Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1311: Pirates!

In the vast starry sky, a luxurious ship is moving.

On the deck of the ship, there is a pair of strange combinations, delicate and beautiful young girls, and a refreshing fat man, and on the fat man's head, a fluffy puppy standing upright.

"Boss, why did I get to you, just being held, and running to me, just standing on my head?"

"People are different from people, so treatments are naturally different too!"

"Then why is my treatment so bad?"

"Because you are too fat!"


After all, he made a fortune in the Guanghan Secret Realm. The Fatty shotgun was changed and Lou Chuan bought a new one.

He and Ji Yuyue were trying to find awakening during their trip.

Since knowing the identity of Chichi, who is the first Chizu, Fatty has completely lost his temper.


There is a scarlet collar around Chichi's neck.

This ring is a treasure similar to a storage bag. The fat man doesn’t know how many sources of the Holy Spirit are in it. He only knows that he can’t stop taking the source of the Holy Spirit from the collar and throw it out of his mouth like eating jelly beans. Eat it twice.

"This guy is totally a big stomach king!"

The fat man secretly smacked his tongue, and at the speed of eating the source of the holy spirit like idiots, ordinary people simply can't afford it and will be eaten poorly.

However, Ji Yuyue felt nothing at all.

I don't know how many sources of Holy Spirit she put in that collar.

"Crazy, can you really sense where you are waking up?"

Ji Yuyue asked uncertainly.

The starry sky is vast and boundless, and the Ji clan has launched countless methods, but after a few months, they still have nothing to find and can't find where to wake up.

But Chichi seems to be able to perceive the approximate position of awakening, which is amazing.

"It should have been through a catastrophe with Awakening while Ichichi was still in the eggshell, so that an inexplicable connection was formed, similar to telepathy."

This is the inference that Fatty concluded.


There is a strange nebula zone in the vast starry sky.

This is called the lost place.

The Lost Land is vast, and as the name suggests, no matter who steps into it, you will be lost.

This kind of loss is not only a sense of direction, but also a state of mind, it will also become confused, and finally become a living dead, wandering aimlessly, which is creepy.

For this reason, this lost place is notorious.

No one dared to step into it hastily.

However, what people don't know is that in the inner periphery of the lost place, there actually exists a planet for people to live in.

Outside the planet, there are many boats docked, and the flags flying on those boats are mostly painted with skulls, knives and forks, etc. Looking at the owner of this boat, it is not a good thing.

After Awakening flew out of the teleportation array of Yuanci Mountain, he fell into this lost place.

Here, he wandered for months.

During this period, he explored the weirdness of this lost place, and found that the reason why this place can be lost is that the rules of Taoism are extremely complicated and chaotic.

Simply his perception of the avenue is more keen than anyone else, and only then can he find a way to leave.

In this process, his mood was greatly tested.

Almost lost a few times, but in the end it was all gritted teeth and persisted.

But when he walked out of the lost place, he thought it was safe to leave, but he didn't expect to go deeper and deeper, and came to the sky above the planet.

"Where is this?"

Waking up in surprise.

Inside the Lost Land, there is actually a habitable planet. The key is that there are people living on this planet, which seems a bit weird.

"It seems that the existence of the magic circle designed by Yuancishan is mostly living on this planet. If this is the case, then meet the senior."

The teleportation array of Yuanci Mountain directly awakened to the lost place, adjacent to this planet.

Everything is designed.

Awakening even suspected that his every move was under the surveillance of the other party.

So I didn't choose to leave.

Destroyed their magic circle and cut their back path, there is definitely no reason to leave easily.

This debt must be paid!


The awakened figure flashed, passed through the atmosphere, and entered the planet.

Strangely speaking, there is no magic circle guarding the planet.

This is somewhat different from the style of the existence and arrangement of the Yuancishan mechanism array.

Standing high in the sky, waking up and looking at the mountains and the earth below, I finally understood why there was no magic circle outside the planet to guard.

Because this planet is the largest magic circle.

Mountains, rivers, terrain, etc., are all part of the law formation.

"Once this circle is activated, it will be beyond imagination!"

After waking up for a while, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

This magic circle is absolutely generous. It is laid out on the entire planet, and it is fortunate. If the power is fully erupted, it can even kill the gods.

This is incredible.

The opponent's attainments in the formation are already close to the gods.

On this planet, there are nine huge boundless mountains, which are particularly eye-catching. They are like giant dragons crawling on the ground, and even dragon heads and tails are clearly visible.

On the backs of those mountains, there are many palace buildings.

"Since it's here, don't stand there foolishly."

"Stealing stars have rules for stealing stars. Outsiders must pass the first eight levels to survive."

A voice rang directly in Su Xing's mind.


Wake nodded respectfully.

That existence is extremely extraordinary, and after all, he has come to other people's realm, so he should be in the countryside and do as the customs.


In the void, light suddenly appeared.

Eight huge arenas emerged one after another.

The materials of these ring structures are very peculiar, like jade but not jade, or stone but not stone, and more like polished bones of some kind of giant beast.

"It's somewhat the same as the aura of the gluttonous animal skin. These arena, aren't they polished from the bones of the gluttonous ancient animal?"

Waking up secretly smacked.

At this moment, eight figures appeared one after another on the eight arenas.

There are middle-aged women with lingering charm, rough mine men with scumbag faces, barbarians with thin stature, ghosts floating in the air like ghosts, and feather tribes with beautiful wings.

Of these eight figures, only three are human races, and the remaining five are all other races.

But they all have one thing in common, they are rebellious and fierce.

After getting rid of these figures on the ring, there were countless figures rushing out of those mountains and rivers, and the sky was filled with darkness.

At a glance, there are tens of millions of people.

These people, who were all hidden in the mountains and rivers before, immediately opened up the arena, and they acted immediately, occupying favorable locations, and creating the excitement.

And these spectators are also bizarre and uneven.

Human race, orc race, monster race, ghost, etc.

Their costumes are even more bizarre and dazzling.

"Pirates are really well-deserved, and they are worthy of being the base camp of the Star Thieves. Hundreds of races coexist, and there are thousands of sights!"

Wake up with a slight emotion.

Now, if he doesn't understand where he is, it would be too slow.

Pirates! It is the base camp of Star Thief.

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