Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1317: Meet the Thief God!

Green hills and valleys, birds and flowers.

The environment here is very pleasant, the Taoist rules are prosperous, and it is also a holy place for cultivation.

Three days have passed since the ring battle ended.

The people on Pirate Star are still discussing all kinds of awakening, but Suwa himself, under the guidance of Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint, came to this valley.

In the past three days, he recovered from his injuries and was affected by fierce fighting. His cultivation base broke through ahead of schedule and reached the second rank of the Holy King.

"Little brother, God Pirate wants to see you."

Thousand Illusion Thief Saint twisted his plump and graceful waist and came to Wake.

Awakening victory without arrogance, defeat without discouragement, and elegant politeness, made Qianhuan Thief Saint like him very much and take good care of him.

"Finally want to see me?"

Wake up and rise up.

He came to Pirate Star to see the Pirate God.

As he expected, the layout of Yuanci Mountain, the structure of the Lost Lands, and the great array on the Pirate Star are all the hands of the Pirate God, all revealing its unpredictable methods and talents.

"Old City Mansion Ruyuan is unpredictable, little brother, you have to deal with it carefully."

Thousands of magic thieves reminded.

"Xie Daosheng, I will be cautious."

Wake up and nodded.

He walked out of the valley and followed a winding mountain road, climbing step by step.

Soon after, he stopped on the edge of a mountain cliff.

There is a pavilion in front of him. In the pavilion sits an old man in grey clothes who is drinking tea.

On the cliffside behind the pavilion, the haze flows and flows, like a fairy air rising, ethereal and leisurely.

"Junior wakes up and meets the Thief God!"

Wake up and salute, dare not careless.

"First destroyed my Yuanci Mountain, and then rushed into me to steal the stars, and wake up, you are not brave!"

"Is it the next step that even Pirates will be destroyed together?"

The gray-clothed old man turned around and stared at awakening with a smile.

He looks good, and when he wants to be young, he is probably a suave character.

His eyes were deep, with a heavy sense of history, which made people unable to understand his thoughts.

Full of energy, without the slightest sense of senility.

This is Pirate God.

"Senior misunderstood!"

"I discovered the Yuancishan mechanism accidentally, and I was forced to destroy the Yuancishan in desperation. After that, I came to the lost place with the teleportation array."

"As for destroying the Pirate Star, there is no such intention."

Su Xing quickly explained.

In front of him, he is close to the gods, with his hands and eyes open to the sky, if he makes the other person unhappy, don't even think about going out of Pirates in this life.

"is it?"

"Do you believe you in a few words?"

"Who knows, are you playing a bitter trick with the Ji clan and want to take the opportunity to steal my stars."

Thief God sneered again and again.

"I am not from the Ji clan."

Wake up and shook his head.

"Then where are you from?"

The Pirate God asked smoothly.

"I come from……"

The words of awakening stopped abruptly, and he raised his head to look at God Thief, and said, neither humble nor overbearing: "Senior Thief God, if you are like a junior, you have lost the style of a senior!"


The thief nodded, "Then I won't talk about you, just say it yourself! Where are you from?"

Wake up without saying.

But there was an extremely terrifying pressure, which came down on him.

"Senior what do you mean?"

Su Xing raised his head and asked.

"If I don't follow your words, it doesn't mean I won't put pressure on you!"

"Don't tell me about the predecessor's style, whoever likes that stuff will take it, I don't care."

The Pirate God glared, without the demeanor of a senior expert, and said with a smile but a smile: "Wake up, what is the situation in your godless land now?"


Wake was shocked.

Thief God's mind is unpredictable, and his wisdom is superb, and he actually guessed his origin.

"Don't deny it!"

"Although I don't have conclusive evidence, this speculation has been carefully scrutinized.

"You first appeared, not far from the Godless Star Territory, and then followed the burning fire, the little fat man, to the Heavenly Dragon Star, and finally to the Guanghan Star, and then was chased by the Ji Clan."

Thief God said slowly.

He actually explained the various experiences of waking up in the four star regions in detail.

"This doesn't prove that I'm from a godless land, right?"

Wake up and shook his head.

"It really can't prove!"

"But you did a great job!"

"God's son's capital, the flesh body is unparalleled, especially your body technique, mystery is endless, that kind of thing, there is no four star field, only two places will be born."

"One is the forbidden land of the gods, and the other is the land without gods."

"Tell me, which place are you closest to?"

It is really not difficult to steal nerves and speculate about these things.

His understanding of the starry sky is far beyond his awakening imagination.

"According to God Thief, the godless land and the forbidden land of gods seem to be more intelligent than the four star regions?"

Wake up and asked tentatively.

"Hundred-legged insects are dead but not stiff."

"The Godless Land and the Forbidden Land of the Gods, although they have become history, it is inevitable that there will not be some good things left behind!"

"This is the result of accumulation. Compared with it, the four star regions are naturally inferior."

The Pirate God stared at awakening with a smile, but did not continue to question his origin.

This made Su Xing sigh in his heart.

This shows that God Thief has completely affirmed his guess, even if he wakes up and does not admit it in person, it doesn't matter.

"Do not worry!"

"My old bone, I can't toss it anymore."

"For more than ten thousand years, maybe I will coerce you and explore the godless land."

The Pirate Shen understood the worries in his heart, and said frankly.

Su Xing asked, "Then senior asked me to steal stars, what's the matter?"

Thief God squinted his eyes and smiled: "It's not the Thief who I asked you to come, but you want to come. You have to understand this."

The corner of Su Xing's mouth twitched, and he didn't believe it when he killed him. The Thief God didn't do anything in the lost place and let him approach the Thief Star step by step, but there was no evidence, so he could only suffer from this dumb loss.

Wake up and walk into the pavilion, pouring himself a cup of tea carelessly, and after drinking it all, he can't help but frown.

He originally thought that the tea that Pirate God drank was definitely not a common product.

Before the other party speaks, drink a few more cups of tea and earn some benefits, how can you know that this tea is actually just ordinary wild tea, without the slightest peculiarities.

"how about it?"

"Is this tea okay?"

"I planted and cooked it by myself. A piece of tea is worth a thousand dollars. The Eight Thieves have repeatedly come to ask for tea."

Thieving God introduced with a smile.

"Old fox!"

Rejuvenated belly slander, the **** one daughter of gold is completely the thief **** is putting gold on his face, it is strange that the eight thieves like to drink this tea.


The Pirate God stretched out his hand and took out a purple-gold invitation card from his arms, with four characters, "On the Martial Arts Conference".

"Look carefully!"

The thief threw the invitation card to wake up.

"On the Martial Arts Conference?" Su Xing opened the purple-gold invitation with doubts.

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