let's talk about it first."

Wake up and walk into the Dragon Head Cave.

"You said, how long can I stay awake?"

"When he was in the ring, the level of kendo that he showed was the first sword intent. Then he can hold on for a quarter of an hour, and he will be driven out by the second sword intent."

"That's not necessarily. Awakening is a kind of arrogance, which cannot be inferred by common sense, but I still want to see the appearance of Awakening walking out of the sword dragon wall in embarrassment, hehe..."

There are many martial artists near the Dragon Head Cave.

Most of them are young talents on Pirates.

However, after seeing the battle that Awaken defeated the Eight Thieves one by one, everyone didn't have the thought of looking for Awakening to compete. After all, no one likes to insult themselves.

People are more curious and want to see how long they can last in the dragon head cave.


Dragon head cave!

Since Suwaken had already comprehended the first chapter of Sword Intent, there was no difficulty in the first chapter, and he did not pay much attention to it.

Soon after, when he reached the area where the second chapter of Jianyi was located, he couldn't help but stop.

In the mid-air of the huge cave, the kendo cuts turned into glowing rays of light, like a gorgeous sword light with a colorful handle.


Reawakening stretched out his hand to fish out, a sword mark that shuttled around was caught in the palm of his hand.

However, in the next moment, there was surging power rushing out, trying to break away from his bondage.

And this kind of power is also extremely mysterious, not a cultivation base, nor a physical body, but a kind of power of Taoism.

This kind of power of Taoism ignores your cultivation level, but a torture of the nine swords.

Suddenly, all the kendo notches in this area gathered together in an instant and turned into a huge long sword, emitting a brilliant light.

Together with the sword mark in Wake's hand, it also flew out and flew into the long sword.

"The second chapter of Jianyi!"

Su Xing's eyes condensed.

These kendo cuts converge into a sword, and the runes on the sword flow and are clearly visible.

This way of teaching the second chapter of Kendo is more mysterious than gluttonous animal skins.

Wake up and sit down, falling into enlightenment.

Soon, in his perception, that sword was slashed head-on, revealing an incomparably wonderful mood.

It has no substantial power damage, but the invasion of the power of Taoism can easily make people feel confused, vomiting blood for three liters of depression.

If you want to resist, the only way is to feel it all.

When you understand the mystery contained in those kendo notches, you will not be affected.

The gluttonous animal skin imparts sword intent with gentle methods.

At this moment, this way of imparting sword intent was very irritable.

But if it can withstand the attack of the power of Jianyi Taoism, the speed of its enlightenment will also increase exponentially.

This is also the reason why the Tianjiao on Pirate Stars, although they vomit blood and fly out from the Dragon Head Cave every time, they still walk in happily.

Pain and happiness. And the Pirate God who created this way of imparting nine swordsmanships indeed possessed the genius of the world.

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