Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1315: Remnant knife steals the saint!

"Sword Intent!"

"This kid is actually immersed in kendo?"

"How much else does he have?"

With the release of the first chapter of Jianyi by Awakening, many exclamations were immediately evoked.

Everyone thought that speed and physicality were what he was best at.

Unexpectedly, he actually comprehended the Nine Sword Intents.

Although only the first one, it is also shocking.

You know, there are thousands of saints who use swords in the world, but there are very few people who can comprehend the nine chapters of sword intent.

The most important thing is that the explosive power of Suwa's cultivation base is also extremely powerful, which led to the first article of his sword intent, which is particularly powerful.

"The fire is coming!"

The Heavenly Fire Pirate's complexion condensed, and the mist was printed between his hands, the fire cloud in the sky surged, and the temperature on the ring suddenly rose.

The next moment, amidst the rumbling thunder, huge sky fires descended from the sky.

"it is good!"

Wake up before the eyes, not surprised but happy.

His fighting spirit rose, stepped into the void, believed in the holy sword, and countless sword marks flew around. With the swing of a sword, the sword marks evolved into sword lights and swept up.


Fierce fighting broke out, and the clashes resounded like thunder.

Although the cultivation base of the Heavenly Fire Pirate Saint was suppressed at the ninth level of the Saint King, his understanding of the holy way was still there, and the destructive power of the Heavenly Fire Dao made his attack extremely powerful.

This battle is inextricably fought.

Awakening and the Heavenly Fire Pirate Saint, the needle is facing Maimang, and they are all against each other.

"Vulcan add body!"

The Heavenly Fire Pirate Sage yelled, and the flames on his body rose, and his whole person seemed to be transformed into a fire god.

There was a boom.

He directly fought hard with Suwaken, and his power was extremely violent.

The awakening vitality surged, and there were signs of retreat.


Su Xing sighed in admiration, and did not panic. His body surface was surging with energy, holding a sword in his left hand and a fist in his right hand, mobilizing his cultivation base and physical strength to fight the Heavenly Fire Thief.

The sharp sword light roared horizontally and horizontally, the real dragon phantom roared fiercely, awakening two-pronged approach, moved back to the disadvantage, and began to suppress the Heavenly Fire Thief.


At a certain moment, he slammed his fist out, and the power of the four dragons exploded, knocking the Heavenly Fire Thief into the air.


Heavenly Fire Pirate Saint rubbed his chest, but his face was smiling.

"you win!"

Heavenly Fire Pirate Saint did not continue to fight.

He has exhausted the ninth-order attack methods of the Saint King, and still can't wake up, but is suppressed by the wake up, this battle has already been lost.


The audience was boiling.

Even though the people on Pirates didn't want to see Awakening win eight games in a row, at this moment, they couldn't help but feel admiration.

Strength is king, strong is respected!

Wake up with iron fists and sharp swords to win everyone's respect.

He bowed to the Heavenly Fire Pirate Saint, turned and stepped onto the sixth ring.

"Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint!"

Wake up and salute.

Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint, also a human race, she is best at illusion.

Illusion is a very unique branch in the avenue, and it is difficult to learn.

Among the billions of martial arts, there is a rare person who has the talent to learn illusion.

And Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint is the only one among hundreds of millions.

And she is extremely accomplished in illusion.

Qianhuan Thief Saint is a middle-aged woman with a graceful figure and the unique charm of a mature woman. Like a ripe peach, her skin can be broken by blowing, as if she can pinch out water.


"Little brother, you are amazing!"

"The slave family likes a genius like you."

Qianhuan Pirate Saint had a charming face and a very enchanting voice. At this moment, the countless male creatures who watched the battle felt that their throats were dry and their complexion was red.

But the awakened eyes were clear and unmoved.

He bowed to the Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint, and said, "The Thieves Saint illusion technique is exquisite, but you can't confuse me with love, it's useless."


Qianhuan Thief Saint shook his head helplessly.

Her illusion is performed through human emotions and desires.

Seven emotions and six desires are full of many aspects, such as happiness, sadness, fear, evil, hurt, emotion and so on.

Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint, just now, through love words, tried to confuse him and wake him into a illusion, but it didn't have the slightest effect and directly failed.

This is because, wake up is not only very strong, but also has taken Zhouxin Mirui.

Zhou Xin Mirui's release of affection reached the extreme.

And because of this, in terms of love, the illusion technique of the Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint didn't work at all.

This battle was extremely easy to win.

It's not that Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint is not strong enough. In fact, her ability to stand on the sixth ring is enough to show that her strength is stronger than Skyfire Thieves Saint.

It's just that the situation of waking up is special, and he has great restraint on Thousand Illusion Thieves Saint.

The seventh ring.

There is a middle-aged man standing, holding a broken knife, wearing a gray linen, dishevelled hair, a rough face, and his cheeks are as sharp as a knife. In addition to being free and easy, he feels vicissitudes of life.

"The Remnant Sword Thief Saint!"

Wake up and salute respectfully.

This is the most powerful opponent he has encountered so far.

The moment he boarded the ring, he felt the endless sword intent, wandering in the void.

Obviously, the opponent's insight on the sword path reached an extremely high level.

"I only gave a knife."

"If you can catch it, even if you win."

Remnant knife Pirate Saint simply said.

His eyes are deep, like an ancient pine, he is not moved by any external factors.

This kind of opponent is extremely terrifying.

Because they are very focused and their hearts are like rocks.

"Little brother, my sister advises you to step out of the ring now."

"The Remnant Sword is different from ours. He is hurt in his heart and will not be merciful. If you can't take his sword, you will die by his sword."

Thousands of magic thieves reminded.

Wake up in the heart.

However, there is no intention to back down.

He looked at the sword thief god, and slowly said: "I have a close friend named Dong Fengxue, who is addicted to knives, and I want to experience the knife skills of seniors and teach them to Fengxue."

"it is good!"

Sword Thief Saint simply spit out a word.

He slowly raised the broken knife in his hand with one hand.

At this moment, the whole Pirate Star was quiet, people did not dare to gasp, and stared at the seventh ring unblinkingly.

Although the Remnant Sword Thief Saint has always been reticent, his sword technique is as bright as the sun hanging in the middle of the sky.

Not to mention stealing stars, they are in the four star regions, and they are also feared by countless people.


Sword Pirate Saint shot.

The broken knife in his hand slowly slashed down.

As this sword fell, the countless sword intents wandering between the heavens and the earth were all sucked over. As for other Taoist rules, there was actually a sign of being suppressed.

The bright light of the knife is extremely gorgeous, like a world under pressure. He woke up as tight as a sword, and felt a great sense of oppression. He took a deep breath and raised the Holy Sword of Faith in his hand as the sword light descended, and displayed the first chapter of sword intent.

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